Corrupt Ex-DHS IG Placed on Leave After Senate Probe Finds He Altered Reports (Video)

Another day, another massive Obama administration scandal. This time, it’s about the Regime’s corrupt, in the tank, not-so-independent Inspector General for the Department of Homeland Security. He fulfilled a very important role in 2012, which as you may remember, was a big election year. Tasked with keeping watch over the DHS,  he  instead kept a watch-out watch-out for his pals in the department, covering up scandalous behavior.

Via Fox News:

A subcommittee of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs released a scathing report on Thursday that effectively confirmed many of the ethical allegations that have trailed Charles Edwards ever since he resigned his post in December as acting DHS inspector general. The report determined that he “jeopardized the independence” of his office by socializing with senior DHS officials and had reports “altered or delayed” to accommodate the department he was supposed to oversee.

In the wake of the report, DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson announced that Edwards, who after leaving the acting IG post took a different job at DHS, would be placed on administrative leave.

The report also included, though did not confirm, allegations that Edwards’ office sat on information about the 2012 Secret Service prostitution scandal that could “influence an election.”

“An Office of Inspector General is intended to be beyond reproach. The problems in that office were allowed to persist for far too long,” Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., said in a statement.

Asked about the allegations on Thursday, Edwards told his office “was independent” — but he declined to comment further.

Edwards’ attorney is claiming that the bipartisan report is the product “of a predetermined investigation,” and faulted lawmakers for “declaring last year that his client acted improperly without giving him a chance to be interviewed.”  Because the Democratic controlled Senate is so known for being hard on fellow Democrats in the Obama administration.

“The report is full of characterizations and supposition which are not supported by the record in this case,” Lease said in a statement. “The report often cites to testimony or other materials which have been quoted out of context and provide a misleading impression. Mr. Edwards worked diligently to maintain the independence and integrity of the Office of the Inspector General during his tenure as Acting and Deputy Inspector General.”

The report paints the picture of an office torn apart by personal vendettas and political games. It included allegations that Edwards’ office retaliated against workers who spoke out and, in the words of one unnamed official, that Edwards himself cultivated a “toxic, totally dysfunctional and oppressive” work environment. One official told Senate investigators that the work atmosphere was one of “complete terror.”

Don’t worry, though. Eric Holder’s Justice Department has leaped into action. Holder’s got his best men on the case,  and they’re –they’re — —

Oh, who the hell am I kidding?

Holder’s not doing anything, nor is he expected to do anything.

On Fox with Greta Van Susteren, Thursday night, National Journal’s Ron Fournier said that the Obama’s administration thinks it can continue ignoring scandals  because it hasn’t perceived any price has been paid.

“They think they’ve skirted by on these scandals,” because Obama hasn’t been impeached, Fournier said Thursday on Fox News Channel’s “On the Record With Greta Van Susteren.” 

But there are consequences, Fournier argued: Obama’s credibility and personal approval ratings have tanked

“He’s going to pay for this in the long term,” the naive  Fournier said.

But  New York Times’ Michael Shear understands how the game is played. He argued that the public’s attention span in “this Internet-fueled world” is so short that the White House is counting on putting Edwards on administrative leave, and the next day “we’ll be on to the next story.” 

Next week, the MSM will have forgotten about this and in a month, it will be known as another Republican fueled “phony scandal.”

Oh –and I forgot to mention – the Regime will only succeed in running out the clock because  media lapdogs like Michael Shear and Ron Fournier will let them.