Loudon: Immigration-Reform Movement The Brainchild of American Communists

The House GOP Caucus is meeting tomorrow in closed door session to decide their position on immigration. Word on the street is that Boehner is working with the White House to cram an amnesty bill down our throats. 

Mickey Kaus cited this exchange on Sunday’s Meet the Press that should chill you to the bone:

MR. TODD: …. Let me tell you something else, David. White House, now I have– they had been so confident that they were going to sign immigration reform this year. For the first time I– I am hearing that there is some doubt seeping in, that they think that maybe the House won’t act. What they need is they need an– they need something to sort of force Boehner to like at the last minute bring it to the floor the same way that the fiscal cliff deal happened. The problem is there’s no trigger at the end of this year. There isn’t the end of this Congress. There isn’t this. So I don’t know how this happens by the end of this year and suddenly now the White House doesn’t see a path to how this happens..

GREGORY: Right. Fire is all around them, no real second-term agenda when they have to deal with all these problems.

MS. MITCHELL: And immigration was going to be the one thing that they could have pointed to. And I think that conversation with John Boehner and the president, the president doesn’t have a whole well of trust in Boehner saying, you know, hang with me, I can get this done by the end of the summer. Boehner still doesn’t have the support and you heard what– what Congressman Labrador has been saying, they don’t have a Marco Rubio on the House side who can try to work around the edges… [Emphasis added]

MR. TODD: It was supposed to be Paul Ryan.

MS. MITCHELL: …and bring it together.

MR. TODD: It was supposed to be Paul Ryan…

MS. MITCHELL: And he’s gone silent I think. 

James Simpson reports:

The U.S. Senate’s “Gang of Eight” immigration-reform plan, as well as a strikingly similar plan now being backed by Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., and a bi-partisan House “Gang,” both offer the “roadmap to citizenship” originally conceived and carefully developed by members of the Communist Party USA working within the Democratic Party and the radical left activist network for the purpose of using amnestied illegals to build a “permanent progressive majority.”

That is the inescapable conclusion readers will draw after reading the forthcoming book by acclaimed researcher and blogger Trevor Loudon, titled “The Enemies Within: Communists, Socialists and Progressives in the U.S. Congress.” Although not yet published, Loudon agreed to allow WND readers to preview one chapter, titled “Latino Immigrants: Tools to Ensure a ‘Governing Coalition’ for the Left.”

In the book, Loudon exhaustively documents the Left’s longtime agenda regarding illegal aliens and how its activists have gone about implementing it. He provides irrefutable proof that the entire immigration-reform movement was the brainchild of American communists and that their goal has long been to establish unchallengeable political supremacy.

According to Loudon, the Communist Party USA has influenced U.S. policy toward illegals since at least the 1960s. He traces the history, showing how communists and communist-founded organizations slowly built the movement from the ground up. While other groups certainly joined the effort, the communists were always at the center.

Keep reading and spread the word. Republicans need to see this. What are they even thinking? There are much better things they could be doing with their time.

The New Hotness: Libs Keep Comparing Conservatives To Islamofascists


Old and busted: —— eh – there is no old and busted. Golden oldies like calling Republicans raaaaaacist and extreeeeeem never get old as far as Dems are concerned.

But the new hotness is definitely pretending that conservatives are like Islamonazis – basically one step away from imposing their nasty Christian version of sharia law on the populace….which to them would be ten times worse than the cutesy Islamist version. There are worse evils than burying a woman up to her neck in sand and stoning her to death for adultery, ya know.

For instance, here’s a recent headline at Weasel Zippers: MSNBC’s Joy Reid Accuses Republicans Of Imposing “Sharia Law” With Anti-Abortion Legislation…

“I think what probably happened here is that the legislators in North Carolina looked at what’s happening in Texas and other states where women are fighting these laws, where they’re fighting these bills. Where they’re coming out and protesting, and where it’s becoming national news, and they decided to make the world’s most ironic sneak attack.

You know, I’m sure these legislators couldn’t tell you what Sharia law is, but what they think it is, is exactly what they’re doing in these bills, imposing a religious dictate on women.”

Only religious fascists care about what happens to fully formed infants in the womb, you see.

Here’s another one from Monday: MSNBC: Rush Limbaugh An “Egomaniacal Tyrant” Like Moammar Gadhafi…

Via Washington Secrets:

This week’s Mainstream Media Scream features Chris Hayes, host of MSNBC’s “All In” show, lumping Rush Limbaugh in with dictators feted by stars like Elton John.


“As one Twitter user put it, on the bright side, Gigli’s no longer the worst thing she’s done. Now, of course, this isn’t the first time a celebrity has performed for an egomaniacal tyrant who uses fear and paranoia to keep followers in line. Beyonce did sing at a New Year’s eve bash to entertain the family of Moammar Gadhafi and Elton John performed at the fourth wedding of Rush Limbaugh.”

What was Elton John THINKING???!11!

Also on MSNBC, an excerpt from what passed for an enlightened discussion about Wisconsin politics onThe Ed Show:

“Anti-women legislation has been their priority, not creating jobs,” Taylor told Schultz. ”This is no different than what I experienced when I went to Turkey and heard of what the women in the Middle East are experiencing with the Taliban trying to silence them for being at the table.”

The state House also passed the ultrasound bill and Walker says that he will sign it, declaring “I think most people think ultrasounds are just fine.”

“Any time you have a Republican governor and a Republican legislature, you’ve had, you’ve had the odd balls in control of what used to be government,” said Papantonio.

Making a woman have an ultrasound before she kills her unborn child? My God –  these “oddball Republicans” are worse than the Taliban who burn schools filled with little girls, and throw acid in the face of women who are not properly covered up.

Yeah.  I’m detecting the beginning of a trend, here, which happens to correlate well with Obama’s war on (Christian) religion. And it’s no accident that it’s all happening on MSNBC, aka “Obama’s Official Network.” This could a coordinated narrative like the incessant race-baiting of last year. Or it could simply be that these MSNBC hosts and guests are “just  a tad deranged”, as Zip suggests.

Time will tell.

Limbaugh: Obama’s plan Is To Enroll As Many People As Possible Into ObamaCare Exchanges, So It Will Be Impossible To Repeal

Last week, the Regime tried to spin its announcement of a one-year delay in the Obamacare’s employer mandate as an effort to implement the law “in a careful, thoughtful manner.”  But even pundits on the left are saying that  the law has turned into a massive “train wreck,” with major delays and glitches.

See the Foundry for a dozen more Obamacare implementation failures.

Rush Limbaugh says that the trainwreck  is not on life support as many pundits are saying, but is working exactly as planned..  He says Obama didn’t just push it back for the 2014 elections, but  as a way to get more people hooked on Obamacare to make it harder to repeal.

Whether or not Obama’s even allowed to make arbitrary changes to the law is beside the point, Rush says.

“Obamacare is whatever he wants it to be from day to day – hour to hour. It isn’t going to work – it’s only purpose is to grow government. To siphon 1/6 of the economy out of the private sector and into the government. And again – the bare essential –  the necessity – when you strip it all away –  the reason for what happened last week is to get as many people enrolled in ObamaCare as possible, making it harder and harder to repeal it. Because repealing it would mean taking away their insurance. And that’s why Obama’s out there selling this thing like it’s a campaign issue….they need enrollees.”

Video via The Right Scoop:


White House Dossier: Get Your Free Health Care! Step Right This Way!

It’s trust and don’t verify time for Obamacare.

I wonder, truly, why the enforcement mechanisms for Obamacare are going straight out the window until whenever without the whole thing being bumped back.


Oh boy, Single Payer Heaven, here we come.

In a friendly Friday document dump – on the Friday after July 4, no less – the Obama administration excreted a 600- page regulation within which was the joyful news that you can qualify for Obamacare subsidies WITHOUT HAVING TO PROVE YOUR INCOME.

Until 2015. Supposedly.

The House leadership needs to get off their asses and do something about this, NOW.

Washington Free Beacon: Paul Ryan Asks CBO to Re-Score Obamacare:

The House Budget Committee has asked the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) to recalculate the cost of Obamacare in the wake of the Obama administration’s decision to delay several key parts of the healthcare system overhaul, according to the Washington Examiner:

House Republicans have asked the Congressional Budget Office for a new cost estimate of President Obama’s health care law in light of recent regulations that both suspend the law’s employer mandate and remove key anti-fraud safeguards.

National Journal: White House Has Known For Months Obamacare Implementation Wouldn’t Work: Last week, it scaled back several required provisions. They aren’t the first. And probably won’t be the last.

If you’ve been reading all the Obamacare stories lately, you might get the impression that the administration has just realized it will not be able to implement the massive health reform as designed.

It has known for months.

As far back as March, a top IT official at the Department of Health and Human Services said the department’s current ambition for the law’s new online insurance marketplaces was that they not be “a Third-World experience.” Several provisions had already been abandoned in an effort to simplify the administration’s task and maximize the chances that the new systems would be ready to go live in October, when customers are supposed to start signing up for insurance.