UK Students Told To Write, “There Is No God But Allah”…

It was a handwriting exercise for ten year olds.

ANGRY parents have blasted a teacher for telling ten-year-olds to copy a Muslim prayer saying “There is no God but Allah”.Helen Green is said to have picked the Muslim call to prayer as HAND-WRITING practice.

It includes the lines “Allah is the greatest” and “I bear witness that there is no God but Allah”.

The deputy head of the School in Wakefield, West Yorks acknowledged that it was a “sensitive issue” , but no change in the policy was mentioned, at least in The Sun article.

Three of the 7/7 suicide bombers came from Leeds, 15 miles away.

A quick perusal of the article’s comments showed 0% support for the school.

Here are some of the best:

Sack him (I like it because it’s pithy, however, the deputy head of the school responsible for this, is a female).

Such open and deliberate corruption is highly offensive especially in light of existing conflicts.

with kids getting fatter these days why not use the time for an extra PE lesson instead.

The end is nigh and we are all doomed.

And my favorite because it’s so true:

Perhaps the teacher should get a job in Pakistan or Saudi Arabia and instruct the pupils to write ” Jesus is the son of God” purely as a hand writing exercise, and see how long his head rema …

12 thoughts on “UK Students Told To Write, “There Is No God But Allah”…

  1. Imagine for one second this had been a class of moslem children who had written something from the Bible, we would by now have calls for the teacher to be sacked from the usual suspects.

    It would be a fair bet that the teacher would be suspended pending a review, a mass rally would follow similar to that over the Mo cartoons, oh and politicians would be falling over themselves promising that this would never happen again and that normal dhimmi status would be resumed.

    Later the teacher would be moved – for their own safety and be made to issue an apology – and odds on would still end up losing their job.

    Mind you when its the other way around, well no protests, no howls from the rent a mob. The whole thing can be written off as “enabling understanding of other faiths” or some other pc leftist newspeak.

    Why do I get the feeling that this leftist teacher, a woman who I imagine “doesn’t do God”, despises the West deep down inside, blames all the worlds ills on Israel and George W Bush. Whilst complaining at coffee mornings that only “white middle class” people from Europe can be racist and wrong. Odds on she is feeding a steady drip of leftist new age hippy shit into the young minds in her care, rather than educating them in skills they can use.

    Fifty quid says she would never have made them write this as an exercise…

    “I am the Lord thy God and there shalt not be any strange gods before me”

    **Maybe next they will have all the children of the kufir don the wide belt called the zunnar, worn by non moslems to show deference to those of the moslem faith and keep them in their proper dhimmi status.

    Oh they could also have each child pay towards the moslems a sort of Jizya(tax on non moslems), get them used to working and supporting moslems. Something they will be doing through the tax/benefits system when they grow up.


  2. Holy Crap!

    May God Bless England because they are really going to need His blessings if they are to survive.

    They pulled this same kind of crap in California some time ago (last year?), forcing students to recite Muslim prayers. Invoking Allah and repeating PBUH. Diversity training I believe they called it. Sure would like to see the day we could force students to recite Christian prayers in a public school without the ACLU and their fellow travelers shitting all over themselves. Won’t happen.


  3. just 4 those heathens , its sufficient 2 know that koran is purely from ALLAH u have 2 learn arabic once u have a complete knowledge u gunna realze that its impossible 4 a human 2 create such a book , u gunna know the truth in the end day when nuffin will avail you just no god but allah ,muhammed the prophet of allah .


  4. What a load of B.S.

    God doesn’t want slaves. Only evil people do.

    That’s why he gave us free will.

    What kind of God forces himself on people under penalty of death?


  5. Too bad GOD’s slave doesn’t have a complete knowledge of spelling and proper grammar. Of course, if he did, he would appear to be even more delusional — if that were mathematically possible.


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