Video: Jeanine Pirro Rips Obama Regime For Letting Dangerous Illegal Immigrant Criminals Walk – “I Call It The Obama Amnesty Program”

On tonight’s Justice with Jeanine Pirro, the Judge started off the show by commenting on the Regime’s decision to release 2000 dangerous illegal immigrant detainees.

“The first order of government is the protection of its citizens”, she said. “But what is unbelievable is how reckless this administration has been in releasing dangerous criminals onto our streets.”

She played a clip of White House Spokesdweeb, Jay Carney back-peddling, prevaricating and deferring blame.

“That less expensive form of monitoring”, Jay Carney mentioned,  “is opening up the prison doors and letting them walk,” Pirro asserted.

The Regime has been claiming that they’re low risk – non-criminal detainees.  “Jay, if they’re low level low risk detainees, why are they in custody?” Pirro queried. Somebody’s lying.

Echoing what KS Sec of State Kris Kobach said on his radio show, last Sunday, she said, “they wouldn’t be in custody if they weren’t dangerous. They are the worst of the worst.”

How does Ms. Pirro know this? She produced the memo written by Ice’s “top dog”, John Morton, to field office directors and all special agents, providing guidance to on when to issue detainers against illegal immigrants charged with crimes.

The list of persons subject to ICE holds includes:

  • persons charged with felonies
  • persons with three or more prior misdemeanor convictions
  • persons charged with assault, DWI, unlawful flight from the scene of an accident
  • drug distribution or trafficking
  • sexual abuse or exploitation

In addition, an ICE hold can only be placed on a person who appears subject to removal or deportation.  There are others who may be subject to ICE holds, including persons who have been previously deported or convicted of illegal entry.

There are, however, some notable exceptions to the list of persons subject to ICE holds.

Notable exceptions: Persons not subject to ICE detainers

First, ICE may not place holds or detainers on persons charged with minor misdemeanors or traffic violations, as long as they have a clean immigration history.  Thus, a person arrested for littering, with no previous deportation order, is not subject to an ICE hold.

Second, a person charged with misdemeanor drug possession, with no allegation of distribution or trafficking, is also not subject to an ICE detainer.  This category will include thousands of non-citizens charged every day for possession of small amounts of marijuana.

Pirro offered her own theory as to what’s going on. “This release plan was hatched and acted on even before the mandated cuts were signed into law – it’s part of what I call the Obama Amnesty Program.”

She played a clip of Napolitano complaining that she can’t pay for the beds of so many illegal immigrants, because — sequester.

“How do you pay for them?!” Pirro Asked incredulously. “That’s your question?!!

At the end of this year, it’s estimated that they will have a carry over of nine billion dollars.  How about the 70 million you have in unobligated user fee balances?

And I have an idea…How about you reduce staff bonuses and performance awards. How about you spend those unspent funds from state and local grant programs instead of releasing criminals. How about you NOT spend money on ridiculous things like that $98,000 for an underwater robot for Columbus OH, where there are no major rivers and few lakes near by. And that $24,000 for a latrine on wheels in Ft. Worth Tx, and by the way  if you release those detainees, make me feel better – give them a bill for those transgender hormone treatments, those new teeth and those abortions they had while in our custody.”

…”But no problem! – These criminals are going to voluntarily come back to face their own deportation – the same ones who snuck into the country and have been determined to be a danger to the rest of us. Hope springs eternal, doesn’t it?”

She had Iowa Congressman Steven King and Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu on to talk about the issue.

King said that he would like to get John Morton to appear before the House Judiciary hearings to explain the prison releases.

Some of the detainees, Babeu noted had been “convicted not just charged – convicted for weapons violations, drug smuggling, (these are cartel members, these are narcotic traffickers!), drug dealers, these are people who have been in fights,  and aggravated assaults against police officers…. How in the world can you say these are low risk, non criminal detainees?!  These are the worst of the worst. These are people who have been convicted of child molestation! We have people who have been released, I’ve been told by ICE agents, who have been  charged with man-slaughter.”

Pirro brought up the whistleblowers who want to come forward and expose what’s going on. But Babeu said several memos have been sent out to ICE agents about the prisoner releases –  anyone who talks about it “outside our agency shall be disciplined up to and including termination, creating an atmosphere of fear and intimidation.”  He said, “these federal agents, who swore an oath to protect our country, are being intimidated from doing the right thing.”

Via Massteaparty

U.S. Park Ranger: Supervisors Pushing Sequester Cuts That Will Cause The Most Pain


The Obama Regime’s strategy  to win back the House in 2014 is to blame Republicans for failing to come to a deal to avoid sequestration. Obama spent weeks before the the sequestration deadline  exaggerating and lying about the impact of the cuts, which in fact, only serve to slow the growth of federal spending. Even the left-leaning Politico listed 6 Obama administration sequester claims that have been shot down by fact checkers.

Last Saturday, SNL made fun of Obama in a skit lampooning his over the top sequestration demagoguery.

But that hasn’t stopped the Regime from executing a strategy to maximize the pain caused by the cuts.

As The New American reported:

Among the tactics apparently used by at least part of the Obama administration is to make the public as annoyed with the results of the sequester cuts as possible, if a leaked e-mail message from the Department of Agriculture is to be believed. Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service official Charles Brown told his department’s employees, in an internal e-mail obtained by the Washington Times, that “We have gone on record with a notification to Congress and whoever else that ‘APHIS would eliminate assistance to producers in 24 states in managing wildlife damage to the aquaculture industry, unless they provide funding to cover the costs.’ So it is our opinion that however you manage that reduction, you need to make sure you are not contradicting what we said the impact would be.”

Certainly the Obama administration has made a number of high-profile decisions to cut popular programs that have annoyed voters, such as cuts to air traffic controllers (creating airport delays) and ending popular White House tours that schools have long planned as field trips. These kind of cuts would fit the profile created by the Agriculture Department e-mail.

The e-mail — dated Monday, March 4 — was perhaps necessary because so many of the dire Obama administration predictions have proven to be wild exaggerations or outright lies. ABC News compiled a list of 57 nearly apocalyptic predictions by the Obama administration and its Democratic allies in Congress, including greater damage from severe storms, locust plagues against farmers’ crops, more forest fires, opening up federal prisons and setting criminals free, and even the federal government leaving the nation’s nuclear weapons unprotected. (Many of the claims come from this White House “Factsheet.”)

The Obama Regime has also been claiming that due to the sequestration cuts this year, tens of thousands of American children will not be vaccinated.

As I wrote at the Conversation, earlier, today:

The White House website even has an interactive map that shows the number of children it claims will not be receiving vaccines thanks to evil Republican “hostage takers”. But it turns out that Obama had already planned even larger cuts in his 2013 budget.


Rep. Andy Harris, M.D.  (R-Md.) managed to elicit an admission from a Regime official that Obama had already planned  cuts nearly twice the size of  the sequester cuts to the Section 317 program during testimony before the House Appropriations Committee subcommittee hearing.

You can watch that incredible video, here.

Even though there is so much fat in DHS and ICE,  it would be easy to cut 2-3% of the budget,  Janet Napolitano chose to release thousands of criminal illegal immigrants who should be kept under lock and key because they pose a danger to the public. Her hands are tied, you see because of sequestration.

Now, a park ranger has come forward to claim the Regime resisted efforts to lessen the impact of sequester.

Fox News reported:

A U.S. park ranger, who did not wish to be identified, told that supervisors within the National Park Service overruled plans to deal with the budget cuts in a way that would have had minimal impact on the public. Instead, the source said, park staff were told to cancel special events and cut “interpretation services” — the talks, tours and other education services provided by local park rangers.

“Apparently, they want the public to feel the pain,” the ranger said.

The National Park Service is among many federal agencies warning of a major impact from the sequester cuts, which took effect last Friday. The agency has warned of delayed access to portions of Yellowstone and Yosemite national parks, closed campgrounds at Great Smoky Mountains National Park, reduced hours at the Grand Canyon visitor center and other ramifications.
It’s become common knowledge in Washington DC that the Regime is choosing to execute the cuts in a way that causes the maximum amount of pain to the American people. Where’s the outrage?

After the Obama administration announced the White House would be canceling all tours due to the sequester, Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) suggested that Obama not use federal money for golfing until the White House reopens its doors.

But when asked about this simple request on Friday, White House Deputy Press Secretary Josh Earnest refused to respond and attacked Republicans for calling sequestration cuts “great news” and “cheering” on the cuts.

Republicans are “cheering the cuts”? No, they’re jeering your despicable Alinsky tactics. Nice feeble attempt at a Jedi mind trick, loser.

Can you imagine what would be happening if a Republican administration tried anything this craven and corrupt? Yet these swine, protected as the are by a Praetorian Guard that would make Caesar proud, feel safe from public condemnation even with the bad optics of Obama riding in his golf cart at taxpayer expense, while the nation’s school kids are denied entry to the People’s House.

Saturday Movie Matinee: #StandWithRand

Reason TV: #StandWithRand: Rand Paul, Barack Obama, Drones, and Presidential Kill Lists:

For almost 13 hours on Wednesday, Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) led a filibuster on the Senate floor that called attention to the Obama administration’s refusal to share its case for why the president can target and kill U.S. citizens without oversight. Joined by about a dozen different colleagues throughout the event, Paul hammered home questions surrounding positions advanced by President Barack Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder, and Obama’s nominee to head the CIA, John Brennan. The entire filibuster is viewable at C-SPAN’s website.

Here’s a condensed version of the issues under debate, featuring Sen. Paul, President Obama, and actual drone surveillance footage.


Reason: 3 Takeaways from Rand Paul’s #StandwithRand #Filibuster About Drone Strikes:

For all of the late-night punch-drunkiness that eventually ensued on Twitter (well, at least on my feed), yesterday’s 12-hours-plus filibuster led by Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) is among the most electrifying and insipiring events in recent political memory. The point of the filibuster – which derailed a confirmation vote on John Brennan as Barack Obama’s CIA head – was to call attention to the president’s insufficient answers to questions about his policy of targeted killings via drones and, one assumes, other methods.

Townhall: Rand Paul: Snacking While Filibustering:

Washington Examiner: Sen. Ted Cruz makes Twitter history by reading tweets for Rand Paul filibuster on the Senate floor:

As Sen. Rand Paul R-Ky. approached the 8-hour mark of his filibuster in protest of the Obama administration’s drone program, his colleague Sen. Ted Cruz R-Texas approached the Senate floor to read tweets in support.

Townhall: MSNBC Praises McCain For “Slamming” Rand Paul’s Filibuster:

Newsbusters: Krauthammer: Obama Took 12 Senators to Dinner – Same as the Number of Apostles:

Revealing Politics: HUH, Gun control, what is it good for?

In a rare moment of complete honesty, Colorado Representative Claire Levy (D-Boulder) and sponsor of one of the many gun control bills making their way through the Colorado legislature, admitted that her bill may not actually reduce violent crime:

“I make no assertion that this bill will either increase or reduce violent crime, that is not the premise of the bill.”


Revealing Politics: **Warning graphic** Guest OpEd: “Don’t disarm me with your vote”:

Gun control. It’s pretty broad topic and no matter who you are, you’ve probably heard a lot about it lately, especially if you live in Colorado, the epicenter of the national gun control debate.

Fear of firearms keeps most of my college-aged peers from owning or carrying a gun. Going into my junior year at the University of Northern Colorado, I was one of them. I had grown up around my dad and brother’s shotguns and hunting rifles, but I didn’t believe I needed a weapon to defend myself. The very idea of carrying a handgun made me uncomfortable. Nothing would ever happen to me in Greeley, Colorado.

Then, everything changed in the early hours of a mid-May morning. I was sleeping in my college-area apartment when a stranger broke in through a closed window. He snuck into my bedroom.

The Blaze: Sen. Feinstein Makes Wild Claim to Push Gun Control at Senate Committee Hearing:

During a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on gun control Thursday, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) shot down a proposed amendment to her “assault weapons” ban that would exempt military veterans from the gun ban. She also made some questionable claims.

Pushing a ban on high-capacity magazines, Feinstein argued that it is “legal to hunt humans with 15-round, 30-round, even 150-round magazines.”

Here’s her dubious rationale:

“The time has come, America, to step up and ban these weapons. The other very important part of this bill is to ban large capacity ammunition feeding devices, those that hold more than 10 rounds. We have federal regulations and state laws that prohibit hunting ducks with more than three rounds. And yet it’s legal to hunt humans with 15-round, 30-round, even 150-round magazines. Limiting magazine capacity is critical because it is when a criminal, a drug dealer, a deranged individual has to pause to change magazines and reload that the police or brave bystanders have the opportunity to take that individual down.”

Bill Whittle: VOTER FRAUD (Virtual State of the Union 2013):

PJ Media: A designated enemy of theChavez regime in Venezuela speaks out after the dictator’s death:

Petroleum engineer Gustavo Coronel wrote articles about the corruption of Hugo Chavez’s regime, and for that he was named an enemy of the state. Coronel speaks out on what Chavez’s death might mean to Venezuela and America, on the Andrea Tantaros Show.

Obama’s Death Panels are BACK – 3/7/2013:

Fox News story on 3/7/2013. Neil Cavuto speaks with Dr. Manny Alvarez about a government funded study outlining a “Mortality Test” for patients.

PJTV: Trifecta Feels Your Pain, So Why Can’t GOP Leaders?

Liberals and conservatives believe in compassion. So why do conservatives seem unable to craft a compassionate message? Have Republicans adopted esoteric policies that help the rich and forget the plight of families and the middle class? Has the GOP lost sight of basic values like liberty? Find out on this Trifecta.

Politichick interviews the mighty Robert Spencer:  “There Are Ties To the Muslim Brotherhood In The White House”:

PolitiChick Ann-Marie Murrell discusses the infiltration of the Muslim Brotherhood in the White House and the influence of Islam in America with’s Robert Spencer. From the West Coast David Horowitz Freedom Center event.

Ezra Levant interviews Mark Steyn on Defending Free Speech 1/3 “Vigilance is of the Essence, it Always is”:


The Right Scoop: Andy McCarthy: Holder is trying to get KSM into civilian court using Bin Laden son-in-law:

Andy McCarthy was on with Mark Levin tonight and they were discussing what is going on with Sulaiman Abu Ghaith, Bin Laden’s son-in-law. McCarthy brings us up to speed on who he is and how he was caught, and then explained how he believes the Obama administration and Holder are using Ghaith, who is already in our civilian court system, to get the federal judges to invalidate the military commissions and move KSM into the civilian court system as well. And this way, Obama and Holder get what they want and they can blame it on the federal judge.