Saturday Movie Matinee: Obama is not Interested in #PhotoOps

Digitas: Obama is not Interested in #PhotoOps:

WaPo: Preezy of the United Steezy Does Denver:

WFB: Rick Perry Gives Hannity A Tour Of The Border:


The crisis on the Mexican border is worsening by the hour. In his latest FIREWALL, Bill Whittle hammers home three devastating points regarding the dangerous legal precedents, the morally gray areas, and the hypocritical pose of unearned moral superiority on the part of those proposing amnesty and open borders.

The Right Scoop: CNN’s Don Lemon SHOCKED that Paul Rodriguez is opposed to illegal immigration, because he’s a LEGAL immigrant!:

AZ Sheriff Paul Babeu 3 7 Billion Obama Wants For Border “Will Go To Support Amnesty”:

Gateway Pundit: Joe Arpaio: My Tents Are HILTON HOTELS Compared to What’s Going On at Illegal Immigrant Camps (Video):


Red State: I stand with Glenn Beck, not Robert Malthus:

I see a pattern in the online debates over Glenn Beck’s plan to bring a few thousand hot meals to children sent alone to to the US from Mexico. Anytime someone defends the practice, his critics get derailed in a massive non sequitur, beginning to argue about the gravity of the illegal immigration crisis, the economics of illegal immigration, and other related topics. The net effect is to say or to imply that the defender of Glenn Beck is simply wrong on illegal immigration.

The fact is, Glenn Beck’s actions are right or wrong independent of the correct policy on illegal immigration, and the entire debate is indicative of a moral decay that extreme leftists have injected into our rhetoric. We need to throw off their influence, now.

Let’s get this out of the way now. The President and his party have no regard for the people of Mexico. We saw that with the Fast and Furious scandal, and we see it now with their unguarded, reckless rhetoric that, as Beck himself has said, “engineered a humanitarian crisis in order to advance progressive policies on illegal immigration.” It’s amoral political posturing, degrading the rule of law and creating a horrible situation.

RightWingNews: Mexico Made a Deal To Send More Illegal Immigrants to the US:

   It’s official: the illegal immigration crisis we’re seeing right now is nothing less than an invasion of the United States, made possible by the Mexican and Guatemalan governments — and of course, our own Dear Leader, who is sitting blithely by, letting it all happen. The presidents of Mexico and Guatemala, Enrique Pena Nieto and Otto Perez Molina, just held a press conference announcing how exactly they were facilitating the illegal invasion into the United States by their countrymen.


MCALLEN, Texas—Illegal aliens are being allowed to fly on commercial airliners without valid identification, according to the National Border Patrol Council (NBPC). “The aliens who are getting released on their own recognizance are being allowed to board and travel commercial airliners by simply showing their Notice to Appear forms,” NBPC’s Local 2455 Spokesman, Hector Garza, told Breitbart Texas.

“This is not the CBP [Customs and Border Protection] or another federal agency renting or leasing an aircraft, these are the same planes that the American public uses for domestic travel,” said Garza. “This just adds insult to injury. Not only are we releasing unknown illegal aliens onto American streets, but we are allowing them to travel commercially using paperwork that could easily be reproduced or manipulated on any home computer. The Notice to Appear form has no photo, anyone can make one and manipulate one. They do not have any security features, no watermark, nothing. They are simply printed on standard copy paper based on the information the illegal alien says is the truth.”

“Last month Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas openly united with the evil terrorist group Hamas. And at this very moment, they are raining down rockets upon the innocent citizens of Israel,” said Rep. Franks, a Republican said in a passionate and forceful tone.
“Half of all Israelis have sought cover in bomb shelters across their tiny country,” the Republican congressman said. And the Obama administration has had the reprehensible gall to praise Abbas as someone who is, quote, ‘committed to non-violence and cooperation with Israel,’” Franks angrily explained, while quoting Obama as saying, “Finally peace is possible.”

Rep. Franks went on to accuse Obama of conducting a “flushed and breathless rush to embrace terrorists,” and an “unprecedented act of cowardice and betrayal” towards Israel, the only democracy and strongest American ally in the Middle East.

“I thought that nothing this president could ever say or do would surprise me anymore. But this president is flushed and breathless rush to embrace terrorists launching rockets at Israeli children is an unprecedented act of cowardice and betrayal.”

Ben Shapiro: “It’s borderline a Jew-hating administration”:

The Daily Rushbo: LIMBAUGH: Putin Is Belittling Obama On Israel:

The Middle East Problem:

The Middle East conflict is framed as one of the most complex problems in the world. But, in reality, it’s very simple. Israelis want to live in peace and are willing to accept a neighboring Palestinian state. And most Palestinians do not want Israel to exist. As Dennis Prager explains, this is really all you need to know. In 5 minutes, understand how Israel was founded, and how, since that auspicious day in 1948, its neighbors have tried to destroy it, again and again.

WFB: CNN’s Jake Tapper Demolishes PLO Spokeswoman:

Krauthammer’s Take: Obama ‘Robbing the Military to Inflate the Entitlement State’:

D’Souza: The Ed Show: Grilling Dinesh D’Souza:

Conservative filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza ruffled some feathers during a Thursday appearance on MSNBC, engaging in a debate with the show’s liberal host and panel over his new movie America.

Ed Show guest host Michael Eric Dyson asked D’Souza how he reconciled slavery while challenging the “theft and pillage narrative of America’s history.”

“Well, first of all, you have to remember, the ethic of conquest, the idea that you get land by grabbing it from someone else has been occurring since the dawn of mankind,” the conservative filmmaker answered, noting that native Americans often took land from others.

“Slavery was a universal institution, but only one nation, America, fought a war to end it,” he added.

Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch Comments on Federal Judge’s IRS Ruling:

IRS Scandal – Second Federal Judge Tells IRS To Explaine Lost Lerner Emails – Lou Dobbs:

Megyn Kelly SLAMS Nancy Pelosi on Hobby Lobby decision, says she’s guilty of ‘sexism’:

Pelosi now acknowledges she “misspoke” on HobbyLobby SCOTUS ruling – KellyFile:

TruthRevoltOriginals, Andrew Klavan: Which Scandal is Which?

Digitas: Touré Talks About Who Is Too Old For President:

PJTV – Fantasy Island: Scientist Slashes His Estimate of Ocean’s Plastic Dumps:

Jim Gaffigan: Obsessed (2014) – USA:

Today’s palette cleanser:

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