KC Teaparty This Saturday



I’ve got the poster board, and markers. I’ve even got a little artistic ability… but I need some good ideas for posters. Help a blogger out! The winners will get to see their brilliant visions in action, on a major medium small blog.


Pajamas Media has a  list of Tea Parties around the nation. Check and see if there’s one scheduled near you.

Thanks, Reeko

Mexico In turmoil, Texas On Alert

Texas state Senator Dan Patrick (R) told Fox News that Texas has gone on alert for the first time in modern history over concerns of violence spilling into the U.S.:

Faultline USA reported:

According to Lockernome.com:

• 100’s of PRO-DRUG CARTEL Mexicans were blocking the entrance to the United States, yesterday and today, banging cars, shouting and holding signs. 10 people were killed Wed. and 12 more yesterday at the border (5 of which were children!!!)
• Mexico is breaking out in Civil War in the western part of the border and they expect it to spread the entire border with no end in sight.
• The National Guard will be activated as the scenario worsens and is on Alert now and will remain so until (and IF) Washington does something to end the danger on the border
Patrick has been in touch with DC and as yet, they have not responded.

Right Wing Sparkle mentioned these startling events at her blog a few days ago, advising folks to be on guard.

Video:The Heartbreaking End To The NYU Student Occupation

Allahpundit says the final moments of the student standoff, (background here)  falls “far over the line into self-parody” ……he’s right:

A commenter at NYU Local sums it all up, nicely:

‘You guys are all corporationey, and we’re using consensus and sweet kaffiyehs to overturn the power structure through consensus and a rejection of non-consensus and brutality. The revolution will be televised via my iphone! Also, Gaza.

Don’t touch me!’

Thanks for making my night…

Ace has more on the moonbat behind the camera.