ANOTHER HRC Fundraising Scandal!

This Clinton donor is wanted by the FBI, and he’s a Pakistani named Abdul Rehman Jinnah. He’s wanted for illegally funneling contributions to Hillary, and Barbra Boxer’s political coffers in 2004.

Gateway Pundit, Atlas Shrugs and Sweetness and Light have the story so far.


A Pakistani immigrant who hosted fundraisers in Southern California for Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton is being sought by the FBI on charges that he funneled illegal contributions to Clinton’s political action committee and Sen. Barbara Boxer’s 2004 reelection campaign. Authorities say Northridge businessman Abdul Rehman Jinnah, 56, fled the country after an indictment accused him of engineering more than $50,000 in illegal donations to the Democratic committees. A business associate charged as a co-conspirator has entered a guilty plea and is scheduled to be sentenced in Los Angeles next week.

Will Hillary return this money, too?

Will “the Deciders” deem this a significant story to cover?

Will the Democrats manage to control Congress, and the Whitehouse, after the ’08 elections, (but the Republicans control the bathrooms)?

‘Cause that’s what’s gonna happen, unless the Repubs get smart, and get mean.

These scandals are a gift to the Republican party.

Use them.

Stay tuned.

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