Rep. Chaffetz on Extortion 17: The Families Still Need Some Basic Answers (Video)

Rep Jason Chaffetz appeared on Fox News, today to talk about the upcoming oversight subcommittee probe into the August 2011 Chinook helicopter crash that killed 22 SEAL Team Six members.

Chaffetz told Alisyn Camerota that a couple of years after the event, the families still don’t have some basic answers, and “there really are some strange things, here.”

He would like to give the Pentagon a chance to respond to the family’s concerns and hopefully provide them with some satisfying answers.

He noted that they were able to recover the bodies from the crash but not the black box, because it was supposedly washed away in a flash flood.

The bodies were cremated, but based on the autopsy  photo provided by one of the families – that was perhaps not necessary.

And the most disturbing thing he said he’s seen is the video of the local cleric “blessing” the bodies of American servicemen –  apparently calling them infidels in Arabic.

Here’s Michael Savage’s blockbuster interview with Charles Strange, the father of Michael Strange – one of the SEALS killed in the crash, discussing all that and much more.

Chaffetz was also asked about the suspects who are still at large in Benghazi. Reportedly, we know who and where they are, but no one’s made an effort to capture them – certainly not the FBI who have been AWOL. Apparently CNN was able to get an exclusive interview with the leader of Ansar al-Sharia, but after Obama repeatedly promised “he wouldn’t rest” until the terrorists were “hunted down” and “brought to justice”,  the Regime remains out of the loop.

Obama’s Scheme To Destroy Middle Class Suburbia


Pundits on both sides of the  aisle are finding Obama’s umpteenth pivot to the economy a rehash of stale policies that most likely won’t be enacted. But Stanley Kurtz argues that it’s not that the Regime is out of ideas – it’s that Obama’s boldest policy initiative is something he’d rather not discuss.

What if instead of  “fighting for the middle class”, as Obama pretends he’s doing, he’s currently enacting a scheme that will destroy middle class suburbia?

A year ago, Kurtz published Spreading the Wealth: How Obama Is Robbing the Suburbs to Pay for the Cities in which he described the president’s second-term plan to press a transformative “regionalist” agenda on the country.

Kurtz writes, “early but unmistakable signs indicate that Obama’s regionalist push is well underway.” And of course this is all very hush-hush. The president is not talking about it, nor is the MSM.

The most obvious new element of the president’s regionalist policy initiative is the July 19 publication of a Department of Housing and Urban Development regulation broadening the obligation of recipients of federal aid to “affirmatively further fair housing.” The apparent purpose of this rule change is to force suburban neighborhoods with no record of housing discrimination to build more public housing targeted to ethnic and racial minorities. Several administration critics noticed the change and challenged it, while the mainstream press has simply declined to cover the story.

Yet even critics have missed the real thrust of HUD’s revolutionary rule change. That’s understandable, since the Obama administration is at pains to downplay the regionalist philosophy behind its new directive. The truth is, HUD’s new rule is about a great deal more than forcing racial and ethnic diversity on the suburbs. (Regionalism, by the way, is actually highly controversial among minority groups. There are many ways in which both middle-class minorities in suburbs, and less well-off minorities in cities, can be hurt by regionalist policies–another reason those plans are seldom discussed.)

The new HUD rule is really about changing the way Americans live. It is part of a broader suite of initiatives designed to block suburban development, press Americans into hyper-dense cities, and force us out of our cars. Government-mandated ethnic and racial diversification plays a role in this scheme, yet the broader goal is forced “economic integration.” The ultimate vision is to make all neighborhoods more or less alike, turning traditional cities into ultra-dense Manhattans, while making suburbs look more like cities do now. In this centrally-planned utopia, steadily increasing numbers will live cheek-by-jowl in “stack and pack” high-rises close to public transportation, while automobiles fall into relative disuse.

Kurtz goes on to describe the San Francisco “Plan Bay Area,” a region-wide blueprint designed to control development in the nine-county, 101-town region around San Francisco.

He says that the Obama administration’s goal is “to use legal and financial carrots and sticks to press Plan Bay Area clones on regions across the country through its federally-funded Regional Planning Grant program.”

The new HUD rule will be folded into this broader strategy. (I lay out the structure, philosophy, and history of that strategy in Spreading the Wealth.)

When Secretary Donovan announced the sweeping new HUD rule, he said: “Make no mistake: this is a big deal.” He’s right. Yet the mainstream press has ignored the change, as well as the broader story behind it. Recognizing the politically explosive nature of its regionalist plans, the Obama administration does little to connect the dots for the public at large. Above all, the president himself avoids this issue, although it’s deeply embedded in his administration’s policies.

Obama isn’t actually out of bold ideas. They’re simply too controversial for him to discuss. The time has come for a national debate on the Obama administration’s regionalist policies.

Then again, Obama’s goal may be nothing more than an effort to move Democrat voters into conservative areas. Because when it’s all said and done – what is it that motivates this president and his fellow travelers in congress more than anything else?

Raw power?

Policies initiated by Democrats are intended first and foremost to cement the place and power of Democrats in the American polity. As I pointed out awhile back, all the post-election talk about what Obama’s second agenda would be (energy? jobs? foreign policy? and so on) was meaningless since there would be one and only one second-term agenda for this president:

There is nothing that will sidetrack him and the rest of the party from this goal. Increasing unemployment won’t, nor North Korean nuclear tests, nor a weakening dollar, nor anything else.

… to eliminate political and economic competition to himself first and the Democrat party second. There is no other Obama agenda. Not jobs, not economic growth, not anything. Emplacing permanent one-party rule in this country is the sole goal for term 2.

That is what he is really doing, very energetically, while we grow tired of paying attention to him.

Linked by Doug Ross, and Legal Insurrection, thanks.

Watcher’s Council Nominations – “Phoney Scandals” Edition

I’m sure the families of Brian Terry, Chris Stevens, Glen Doherty, Tyrone Woods, Sean Smith and over 300 Mexicans murdered because of Fast and Furious are happy to know that.Words – polite words anyway – fail me.

Welcome to the Watcher’s Council, a blogging group consisting of some of the most incisive blogs in the ‘sphere, and the longest running group of its kind in existence. Every week, the members nominate two posts each, one written by themselves and one written by someone from outside the group for consideration by the whole Council.Then we vote on the best two posts, with the results appearing on Friday.

Council News:

This week, Ask Marion, Maggie’s Notebook and The Pirate’s Cove took advantage of my generous offer of link whorage and earned honorable mention status for some great articles

You can, too! Want to see your work appear on the Watcher’s Council homepage in our weekly contest listing? Didn’t get nominated by a Council member? No worries.

Simply head over to Joshuapundit and post the title a link to the piece you want considered along with an e-mail address ( which won’t be published) in the comments section no later than Monday 6PM PST in order to be considered for our honorable mention category. Then return the favor  by creating a post on your site linking to the Watcher’s Council contest for the week when it comes out Wednesday morning.

Simple, no?

It’s a great way of exposing your best work to Watcher’s Council readers and Council members on the oldest and most established blogging group in the ‘sphere …and grabbing the increased traffic and notoriety that comes with it. And how good is that, eh?

So, let’s see what we have this week….

Council Submissions

Honorable Mentions

Non-Council Submissions

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