Bill Whittle on Obama’s Sequester Scheme: “Making It Hurt” (Video)

Bill Whittle puts into words as only he can, the diabolical sequester scheme of the Narcissist in Chief,  which he says  is the most “petty, malicious, mean spirited, cowardly and hateful thing” he’s done, so far.

“He’s deliberately inflicting as much pain on the American people as he can possible muster so he can accelerate our way into bankruptcy,” Whittle says.

Obama and his cohorts are doing lasting damage to this country, and these ruthless Alinskiites won’t stop until the people wise up…and that probably isn’t happening anytime soon…

Hat tip: Moonbattery

One thought on “Bill Whittle on Obama’s Sequester Scheme: “Making It Hurt” (Video)

  1. i cant beleave how f-ing stupid americans have become. as long as its free, they will vote for him! it scares the sh$% out of me, how blind the dem’s have become. i think they are so caught up in obamas bullsh%$ they are afraid to admit it so they just keep on keeping on. there pay checks or retirerment are not getting touched! let the kids suffer! thats there great idea!!! Arent they working for us? THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES! i would love to see Queen Polosi face if they (THE PEOPLE) , ASKED HER TO TAKE A CUT IN PAY, OR REFORM HER RETIREMENT! OR ANY OF YOU SO CALLED POLITICIANS TAKE A CUT IN PAY! HOW THAT FOR A PLAN! YOUR NOT EVEN WORTH MIN. WAGE AT THIS POINT!!! THINK ABOUT WHAT YOUR DOING! OTHER COUNTRYS LOOK AT US LIKE WE ARE FREAKING CLOWNS. I GUESS CUZ WE HAVE ONE FOR A PREZ! YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED!!!


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