Saturday Reads: The Totalitarian Left and The Destruction of the US Dollar

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Daniel Greenfield, FrontPageMagazine: Inside Every Liberal Is A Totalitarian Screaming to Get Out (III):

There is a characteristic feature to tyranny. It isn’t the scowling faces of armed guards or the rusting metal of barbed wire fences. It isn’t the black cars of the secret police or the prison camps surrounded by wastelands of snow.

he defining characteristic of tyranny is the diversion of power from the people to the unelected elite. The elite can claim to be inspired by Allah or Marx; it can act in the name of racial purity or universal workers compensation or both. The details don’t matter, because in all instances, tyranny derives its justification from the superiority of the rulers and the inferiority of the people.

The left launched two revolutions. One was the hard revolution of bombs and assassinations by those who did not have the time or patience to wait for the long march through the institutions of the state. This revolution was born quickly and died quickly. It killed millions and choking on their blood it died by stages, losing its ideas and then its power, until there were only a few old men and women in shawls clinging to red velvet portraits of Stalin.

But there was also the soft revolution that was slow and subtle. It was a revolution of laws, rather than bombs. It did not concern itself with 5-year-plans but with 50-year-plans. It proceeded by increments, raising the temperature so very gradually that the free world did not realize it was cooked until it could smell its own burning flesh.

The revolutions of the east failed. They rose quickly in fire and fury and only ashes and statues remain. But the revolutions of the west have been underway for generations in countries where millions of men and women go about their business without realizing what is taking place around them.

When H.G. Wells met with Lenin in 1920, he wrote, “Our essential difference, the difference of the Collectivist and Marxist, the question whether the social revolution is, in its extremity, necessary, whether it is necessary to overthrow one social and economic system completely before the new one can begin.”

Lenin demanded a revolution that would directly attack the capitalist system, but Wells believed that, “through a vast sustained educational campaign the existing Capitalist system could be civilized into a Collectivist world system.”

Finish reading at the link.

Lord Monckton: The dollar – and the USA – is toast:

Obama has done it. He has brought America down. It only took him just over four years. The Republicans could have stopped him. They didn’t.

How did the nihilistic left succeed in destroying America? Simple. They learned just a little of the capitalism they hate, and they drove your nation into outright bankruptcy.

And here is what the GOP has to say about it: just about nothing.

The once-mighty United States is now the most indebted nation on Earth. In round numbers, here are just some of the vital statistics as the patient dies:

National debt: $17 trillion, or $50,000 per man, woman and child, or $150,000 per taxpayer. Annual federal deficit: $1 trillion. Medicare/Medicaid/Obama”care”: $1 trillion a year. Social Security: another $1 trillion a year. Defense: two-thirds of a trillion. Unemployment handouts: $2 billion per working day. Debt interest: $1 billion per working day. Federal pensions, ditto.

Now for the big numbers. Your government’s Social Security liability is as big as the national debt: $17 trillion. Its prescription drug liability is $22 trillion. Then there’s the Medicare liability of $86 trillion. Total unfunded liabilities of the U.S. government are $125 trillion.

Net assets for each U.S. citizen are $300,000. The net liability of the U.S. government, shared among its citizens, amounts to almost four times that: $1.1 million a head. And the government’s debt is growing at $1 million every 45 seconds. To cover its annual deficit, it is printing $1 trillion a year of currency that is not backed by any asset whatsoever.

Here is what will happen next. When the crash comes, don’t say you weren’t given fair and clear warning.

First, the dollar will cease – no, make that “is already ceasing” – to be the world’s reserve currency. China, as I have been warning you she would, has realized the dollar is finished. So she is quietly making startling progress with bilateral and multilateral deals to replace the dollar with the yuan as the world’s currency of choice.

Sterling, once the world’s reserve currency, went precisely the same way in 1967 under orders from Moscow, which then largely controlled the governing Socialist Labor party in Britain.

After the Second World War, the Socialist/Communist governments of Attlee and Wilson bankrupted Britain with health-care and welfare programs and nationalization of industries. Inflation rose to 27 percent.

Obama’s copycat policies are different in only one respect. Moscow is no longer calling the shots. International totalitarianism no longer needs direction. Its cruel, hate-filled, destructive mission now advances on autopilot.

Watch some of the straws in the wind. China and Korea have come to a little-noticed agreement that international trade between them will no longer be denominated in U.S. dollars, but in yuan, or Won.

Behind the closed mahogany doors of the world’s finance houses, elaborate and secret preparations are being made for the upheaval and international financial collapse that will follow the deliberate printing-out and consequent implosion of the dollar.

Your GOP representatives should be, but are not, asking the administration to reveal to them the ever-tougher terms on which the Chinese continue – with ever-greater reluctance –to lend money to keep their communist ally in the White House afloat.

Do not believe China cannot afford to let her biggest creditor fail. She can, she will, and she is making careful preparations to do just that.

Continue reading at the link.

Michael Ledeen, PJ Media: Obama Speaks, The Heart Sinks:

He’s actually getting worse.  This president will not admit that we are in a war, as President George W. Bush defined it, with various terrorist organizations and with countries that support them.  In his overlong, ramblingspeech to the National Defense University on terrorism and national security, the president never even mentioned Iran, which happens to be our main enemy and the world’s leading sponsor of international terrorism.  Not one word.

You may well ask how it is possible for the president to talk about his counterterrorism “strategy” without addressing the main source of terrorism.  You would be right to ask, and you should also ask how it is possible that, so far as I can see, not one of the pundits, experts and commentators noticed the omission.  They were so busy with the future of Gitmo and where captured terrorists should be tried, and how many drones can fit on the head of a jihadi, that they missed the biggest thing.

Talk about a dog that didn’t bark!

The speech was bizarre, to put it mildly.  It was often incoherent, as when he gritted his teeth and actually admitted that there is an ideological conflict between us and the terrorists.  “Most…of the terrorism we face,” he said,  ”is fueled by a common ideology…that Islam is in conflict with the United States and the West.”  Without taking a deep breath, he hastily added that the “common ideology” was “based on a lie.”  Why?  Because “the United States is not at war with Islam…”

It’s typical of the president’s world-view that he would assume any such war to be instigated by us, but in this case the jihadis have it right, and he’s got it backwards.  There is indeed a war, it is theirs, the jihadis’ war, and they are waging it because they firmly believe they are commanded to do so by the Almighty.  They aim to destroy or dominate Western infidels and apostates.  Those commands are in the Koran, and are repeated by a great mass of imams, ayatollahs and mullahs.  Those thousands of Iranians or Hezbollahis who chant “death to America” mean just that.  It’s the reason for their jihad against us.


Bonus video:

Coulter and Hannity react to the Regime’s spectacular crumbling tower of lies.

Via Mediaite: Ann Coulter & Hannity Tear Into Obama Admin For Systematic Targeting Of Conservatives and Fox:


Mediaite: Fox’s Ed Henry Urges White House Reporters: ‘Let’s Not Be A Bunch Of Lemmings’ For Obama:

In an interview this afternoon with Laura Ingraham, Fox’s White House correspondentEd Henry explained that he has urged his colleagues to not be “lemmings” for Obama when coming up with questions to ask the president and his communications staff.

Henry claimed that when he was with CNN covering George W. Bush administration, asking similarly tough questions of the president, he was “cheered on” by his colleagues. But now that he’s at Fox covering the Obama administration, “it can get a little bit lonely sometimes.”

He clarified that his colleagues’ cheering of tough questions to Bush may not have been “partisan” so much as a desire to do their job and “taking on power.” But, for whatever reason, he said, the tough questions aren’t encouraged so much anymore… at least until the DOJ and IRS scandals emerged.

“If we’re going to be sitting there in the briefing room,” he urged, “let’s not be a bunch of lemmings. Let’s actually stand up and ask tough questions. If the administration has answers for them, great, let’s move on to the next story. But if answers keep changing, then you better keep asking questions over and over.”

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