The Council Has Spoken!! This Week’s Watcher’s Council Results

tribal council 3

The Council has spoken, the votes have been cast, and we have the results  for this week’s Watcher’s Council match up.

But first, we have some important business to take care of, we do. We have an important day coming up, the birthday of our very own Courtney Messerschmidt!!! Yes, our very own GrEaT sAtAn”S gIrLfRiEnD has a birthday coming up.


I hope she wears the famous lamb’s head hat to our do. The actual day is Sunday, but any excuse for a party, no?

From the time I first ran into her site and recruited her for our group, I have always loved it that Courtney writes about serious subjects in her own unique way, treating English like a foreign language, (sorta like James Joyce meets Clausewitz on ‘shrooms) but what stands out most about her for me is her sense of fun.I can always count on her to do something that makes me laugh. Who else would find a typeface that prints everything backwards and send me an e-mail written with it?

This is more important than it seems, because with what’s going on nowadays, it’s all too easy to forget sometimes that it’s supposed to be fun.

It’s truly a pleasure to have her as my friend and as part of the Council, and I’m very glad she’s here.

Have an absolutely fabulous birthday,Courts…Many more.

OK, this week’s results.

We had a tie this week in our Council category between The IRS Scandal Now Leads Directly To The White House by Joshuapundit and Nice Deb’sAl Sharpton Rallied With New Black Panthers As They Passed Out Zimmerman ‘Dead or Alive’ Flyers (Video).

Part of my gig when these things happen is to break these ties, and it’s with great pleasure that I declare  Nice Deb’sAl Sharpton Rallied With New Black Panthers As They Passed Out Zimmerman ‘Dead or Alive’ Flyers (Video) this week’s winner!


It’s a a fine piece that gives unique perspective of how the Obama Department of Justice aided and abetted by Obama intimate Al Sharpton ginned up protests and did nothing to stop the New Black Panther Party from putting a bounty on George Zimmerman’s head – something that’s supposed to be a felony. Here’s a slice:


The Last Refuge’s epic, blockbuster, follow-the-money, tour de force, A Nation of George Zimmermans Awakened – Understand The Fraud – Post Verdict of Acquittal discovers the race baiting networks that fanned the flames, and introduces you to a cast of shady characters who lined their pockets pushing a fraudulent racialist narrative.  Believe it or not, there’s also a Pigford link to this fiasco.

I want to focus on the New Black Panthers who rallied with Al Sharpton at Mellon Park on March 22nd, 2012, and openly handed out flyers to the crowd (with which no one seemed to have a problem.)

Al Sharpton whipped up the crowd with a mortifying, race-baiting speech, and with NBPP members standing directly in front of the stage.

new black panthers

“We are tired of going to jail for nothing and others going home for something. Zimmerman should have been arrested that night … you cannot defend yourself against a pack of Skittles and iced tea. Don’t talk to us like we’re stupid! Don’t talk to us like we’re ignorant! We love our children like you love yours. Lock him up!”

… Trayvon represents a reckless disregard for our [black] lives that we’ve seen for too long, and we’ve come here tonight to tell you enough is enough….
…. you thought it was hot,…. well, the heat has just arrived….

In March of 2012, Al Sharpton  also appeared at a Sanford City Council meeting where he called out the City Government, council members, Mayor and City Manager:

you are risking going down as Birmingham and Selma in the twenty first century… You are making the world know you as a place of racial intolerance…. you have compromised the reputation of your city for one man….

After George Zimmerman was interviewed by Sean Hannity on Fox News following the verdict, MSNBC denied that Sharpton had “rushed to judgement as alleged. They said in a statement:

“MSNBC would like to set the record straight following some misinformation presented by Fox News during the interview with George Zimmerman last night,” MSNBC wrote in a statement sent to POLITICO. “Reverend Al Sharpton never ‘rushed to judgment,’ as stated by Mr. Hannity. Reverend Sharpton repeatedly called for calm and for a more thorough investigation in the wake of the tragic events. Ultimately, the authorities agreed an arrest was warranted.”

The credibility impaired network  has every reason to be worried that their already damaged reputation is about to take another major hit with Zimmerman’s defamation lawsuit in the works.

Read the whole thing here.

In our non-Council category, the winner was Victor Davis Hanson with  Facing Facts about Race   submitted by Joshuapundit. It’s about what you’d think it’s about.  Do read it.

Here are this week’s full results.Bookworm Room and Simply Jews were unable to vote this week, but were not affected by the 2/3 vote penalty.:

Council Winners

Non-Council Winners

See you next week! Don’t forget to tune in on Monday AM for this week’s Watcher’s Forum, as the Council and their invited special guests take apart one of the provocative issues of the day with short takes and weigh in…don’t you dare miss it. And don’t forget to like us on Facebook and follow us onTwitter…..’cause we’re cool like that!

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