Trey Gowdy: Sebelius “In Over Her Head” – “Should Have Been Gone A Long Time Ago”

Wednesday, Rep Issa, Chairman of the House Oversight and Reform Committee sent a letter to HHS Kathleen Sebelius suggesting the secretary may have perjured herself when she appeared before Congress and demanding an explanation for the false and misleading statements she made about the security risks present on  He also requested the documents and communications that were made in preparation for Sebelius’s congressional appearances after October 1, 2013.

Yesterday, Rep. Gowdy went on America’s Newsroom on Fox to discuss allegations that HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius lied to Congress about Obamacare rollout. Gowdy told host Gregg Jarrett, that “Sec Sebelius has always had a complicated relationship with the truth.”

“Lying to a television camera or a reporter is one thing”, he explained, “lying to a committee of Congress is a crime. No matter how unpopular we are, you still can’t lie to a committee of Congress.”

He went on to discuss the areas Chairman Issa is concerned about, how Sebelius has been trying to prevent Congress from getting documents that would prove the case that she lied, and her  basic competence. When Jarrett asked if she should be fired, Gowdy replied, “if you want to go back in a time machine to two years, ago – yes. He can’t get anyone else confirmed because that person’s going to have to answer the questions that she won’t answer.”

He concluded, “I don’t know if you heard her testify about the HHS Contraception Mandate, but she’s in over her head. She doesn’t know the law, and she doesn’t know health care. So how you can oversee the rollout of a takeover of 1/6 of the economy when you don’t know the law and you don’t know healhcare – you’re just going to have to ask her boss but I thought she should have been gone a long time ago.”

Today, House lawmakers are set to vote on a proposal designed to address potential security breaches on the Website. The measure would “require the Obama administration to notify Americans within 48 hours if their identity is compromised” via the Obamacare website.

Darrell Issa took to the House floor, this morning to voice his support for the bill, making the case that did not meet any definition of a secure website.

The bill overwhelmingly passed the House.

The House overwhelmingly passed a bill to impose new security requirements on President Barack Obama’s health care law as Republicans maintained an election-year focus on the contentious program and its troubled rollout.

The vote Friday was 291-122 for the measure that Republicans said would address potential data breaches, though they offered no examples in which personal data had been compromised through the government website. There were 67 Democrats who joined with Republicans to back the measure.

The bill was the first of several targeting “Obamacare” this year in the GOP-led House. Republicans see the law’s woes as paying political dividends in November’s midterm contests and vow to be relentless in highlighting what they consider a disastrous law.

The administration opposes the bill, which stands no chance in the Democratic-led Senate.

6 thoughts on “Trey Gowdy: Sebelius “In Over Her Head” – “Should Have Been Gone A Long Time Ago”

  1. Here we go again-another liar and from Rep Gowdy? She lied, she has a problem with the truth, blahblahblah, SSDI as we used to say sailing in the Carib.

    Just cut the foreplay out and arrest her. How can Rep Gowdy and other Constitutional conservatives allow this parade of lying to continue?


  2. Watch the video again. They are in the process right now of trying to prove it, but are being stonewalled. Issa has all but accused her of perjury, and is demanding that she explain herself and provide the requested documents.. If she can be found guilty of perjury, she’s in big trouble.

    I don’t know what you want them to do short of storming the White House with flame throwers.

    The wheels of justice turn slowly when the people weilding the power have no problem, lying, obstructing, stonewalling, etc.


  3. Pingback: House Passes ObamaCare Security Bill 291-122

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