Video: Fox News’ Political Insiders Slam ‘Craven’ Republicans – ‘They’re AWOL”

On Fox News’ Political Insiders, Pat Caddell, Doug Schoen, John LeBoutillier talk politics on Sunday afternoons, with Kelly Wright. This Sunday, the Insiders discussed Obama’s poll numbers, his pivot to the economy, the “phony scandals” and their favorite subject, the weak and pathetic Stupid Party AKA the GOP.

Doug Schoen called Obama’s pivot on the economy, “the start of the 2014 midterm election campaign. The president is using the same themes he used in the 2010, 2010 election campaigns – redistribution, class warfare, demonizing Republicans.”

Caddell said the pivot to jobs is what the Regime does when Obama’s numbers are down – “it’s their default position.”

“This is outrageous”, he said referring to the “phoney scandals” narrative the Regime is pushing, “Suddenly, the president and the Democrats, who claimed to take it seriously at the beginning, have now said it’s a phony scandal, the press, we discover for a month, and the three national networks NBC, CBS, ABC had only one story…last week on CBS, they have not mentioned the IRS at all…..we had none of these scandals being dealt with… and today I watched Jack Lew, the Treasury Secretary, and it’s clear that his job is to cover up and to stonewall, and to pretend none of it exists.”

As bad as corrupt as the Regime is, and as ridiculously biased the lapdog media is,  the insiders blame the failure of the scandals to capture the public’s attention primarily on one pathetic entity. The Republicans.

“They should have a Select Committee with a big time lawyer, Elevate this thing to a major investigation”, LeBoutillier suggested.

“They’re absent without leave. They’re craven!” Caddell added.

Video via Johnny Dollar’s Place

Your Sunday Hymn: Be Thou My Vision

The text of this ancient Irish hymn was written in the 6th century by Dallan Forgaill. It was translated from old Irish to English by Ma­ry E. Byrne,  in 1905.

Music: Slane, of Ir­ish folk or­i­gin (MI­DIscore). Slane Hill is about ten miles from Ta­ra in Coun­ty Meath. It was on Slane Hill around 433 AD that St. Pat­rick de­fied a roy­al edict by light­ing can­dles on East­er Eve. High King Lo­gaire of Ta­ra had de­creed that no one could light a fire be­fore Lo­gaire be­gan the pa­gan spring fes­ti­val by light­ing a fire on Ta­ra Hill. Lo­gaire was so im­pressed by Pat­rick’s de­vo­tion that, de­spite his de­fi­ance (or per­haps be­cause of it­), he let him con­tin­ue his mis­sion­ary work. The rest is his­to­ry.

As sung by the magnificent Alison Krauss:


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