Monday Catch-Up: Obama’s State Department Continues To Appall


The Daily Caller: US Embassy official in Guyana removed in alleged sex-for-visas scandal:

A State Department officer has been accused of selling visas for sex and money in what may have been a massive human trafficking operation, The Daily Caller has learned.

The State Department acknowledged last week that one of its officials is the target of a probe over “allegations of improprieties relating to a Consular Officer formerly assigned to Georgetown, Guyana” without providing further details. Local media are also claiming the official, who was recently withdrawn from normal duties pending completion of an official investigation, associated with drug lords as part of his visa scam.

The scandal began when executives and tourists complained that their visa applications were being held up, and local media began reporting that a visa official was demanding bribes and sex in exchange for visas.

And here’s a related story at The Conversation: Three Computers Stolen from Dallas Law Firm Representing High-Profile State Dept Whistleblower:

The offices of a Dallas law firm representing Aurelia Fedenisn, a former investigator at the State Department’s Office of the Inspector General, were broken into last weekend. The firm Schulman & Mathias was the only suite burglarized in the high-rise office building, although an unlocked office nearby was left alone.

Foreign Policy reported:

Burglars stole three computers and broke into the firm’s file cabinets. But silver bars, video equipment and other valuables were left untouched, according to local Fox affiliate KDFW, which aired security camera footage of the suspected burglars entering and leaving the offices around the time of the incident.

 “It’s a crazy, strange and suspicious situation,” attorney Cary Schulman told Foreign Policy. “It’s clear to me that it was somebody looking for information and not money. My most high-profile case right now is the Aurelia Fedenisn case, and I can’t think of any other case where someone would go to these great lengths to get our information.” (Emphasis mine.)

The State Department, which has repeatedly disputed Fedenisn’s allegations, denied any involvement in the incident. “Any allegation that the Department of State authorized someone to break into Mr. Schulman’s law firm is false and baseless,” spokeswoman Jen Psaki said.

Great, another categorical denial from Jen Psaki of Yachtgate fame.  No reason to doubt her word, huh?

AoSHQ: Egypt’s Revolution Proceeds to the Bloodletting Phase:

Muslim Brotherhood supporters confronted the military, and the military confronted back– killing 40 of the Muslim Brotherhood protesters and wounding another 300.

bob gorrell

Bob Gorrell cartoon via Townhall


But does it rise to the level of Paula Deen?

Obama “most trusted and favorite” ally said a political opponent of his “striving every bit he can to raise himself from the level of a black person to the level of a white man.”

One can only imagine what this Islamic supremacist says about Obama.  Blacks in North Africa and Middle East face vicious and virulent racism from Muslims.

Erdogan Insults Blacks as State Media Continues Anti-Semitic Campaign Algeminer July 8, 2013

Not sated by his anti-Semitism, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has tried his hand at another form of blatant racism.

In comments made about Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, the leader of the center-left and secular Republican Peoples Party (CHP), Erdoğan declared, “Kılıçdaroğlu is striving every bit he can to raise himself from the level of a black person to the level of a white man.”

The comments were made during a weekly meeting of his Justice and Development Party (AKP).

The Other McCain: Rush Is Right: Media Can’t Hide Their Disappointment Over Zimmerman Trial:

Andrew Branca argues that the defense’s motion to acquit should have been granted. Given the weak case presented by the prosecution, all the defense now has to do is avoid errors and Zimmerman walks. So what is the media doing now? Hoping for riots:

DAN ABRAMS, ABC NEWS: “If Zimmerman is found not guilty, is your office ready for that?”
SANFORD POLICE CHIEF CECIL SMITH: ”I believe we have plans that will be able to deal with issues as they arise.”
ABRAMS: ”I assume the worst-case scenario, then, would be riots?”
SMITH: ”Yeah, and I will say it again: You know, we are not talking about riots. We’re talking about rallies.  If people choose to come to Sanford and voice their opinions or if they want to come and rally, we welcome that. We want people to have the opportunity to express themselves.”

After playing that on his show last week, Rush Limbaugh did a montage of media commentators discussing the possibility of Zimmerman being convicted of a lesser charge:

Isn’t it amazing? Here comes the media begging, “Can we at least do manslaughter? Oh, my God, we’re not gonna get murder one, can we get manslaughter?” This guy’s gotta get convicted of something. We’re too invested in this. And short of a conviction, the media is saying, “Oh, it would be so, so sad if we had riots.” You can see what’s being stoked out there.

Cahnman’s Musings: Pro-Abortion Folks disrupt “Let Texas Speak” (Again):

They’re at it again.  Let Texas Speak did another broadcast today from the Texas Capitol Extension rotunda.  Once again, the pro-Abortion folks are trying to disrupt it and shout it down.

The Other McCain: What Can Elspeth Reeve Teach Us?

Through the intellectual influence of the Frankfurt School’s cultural Marxism (Theodor Adorno, Herbert Marcuse, et al.) this attitude has been steadily woven into the ideological tapestry of the Democrat Party over the past half-century. The hegemonic dominance of liberalism within academia, journalism and the entertainment industry means that this radicalism — the embrace of perverse licentiousness and an implacable hostility to Christian faith — has been so widely diffused throughout our society that many Americans no longer even notice it, let alone question its original motives and purpose.

No one under 40 has any memory of when the Democrat Party did notstand for abortion, sodomy and socialism (not necessarily in that order) and the advance of political correctness within our educational system has deprived the young of the historical knowledge by which they might understand or critique modern liberalism. It is therefore remarkable — although seldom remarked — that mere opposition to the Democrat Party agenda is now classified as “hate,” as if buttf–king and baby-killing were synonymous with love.

Father of Lies, Party of Death

Rather than pursue that philosophical digression further, however, let us return to the scene Tuesday at the Capitol in Austin, where pro-lifers sang their hymn, for here we find an answer to the question: Who hates God so much that they are offended by “Amazing Grace”?

One of the more bizarre tactics used by pro-abortion
activists involved chanting “Hail Satan!” to harass a
pro-life crowd as they sang “Amazing Grace.”

Abortion is wrong and its advocates are evil, and if their chants were meant in jest, there is truth in humor: Democrats want to kill babies, and thereby they make themselves servants of Satan.

Townhall: Cheney for Senate?

No, not him.  Her:

Ms. Cheney, 46, is showing up everywhere in the state, from chicken dinners to cattle growers’ meetings, sometimes with her parents in tow. She has made it clear that she wants to run for the Senate seat now held by Michael B. Enzi, a soft-spoken Republican and onetime fly-fishing partner of her father.

Hugh Hewitt, Washington Examiner: Ted Cruz would be a formidable 2016 presidential contender:

If you keep cable news on in the background, you probably would have seen Cruz last week urging you to visit, a project of the Senate Conservatives Fund, founded by then-senator and now Heritage Foundation President Jim DeMint.

“It’s been so successful, we are ramping it up,” Matt Hoskins, executive director of the fund, told me. Cruz is already a powerful, trusted conservative brand, Hoskins added, though he has been in the Senate only six months.

When the IRS scandals broke this spring, Cruz was quick to see, understand and act upon the outrage that erupted immediately. Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., spent his energy on drones, Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., on immigration reform, and Sen. John Thune, R-S.D., on various issues including a double-layered border fence, but Cruz, fresh from dueling Sen. Dianne Feinstein on gun control, took out after the symbol of Washington, D.C.: the tax gatherer.

The 42-year-old lawyer hit the Senate beaches hard in January, immediately provoking hostility from the old guard and anger on the Left. Cruz arrived in the chamber an accomplished, indeed brilliant lawyer — a former Supreme Court law clerk (to William Rehnquist) and solicitor general of Texas.

Premiering on The History Channel, tonight!: God, Guns and Automobiles:

Seven years ago, a stranger pulled into a sleepy farming community somewhere along the Kansas-Missouri border and bought himself a rundown car dealership. Before long, he was king of a business empire built out of adrenaline, family values and red-hot patriotism.

GOD, GUNS & AUTOMOBILES, a new half-hour series premiering tonight, July 8 at 10 p.m. on HISTORY, follows Mark Muller and his brother and business partner, Chicago radio personality Eric “Mancow” Muller as they run their throwback auto dealership, Max Motors. Located in the tiny rural town of Butler, Missouri, Muller makes car deals the old fashioned way. A true American Original, he’s fueled by a larger-than-life personality and turbo-charged attitude.

Mark Muller lives by three rules: Do the Right Thing, Let’s Make a Deal, and Live Every Day Like it’s Your Last. He’s been known to blow up cars and stage a fake UFO landing to drive sales…but he’s just as likely to cut a break for a cash-poor farmer in need of a car.


Max Motors

Here’s my latest at the Conversation, where I have spent most of my time online, today. (Sorry.)

Citizens Receiving Food Aid from Federal Gov’t Now Outnumber Full-Time Private Sector Workers

Oopsie! IRS Exposed Thousands of SS Numbers Online

Obama Calls For Role In Egypt For Group His Administration Doesn’t Support

This one got quite a few retweets: If You’re Sick Of Being Lied To By This Regime, Raise Your Hand

John LeBoutillier: Obama Brought The Muslim Brotherhood ‘Out Of The Shadows’ For His Cairo Speech (Video)

John LeBoutillier, Pat Caddell, Doug Schoen, with Gregg Jarrett make up Fox News’ “Political Insiders” which airs live on Sunday afternoons, and it’s a must-see for political junkies like me.

 POLITICAL INSIDERS is the only show or segment anywhere on TV that features people who have actually run campaigns and done politics for a living. And there is no spinning, no Talking Points and no hidden agendas – just straight analysis.

This Sunday, they talked about Egypt, ObamaCare, and immigration.

Is Egypt yet another sign of the decline of American power during the Obama Presidency? Is President Obama’s lack of leadership weakening American influence and prestige? And what are the political effects of the sudden one-year delay in the ObamaCare employer mandate? What should the GOP response to this be?

Regarding Egypt, Caddell said,  “the world’s going up in flames, they are paying a price – this administration’s outreach to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and around the world, which I consider one degree of separation from al Qaeda, basically,… has backfired massively.
The three couldn’t resist throwing a few barbs at John Kerry for being AWOL during the massive upheaval in Egypt. But moved quickly on to what it all means.
LeBoutillier recalled Obama’s much vaunted Cairo speech during his first year in office, and how he  brought the Muslim Brotherhood out of the shadows by inviting them to his speech.
“He conferred American legitimacy on bad guys”, he said. “They’re bad guys and radicals in the Islamist movement, and when the president of the United States puts the Good House Keeping stamp of approval on them, that’s a bad thing.”
Last September, former Attorney General Michael Mukasey, in fact noted, “Obama’s Cairo speech was precisely about encouraging Middle Easterners to redefine their identity from a national one–principally Arab–to an Islamic one. Obama invited the Brotherhood to sit in the front row. And when the upsurge in Egypt began and the State Department wanted to support continuity along with reform, the Obama Administration demanded the end of the regime.”
Now that their little experiment in Muslim Brotherhood governance has blown up in their faces, the White House  is “categorically rejecting the false claims propagated by some in Egypt that we are working with specific political parties or movements to dictate how Egypt’s transition should proceed.”
And a tanned and rested John Kerry huffed, “we firmly reject the unfounded and false claims by some in Egypt that the United States supports the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood or any specific Egyptian political party or movement.”
Ya right – we’re all supposed to believe “categorical denials” from the Captain of the Good Ship Isabel.
Moving on to ObamaCare, Caddell said that there is a good chance it will be killed in the next Congress. The insiders said, “delay it –  delay it, delay it, delay it” – and therefore kill it.
Where’s the Republican leadership on all of this and the rest of the low hanging fruit the Regime keeps serving them?
“It’s ridiculous – the behavior of the leadership of the opposition party!” an exasperated Caddell cried out.
Video via Johnny Dollar: