Saturday Movie Matinee: Jack Cashill Keynotes MO Right to Life Banquet

Last night, Missouri Right to Life held their Benefit Banquet for Life in Independence, MO. The keynote speaker was conservative author, journalist and blogger, Jack Cashill.

Jack Cashill’s Thine Eyes, narrated by actress Jennifer
O’Neill, the 50 minute, professionally made movie provides audiences with a
stirring insight into the Pro-Life Movement through the passion, the sincerity, and
the simple eloquence and visual appearances of the young people participating in
the March for Life in Washington, D.C., January 22, 2009.

Before he spoke, District 5 Republican candidate, Jacob Turk was invited to come up and say a few words to the assembled:

Cashill’s enlightening speech  focused on the scientific basis for the pro-life movement.

When my flip camera ran out of batteries, I  resorted to my iphone:

Cashill is known in the conservative blogosphere as the man who discovered the similarities between Bill Ayers’ style of writing and Obama’s in his autobiography, Dreams From My Father. Cashill’s once controversial charge that Obama’s book was ghost-written by Bill Ayers is now widely accepted as the truth.


On to today’s matinee! What Was Your Favorite Debate Moment?

Hannity: Mitt Romney & Paul Ryan First Post Presidential Debate Interview 10/4/12:
Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan sit down together for their first post debate interview.
 PJTV Sneak Peek: Ann Coulter on President Obama’s Disastrous Debate:
 PJTV: Hide Your Kids, Hide Your Wife! Race Obsessed Liberals Will Curse at Your Kids to Make Their Point:
Ann Coulter appeared on The View and was scolded by Whoopi Golderberg on issues of race. AlfonZo Rachel thinks that Whoopi Goldberg does not understand racism, or the role the Democratic Party played in segregationism. He also asks why Hollywood liberals not only have to curse and swear to make their points, but also have to mistate facts. Hear the Details on this ZoNation.
Charles Krauthammer Analysis Presidential Debate:
Wherein Krauthammer says Romney dissolved 100 million dollars worth of negative ads and turned them to dust.
 PJTV  KRUISER CONTROL —- MSNBC Post-Debate Meltdown Will Obama Blame Bush for his Debate:
Via iOWNTHEWORLD:  Bill Maher: Obama took his Million and spent it all on weed:
That’s right, he said it…
Lee Doren: Even Worse than I Thought:
Doren weighs in on the Obama administration’s Libya scandal.
Governor Christie On Unions: I Am Not In Favor Of Anyone Getting A Free Ride:
Governor Christie speaks at a Building Trades Town Hall in Perth Amboy, NJ on October 3rd, 2012.
PJTV Trifecta: You Are Not Paranoid: Governments Really Are Tracking Your Every Move:

I want to take a moment to call attention to one of the most egregious things going on across our country, and that’s Village Voice Media, who runs a number of newspapers around our country, including the New Times here in Miami-Dade County and actively, actively advertising the services of some of these young girls.  Actively, you can go on there and buy a human being for two hours, and you can do that on advertising going on in newspapers being printed in this very town by Village Voice Media.  It is an outrage.

 They make millions and millions of dollars selling human beings in this country. – Senator Marco Rubio

Axed is a documentary that will tell the truth about the green movement. The film will be built upon one simple, proven historical fact: Liberty works! But, in the name of “being green,” our liberties, our private property rights, and our standards of living are constantly being chopped at and splintered away. The truth needs to be told! So we are going to document stories of individual Americans and natural resource based companies who are being sacrificed on a green altar. We also plan to meet with historians and experts on the subject.
$50,000 is the minimum we need if we are going to complete AXED. That will be enough to cover our costs. If we raise anything over, it will go towards making the film better as well as marketing to reach more people. The more we raise the bigger the impact (read on to see the backing bonuses if we exceed our minimum funding goal). Please note that if we don’t meet our fundraising goal of at least $50,000 by November 28th we won’t receive a penny. It’s all or nothing. Kickstarter will not charge your credit card if we are not 100% successfully funded.
You can donate to the project, here.