Drip Drip Drip: Republicans Call For Select Committee to Investigate the “Phony” Benghazi Scandal (Video)

According to a senior Obama advisor,  there’s no need for US citizens  to take any of the scandals plaguing the Regime seriously.

Red Alert Politics reported:

Dan Pfeiffer, Senior Advisor to the President for Strategy and Communications, indulged in the blame game on Sunday evening when he delivered his latest email to White House supporters. Pfeiffer wrote that the lack of discussion about middle-class Americans can be attributed to Congress “trying to score political points, refight old battles, and trump up phony scandals.”

Yes, Pfeiffer seemingly branded the brutal murder of four American diplomats in Benghazi, the Internal Revenue Service’s targeting of conservatives, the uncovering of an invasive NSA program and subpoenaing of journalists’ phone records as “phony.”

Rep. Louie Gohmert (TX-01) spoke a press conference outside the U.S. Capitol and called for the passage of HR 36, a resolution authored by Rep. Frank Wolf (R-VA) to convene a Select Committee to investigate the “phony” Benghazi terrorist massacre.

Via Walid Shoebat:

The list of speakers, via BizPac:

According to the Special Operations Speaks website, guest speakers on the Capitol Stairway included Republican Reps. Steve Stockman, Louie Gohmert, Paul Broun, former U.S. Rep. Allen West, and a host of retired special forces commanders and other conservative community leaders, like Niger Innis from TheTeaParty.net.

Via The Right Scoop, Rep. Frank Wolf blasts Gen. Ham for speaking openly about Benghazi at paid dinner but not to the American people:

Floor Statement: Questions on Benghazi #6:

Meanwhile….given Obama’s oft repeated vow to bring the Benghazi terrorists to justice, how many of the murderous Jihadi scumbags  do you think we’ve captured, thus far?

Via Judicial Watch: Not a Single Terrorist Brought to Justice for Benghazi Attack:

Why is it that nearly a year after the deadly attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi not a single terrorist has been brought to justice? It’s a question many Americans may be asking and this week a federal lawmaker pressed Attorney General Eric Holder and Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel for answers.

In separate letters to the men, Virginia Congressman Frank Wolf blasts the Obama administration for failing to take action against the terrorists who murdered U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans in the attack even though“upwards of 100” may have been involved. Months ago a major news organization reported that the U.S. has identified five men who might be responsible, Congressman Wolf points out.

The U.S. has enough evidence to justify seizing the men by military force as suspected terrorists, according to officials cited in the news report, but there is not enough proof to try them in a U.S. civilian court as the Obama administration prefers. So, the men remain at large while the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) gathers evidence, the congressman writes in the letters citing the news report.

“Is this accurate and, if so, who in the administration made the decision not to use military force to bring these terrorists to justice immediately, but instead allow them to walk free until enough evidence is gathered to try them in a U.S. civilian court?” Congressman Wolf writes. “Equally important, who made the decision that a U.S. court is the appropriate venue to bring these terrorists to justice?”


Walid Shoebat:  Benghazi House Select Committee Holdouts

The Right Scoop: DEAL WITH OBAMA? – Mark Levin: Boehner doesn’t give a DAMN about getting to the truth on Benghazi

TPNN: AUDIO: Allen West on Obama’s Actions Regarding Benghazi – “That’s Not Leadership”

Video: A Downcast Weiner Apologizes: ‘This Is Entirely Behind Me’

I honestly don’t have a lot to say about this. What is there to say about WeinerGate II?

Weiner says all of the bad stuff is “behind him” now, which I think he said, the last time. In two more years, next year’s creepy perversions will be behind him, too.

And he was late for the press conference which made everyone on Twitter sad, because it reminded them of the most epic political press conference in American history.

Anyway, here you go – it’s pathetic and cowardly that he dragged Huma up there to take the heat and humiliation with him….He’s staying in mayoral race and  Huma, (like her old boss) is standing by her man.


Ace of Spades HQ: Flashback: That Soft-Soap People Magazine “Comeback Story” Now Revealed as an Enormous Pile of Political Lies

Update: The sexting, which went on for six months (and that’s just the one weknow about!), began one week before Mr. & Mrs. Danger’s big “Redemption” interview for People.
More: Oh boy, two more women coming forward, Emily Miller says she hears;and also, he liked to use porn actors’ names as aliases.

BUSTED: Racist At Pro- Zimmerman Rally I.D.’d As Left-Wing Activist (Updated)

On Saturday, conservatives held a pro-Zimmerman rally to counter the New Black Panther “Justice for Trayvon” march in Houston. Breitbart’s Brandon Darby reported that the police did a good job keeping the two sides apart, but one person on the NBPP side did manage to mingle with the pro-Zimmerman side. (*see update)

Seriously,  AP/ New York Daily Newsyou  found nothing suspicious about this woman?


Via Gateway PunditThe Houston Chronicle identified her as Renee Vaughan:

One woman in the Zimmerman group held a sign that said, “We’re racist & proud.”

Austin resident Renee Vaughan echoed the sign’s ugly sentiments by yelling, “We’re racist. We’re proud. We’re better because we’re white,” at the Martin group as they passed, according to the Chronicle.

Because racists typically self identify that way – “We’re Racist and we’re proud! We’re better than you because we’re white!”  Happens all the time.

Since you can’t expect reporters at the AP, NY Daily News or Houston Chronicle to actually have working B.S. detectors, citizen journalists like Kristinn Taylor  have to do the job of smoking out this left-wing moonbat infiltrator.

Scanning the internet we found that a “Renee Vaughn” from Austin worked for a far left environmental group, the Texas Campaign for the Environment.


Renee even has her photo linked to a far left environmental website.

rachel-vaughan.jpg.pagespeed.ic.fQlo-0CpP7 (1)

There are also plenty of pictures of Renee at the Texas Campaign for the Environment Facebook page.
What do you know – here’s one of her wearing those awesome, pink cat-eye sunglasses!

racist moonbat

Yup, that’s her, alright.

Man, it takes a special kind of stupid to hold up a sign professing to be a racist, and then tell reporters your real name. But that appears to be what happened, here.

Spread this…Unfortunately, that fraudulent picture went viral worldwide.  We can only correct the record by spreading the truth.


 Breitbart New’s Brandon Darby interviewed Vaughan.  He notes that she was located on the Trayvon Martin/New Black Panther Party-supporting side of the demonstration  It turns out that she was sarcastically trying to make a point about what she perceives to be white racism in the pro-Zimmerman crowd – but reporters everywhere took her seriously..

I was present in Houston and personally saw the woman holding the sign. She was attending the event with a fellow anti-Zimmerman demonstrator who was wearing a hoodie. I interviewed her and took this footage:

So what we have here is a total lack of critical thinking skills on her part (equating support for Zimmerman with racism) and the media (uncritically accepting the “too good to check” story.)


The Houston Chronicle’s Jayme Fraser may have  changed the text of her article from  ‘One woman in the Zimmerman group held a sign that said, “We’re racist & proud.” Austin resident Renee Vaughan echoed the sign’s ugly sentiments by yelling, “We’re racist. We’re proud. We’re better because we’re white” (via Gateway Pundit.) 


“At one point, Renee Vaughan of Austin mocked protesters by chanting, “We’re racist. We’re proud. We’re better ’cause we’re white.”  (via Big Journalism.)

The New York Daily News  also excerpted the line, attributing it to the Chronicle:

 Austin resident Renee Vaughan echoed the sign’s ugly sentiments by yelling, “We’re racist. We’re proud. We’re better because we’re white,” at the Martin group as they passed, according to the Chronicle.

What I’d like to know if if Fraser was just being sloppy, or maliciously disseminating a smear, or if the Daily News just misreported the whole thing.

Brandon Darby is of the opinion that The Daily News significantly distorted the Chronicle story. I’ve emailed Fraser to find out and will update if I hear back.