President Huckabee?

A reader of The Corner sent Rich Lowry an interesting email that laid out a series of nine events that could lead to a Huckabee nomination.


Huckabee easily crushes Hillary in 2008, since he has all sorts of info on the Clintons back from the Arkansas days. He then invites his band, Capitol Offense, to play during his own inauguration. After 8 years of Huckabee, we get 3 conservative SCOTUS appointments, an implementation of the Fair Tax system, and the dying whimpers of Al-Qaeda whose will was broken at the hands of a bass-playing joke-telling weight-losing president named Huckabee.

The End.

Jonah Goldberg took credit for the email, but I think he was kidding.

Lowry thinks a more plausible scenario would be for Huckabee to get some “VP buzz”, if Giuliani is the nominee, to balance out the ticket.

UPDATE: writes that Huckabee is reporting a big bump in fundraising, following his second place showing at last week’s IA straw poll.  He’s also seeing a flood of phone calls to his campaign headquarters, as well as a “dramatic change” in traffic to his campaign website.

“We’re doing more almost daily, like 30,000 (hits) a day as of Saturday night, which would be more than we’d get online normally in a week,” he said at a roundtable interview with reporters. He said more than 1,000 first-time donors to the campaign contributed from Saturday night through Tuesday morning online, and “the phones have not stopped ringing.”

Not too shabby.

One thought on “President Huckabee?

  1. Fair Tax is a DEATH issue.

    1) it’s stupid, I’m sorry, it’s stupid, look at new zealand, they basicaly have the same thing. They have a lot of pretty shit, and are only able to develop a hollywood industry, all the scientific stuff is done in AU, and AU has it’s own problems, but when as a guy I met while in AU who was from NZ Said “I make enough money, and the lands beautiful, it’s worth it for me.”

    The important part is the “for me” part.


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