DNC Website Hosts Anti-Rush Slogan Contest

Are they insane? These people are  like Saul Alinsky on steroids. They’ve picked the target, and “are freezing it, personalizing it, and polarizing it.

What they’re doing here would be funny if so many people weren’t so clueless about their motives.

Here’s the DNC email solicitation via Michelle Malkin, in part:

The only Republican leader to challenge Limbaugh — the chairman of the Republican National Committee — even called Rush to apologize just a few days later.

Heckuva job, there, Steele.

But we have no apologies for Rush, just a message. We need you to come up with a slogan, in ten words or less, that we’ll put on a billboard where he can’t miss it — in his hometown of West Palm Beach, Florida.

Can you help us come up with a message for Rush that we’ll place on a billboard right in his hometown?

We’ll go through all the slogans we get, and the winner will have his or her message appear on the billboard — and receive a free T-shirt featuring the winning slogan.

Limbaugh’s big sin of course, is his “I hope Obama fails” statement. Big whoop. I said the same thing the day after the election. Anybody with a brain hopes Obama will fail in his war against prosperity.  His policies are a disaster for the US economy, and that is becoming clearer by the day.  Moderate chumps who voted for him are jumping ship faster than you can say, “tax hike!”, and some are  forcefully speaking out. Even “Tingles” himself is now questioning the Messiah.

So what do they do? Divert attention from what’s becoming increasingly obvious, that’s what: Shame shame shame on the big meanie who says bad things about our first black President!!!!11!

It’s just crazy enough to work.

Meanwhile, the media yawns as an Obama bankrupts the country.

Hat tip: Teh Resistance Blog


Good news.

Here’s RNC Chairman Michael Steele on Sean Hannity’s show calling out the Dems for their stupid tricks.

There may be hope for the man, yet.

And House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-OH) had an article on the Democrat distractions, Thursday in The Washington Post:

In the first two months of 2009, the Democratic Congress and the White House have spent more money than the combined cost of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars and the response to Hurricane Katrina. After they doled out taxpayer dollars at such a blistering pace, the instinct of many inside the Beltway is to do what’s most convenient: desperately try to change the subject by creating straw men — called “the party of no” — to rally against.

And in a carefully calculated campaign, operatives and allies of the Obama administration are seeking to divert attention toward radio host Rush Limbaugh, and away from a debate about our alternative solutions on the economy and the irresponsible spending binge they are presiding over. This diversionary tactic will not create a single job or help a single family struggling in today’s economic crisis. And that is where our focus should be.

79 thoughts on “DNC Website Hosts Anti-Rush Slogan Contest

  1. I can’t help it. I’m sorely tempted to log in on their slamfest and submit a few of my own “slogans” for their billboard, but i doubt that Rush would see them…. 😉

    “Talent to goad the God-like One.”

    “See, you told us so.” (like we need to remind Rush!)

    “El cRush-bo vs. Rahm-bo El Magnifico” (pay-per-view)

    “The Maja-Rushie vs. Teh Obamessiah” (also pay-per-view but comes with money-back guarantee for media blackouts)

    “I hopey free yalls.” (what he really said! “I hope he fails” was just a microphone malfunction.)

    “Jacket no tie – Its a Black thing.” (for whiteys its a wardrobe malfunction.)

    “Mecca Dittos!” (don’t EVEN go there… infidel.)

    I could go on, but I need another Shiner Bock. besides, I already got a t-shirt at the Tea Party in Ft Worth:


    😉 reeko


  2. – Assent is the highest form of patriotism.
    – Rush is still sort of fat, kind of, so… Hey fatty!
    – As if transfering an inconcievable amount of money from the private sector to the public sector could fail to fix this!
    – Hey hey, ho ho, something something blah blah blow
    – Well of course NOW he’ll fail! You got all that negative energy out there, brah.
    – _____, somehow Rush’s fault (fill in later)
    – Crypto-Marxists and obtuse, Hapsburg-chinned brie junkies agree, scapegoating is awesome.
    – “Ditto” is only an appropriate thing to say in response to either Noam Chomsky or the Unibomber.
    – Bad man no like Leader!


  3. We’re just not hip to your cutting edge viagra humor around here. Give us a little time to catch up here. Do your Joe Buttofuco material.


  4. Does anybody but Steele, the RNC ,loud mouthed Congresspersons from the Grand Obstructionists Party and Southern Redneck Klansmen say “hip” in the 21st Century? . . . I don’t think so!


  5. 1960’s conformists = Establishment

    2009’s conformists = Goosestepping, lockstep, groupthink, hatemongering, racebaiting, socialists, marxist, Communists, Facists, Democrats.


  6. Haikus=Using no more than 17 syllables.
    Arranging these often in lines of 5-7-5 syllables.
    Avoiding similes and metaphors.
    Retaining the values of lightness, simplicity, openness, and depth.


  7. So impressive! Haiku, You GOPers (kinda reminds you of goobers don’t it) gotta love Wikipedia. When Bush, Cheney et al are in prison you can go in an edit their profiles and show them accomplishing the mission in Iraq, single handed!


  8. Derek………Funny, I liked Goober and Gomer. Crazy me, but they had respect for all things America. Respect for the law, family, and imagine this…Gomer went into the Marine Corp…what a dumbshit huh? Take your hate of the United States, and shove it up your disrespectful turd hole.


  9. Just one more thing Derek…

    I spent 4 years in the Military and 33 years in the Fire Service. Responded to so many emergencies that I can’t count. What have you done for our country? What have you done for your community? Let me guess..nothing. Nothing except whine and complain. Mama’s boy?


  10. Derek, you’re playing make believe…..Bush and Cheney are not war criminals….unless Obama’s one too – (how about those renditions) But nobody saying that except a few wackos.

    Have you been noticing, though… that in just a little over a month in office, Obama is bringing our financial institutions to it’s knees? Have you heard the panicked whispers in public, that maybe Obama doesn’t know what he’s doing? Have you noticed that people are already taking to the streets to protest what he’s doing to the economy? That’s the reality, right now. Try to pay attention and keep up with current events.


  11. Nice Deb,
    I know the Dereks of the world have the right to say what they think. Trash Bush, Cheney, and all those who served in his administration. It’s now Obama’s turn now…and wow…we are on the cusp of total economic disaster. I am sorry but I can’t stand the Dereks in this country.


  12. OPEN LETTER TO: Senator Leahy
    REF: The Truth Commission
    We’re always touting against other dictators how, “They must be tried and convicted of crimes againist humanity”otherwise, we . . . as good as failed.

    Think about that, when you want to give immunity to any in the Bush Administration.

    As an American I feel so ashamed about what they did in our name, and will continue to do so, until justice is done in the eyes of the world.

    Make me proud to be an American again!


  13. Hey Rush! don’t you think its time you hired Burson-Marsteller to clean up the Republican image? ps you may not get it, but he will!


  14. Nice Deb
    Yikes..another nutty (Loreliese). Funny, that Derek didn’t respond to me. Mmmmm..do you think he/she might be without words?
    Thank You Deb!


  15. Derek,
    LOL…come back when you grow up, grow some balls, become a man. How does it feel to have your tail between your legs? I will be looking for you, but I know you won’t come back with the same name. You are a Wuss. You will come back with another name. It’s okay, we know you. You are scum. Lower than maggots. But, come on back Turd..


  16. I see the trolls are hard at work displaying ignorance. It’s like arguing with a 5-year old–all feelings, no rational thought.


  17. Let us not forget that Rush is an entertainer and at the most he is a comedian. His comments are opinion only! Most of informed Americans disagree with him. That is a fact. Rush worships the man that used the United States Constitution as a door mat to wipe his feet on.


  18. Oh and another thing. Most of you “especially” Sparky is taking all of this way too seriously. Relax! Remember we are all Americans!


  19. Rick…you do know that Obama is retaining many of those same policies that critics bellowed violate the Constitution…like the FISA wiretapping program, and renditions?


  20. My, what an angry bunch of Pubs. Let me see if there is anything that resembles signs of intelligence in those meaningless posts. Nope, no hint of intelligence among Deb’s following.
    Anyone who thinks that in 40 days President Obama brought us to the “cusp?(a singular point of a curve)” of financial disaster. George Bush and Dick Cheney gave tax cuts to the rich so that they could “trickle down” on geniuses like Sparky (His parents must have been mechanics). Instead of trickling money on Sparky, 47,000 of the Bush Billionaires opened illegal Swiss bank accounts at UBC to dodge taxes. You know, like Bush and Cheney dodged the Vietnam war. The remainder of the greedy bunch gave your tax dollars to off shore scammers like Madoff.

    To help their buddies even more, the Criminal Bush Administration gutted the regulatory agencies so that detection, much less prosecution from a corrupt Justice Department was impossible so Wall Street got drunk on middle class money.

    Now, the investor class is pouting and refusing to cooperate with the recovery effort in an attempt to return to the good old days of corrupt government visa vie the GOP. It will NEVER happen. We have seized control of the government and will realign Congressional seats before 2010 and if necessary change the entire financial structure of our society from capitalist to socialist.

    It is over. In terms of Constitutional concerns. People who sat back like sheep and allowed the criminal Bush administration to suspend Habeas Corpus and establish a dictatorship know as much about the Constitution as does your genius leader Limbaugh who not only mis-quoted the Constitution but mis-quoted it from the Declaration of Independence.

    As far as the personal comments go, I do not have a thing to prove to people like “Sparky” and seriously doubt that males with such uncontrolled emotions are really classified as men. Some boys, good ‘ol or otherwise, just never grow up. My free advice: Go to college and get an education.


  21. You could not be more wrong. The only “fiscal responsible” suggestions that the GOP has put forward is Obstruction bordering on treason and a desire to return to the trickle down method of robbing the middle class. The economists who support such a method are unreliable because of their bias.

    An overwhelming majority of legitimate economists and history itself shows us how to recover. Bolster the middle class. Republicanism as we have known it since the Gingrich “Contract with America” is OVER. Breach of contract.

    Obstructionists will be targeted for removal from office and the landslide majority of American middle class citizens who agree with President Obama will move forward. The investor class and their corrupt government cronies are simply going to whither and die on the vine of greed.


  22. Derek,

    The overwhelming majority of economists agree that Roosevelt’s policies prolonged the depression, and that it was WWII that got us out of an even bigger financial mess. What other historical example is there? Your example is an exposition of what not to do.


  23. O’s spent three times as much money in 50 days than Bush spent on the entire Iraq War so far.

    Feel free to explain the “fiscal responsibility” therein.


  24. Derek is a dud
    Always pulling on his pud
    Rush anger deflates

    Alex, what is a dirty-rhyming-limerick-haiku hybrid?


  25. Derek you do know you have basically the same ecomonic and social platform as the Amercian Communist Party. As one of your main spokesperson , Rosie, would say , Google It! I’ll hand it to you Derek, your side is bold. You’re impatient and can’t handle hardship and instead of looking at reality you only care about winning. In these tough times you flail about like a little girl, looking to draw everyone else down with you becuase you have no character to fall back on and just want to drag others down to your own failed policies.


  26. The investor class and their corrupt government cronies

    Hey, that’s every public-school teacher in America, along with every city/state government worker with a guaranteed pension.


  27. Wow, Deb. You’re wearing the enchanting “Useful Idiot” perfume again, aren’t you m’love?

    Derelik: You seem awfully convinced of your victory in the People’s Revolution. Keep thinkin’ that, kiddo…


  28. “anti-Rush” billboard contest”

    It distracts them from hearing their parents cry over 401s. Wait ’til they find out college funds get hammered too.


  29. >>Obstructionists will be targeted for removal from office and the landslide majority of American middle class citizens who agree with President Obama will move forward. The investor class and their corrupt government cronies are simply going to whither and die on the vine of greed.


    I don’t want to tax your thinky place, but could you please explain to me exactly how the landslide majority is going to move forward without an investor class? Feel free to use charts, graphs, pictures, venn diagrams or any visual aid you like.


  30. Derek,

    There may be a job available for you in North Korea. They’re looking for a really good American B.S. aritist and propagandist. Goosestep youself down to Venuzuela, they like your brand as well!


  31. The division that we see between liberals and conservatives today is reminiscent of the old Tory and Continental conflict. The Tories wanted a king who would take care of them for life. The Continentals wanted the independence to determine the life they led. Liberals want the government to take care of them from the cradle to the grave, so they voted for the Messiah. What they actually gave us is unprecedented incompetence. The President is out of his league. The question is what do we do when we want to fire Obama.


  32. If Dear Leader had tried to start a business to give jobs to people on the South Side of Chicago— instead of becoming a “community organizer” and agitating for handouts — he would have a very different perspective on the economy than he does.

    There are no entrepreneurs, no businessmen, no people who actually know how to grow an economy, in Dear Leader’s circle of advisers.


  33. Derek, maybe you should have done a little research on Oblameless prior to voting for him. I judge a politician based on his/her treatment of his/her constituency. Google “Grove Parc.” Better yet, Grove Parc.


  34. JackStraw,
    It will be a very long wait for coherent thought out of Derek. I hope that you brought supplies.

    Btw, are you by any chance from Wichita?


  35. corrupt government visa vie the GOP (derek)

    What the hell does that mean, you assclown leftard? Can’t you even copy from the script you’re sent? You are a *really* big disappointment to your obamassiah[nmp], Ill have you know. You can be replaced by another troll who can copy enough to make some sense.

    Get with the program! Now! Or it’s the gulag for you.


  36. Like all other republicans you people are angry and sore losers. I have never read such much worthless crap in my life! I am out of here! Will not post on this stupid blog again.


  37. You people never cease to amaze me. Are the Fox News talking points all that you know? Like a bunch of little parrots repeating what Neil Cavuto and friends spew out. What did the government do at the outset of WWII . . . start saving money and reduce spending? Of course not!

    Roosevelt’s government reopened factories closed by Hoover cut the tax to the wealthy policies and began manufacturing everything from GI socks to aircraft carriers. Then, Roosevelt “hired” 2 million men from Hoovervilles all across the country to fight the Axis. It was the greatest government spending in the history of the country and preceded the birth of the middle class in the 50’s and 60’s.

    I literally laughed out loud when I read about Republicans siding with the people. Do you folks not even have Community Colleges where you live? These discussions are useless. There is a 27% minority in this country of undereducated sheeple who let the Republicans use them like tools and discard them.

    The 12 years the Republicans controlled the Congress and the White House, what did they do that they promised?

    Lower YOUR taxes . . . . NO.

    End Abortion . . . . . . . . .NO.

    Help Veterans . . . . . . .. NO.

    What they did was cut taxes to the wealthy, increase the amount of time you have to work for the same dollar you earned in the 90’s, gut Wall Street regulation resulting in the Bush Depression, cut Veteran’s benefits, Build schools, hospitals and businesses IN IRAQ with no bid contracts to Cheney’s Haliburton, suspend Habeas Corpus, violate World law and treaties by torturing, thereby causing our soldiers to be tortured, denied health care to children, gave tax breaks to companies who moved overseas and took your jobs with them and on and on and on.

    You are not worth my time if you refuse to help yourselves. Just remember this: The GOP as a viable political party is finished. Live with it by getting on board or accepting the results.


  38. El Rider-

    Nice picture, brings back some great memories.


    >>Roosevelt’s government reopened factories closed by Hoover cut the tax to the wealthy policies and began manufacturing everything from GI socks to aircraft carriers. Then, Roosevelt “hired” 2 million men from Hoovervilles all across the country to fight the Axis. It was the greatest government spending in the history of the country and preceded the birth of the middle class in the 50’s and 60’s.

    Fascinating stuff. The way you defy the laws of logic and move facts to support your narrative, you are a force to be reckoned with. If I didn’t know better, I would say you have no grasp of economics or the role of individuals and government in a democracy.

    But I know better. You are operating on a plane far above what we mere mortals exist on. A world where unicorns poop skittles and the government creates middle classes amongst other things. A happy place where, unlike here on earth, governments can actually raise taxes and spend their way out of a recession. A magical place where the leader of the country says “Hey, we are in a financial crisis of epic proportions and my solution is to institute universal healthcare” and half the citizens think this actually makes any sense at all.

    Tell me, what’s the color of the sky in your world?


  39. Derek:

    I’ll keep this brief. I work in the Courts. Proof is king and bullshit assertions get you the loss. Now, unless, or until, you can provide proof of the ‘Constitutional Violations’ committed by Bush, complete with citations to the law and concrete demonstrative examples, it is all just bullshit force-fed to you by Professors teaching the “Hate America First” agenda. That being the case, I hope your white-hot irrational hatred of Bush keeps you warm in the coming years after Teh One™ gets done crashing the economy.

    When you get done having your strings pulled by people who have no interest in your well-being, I hope you can find the means to forgive yourself for backing people who want nothing less than the death of this Republic. Tool.



    New Pledge of Allegiance (TOTALLY AWESOME) ! 

    Since the Pledge of Allegiance 
    The Lord’s Prayer 
    Are not allowed in most 
    Public schools anymore 
    Because the word ‘God’ is mentioned…. 
    A kid in  Arizona  wrote the attached

    NEW School prayer :

    Now I sit me down in school 
    Where praying is against the rule 
    For this great nation under God 
    Finds mention of Him very odd.

    If Scripture now the class recites, 
    It violates the Bill of Rights. 
    And anytime my head I bow 
    Becomes a Federal matter now. 

    Our hair can be purple, orange or green, 
    That’s no offense; it’s a freedom scene. 
    The law is specific, the law is precise. 
    Prayers spoken aloud are a serious vice.  

    For praying in a public hall 
    Might offend someone with no faith at all. 
    In silence alone we must meditate, 
    God’s name is prohibited by the state. 

    We’re allowed to cuss and dress like freaks, 
    And pierce our noses, tongues and cheeks.. 
    They’ve outlawed guns, but FIRST the Bible. 
    To quote the Good Book makes me liable.

    We can elect a pregnant Senior Queen, 
    And the ‘unwed daddy,’ our Senior King. 
    It’s ‘inappropriate’ to teach right from wrong, 
    We’re taught that such ‘judgments’ do not belong.

    We can get our condoms and birth controls, 
    Study witchcraft, vampires and totem poles. 
    But the Ten Commandments are not allowed, 
    No word of God must reach this crowd.  

    It’s scary here I must confess, 
    When chaos reigns the school’s a mess. 
    So, Lord, this silent plea I make: 
    Should I be shot; My soul please take! 

    If you aren’t ashamed to do this, 
    Please pass this on. 
    Jesus said, 
    ‘If you are ashamed of me, 
    I will be ashamed of you before my Father.’ 

    Any of you Dumb Shameful Democrats, feel any remorse that you have driven our Schools and it’s teaching to this low level?—-I would be quite supprised?????



  41. Hi everybody out there, I have been watching everything that’s being done to my country and just had to find a release of some of my rage or blow a fuse. My wife says she has had it with me cussing the TV and I was concerned I might put a foot through the damn thing, so I decided to put some of my anger down in black and white and share it with you—now I feel better!!!!
    But doubt you will if you are a DD, Oh, that is short for Dunb Dem,????
    Bob Myers

    So, how the heck do you like the “CHANGE” you have thus far America? Oops, let me correct that to read, “only that half of America that voted for it”!! The rest of us were quite happy with the previous seven and a half years of sustained Economic growth, Unemployment rate down at about 4.5%, the addition of several hundred thousand jobs being added to the economy each month, consumer confidence at a three year high, real-estate zooming right along, stock market bumping 14,000, no internal terror attacks for seven years, all our captured terrorism safely tucked away at Gitmo. My God, who would want to change any or all of that? (Hey–You Yuppies, Baby boomers, and Left Wing Looney got any ideas who might want to do that????)
    But “CHANGE,” did come in defiance of all common sense for no apparent reason and, seemingly over night!!
    Well it is quite simple really, if you recall half (the dumb half i.,e., DD’s) of America elected a Democrat Congress in 06, and THEN the change came rapidly.
    As Reid and Pelosi took over and all the other Democrat sleaze began to ooze out from ever “unpaid tax” slime pit in Washington. There was a collective and persistent heralding by these tax evaders, telling the world how bad our economy was. This dirge of course was immediately picked up by and carried forward in the mainstream media puppets as gospel. One individual example was the actions of the Senate Banking Chairman Dem. Chas. Schumer, who initiated the “first” Banking Failure with the release of a memo stating a named bank was on the verge of failure. This act of course, is a felony, akin to yelling FIRE in a crowed Theater. Guess what, the following morning folks were lined up for blocks at the bank, and by night fall the bank had closed it’s doors, thus began the collapse of a house of cards. You might think that there would be an outcry and punishment for his act. But oh no, Our society has long since given up any practice of punishment for the rich and sleazy. (Remember when we taught our kids there are “actions and consequences”?) Then we sent them off to collage and some “new society” fuzzy-headed professor told them “Na, Na, there are only actions, If anything feels good, you go for it!”
    Oh yes, I know, That isn’t the only crap those fruitcakes pounded into their sweet little heads. Funny that Mom and Dad who raised and loved them can’t tell them any thing but, some bearded, long haired bustard, from la la land can convince them the world is flat. For a long time I have been telling many of my friends that we have, to a great extent raised three generations of collage graduated “Idiots”, a lot of learning and not a lick of common sense. Following the recent elections many of those friends are now telling me, that I just might be on to something. But I digress, back to the point of this tirade.
    Of course the Dems., left wing Bush bashers and their puppets, (the entire Main stream media), placed the blame squarely on Bush’s doorstep. Not enough oversight to catch it they said.
    Two interesting points regarding this claim, also this is where I get to tickoff some liberals and possibly educate (if that is possible) a DD and Yuppie/Baby boomer or two. (1.) Bush tried four separate times once in 01, 02, 03, and 04 to get Congress to look at what the sub-prime markets were about to do to the economy. Ah, before you go off half cocked check it out, it’s a matter of record. Guess who laughed him down four separate times. i.e., (2.) The people responsible for primary oversight of course all DD’s i.e., Schumer, Barny Frank, and Charlie Rangle, etc.,etc, .
    Now here comes the really, really, good part, where do you suppose the housing fiasco got it’s start? Education Time Again, this is all a matter of Congressional Records also, available for any of you “Doubting Thomas to validate, if there are any of you who really give a damn, Ahhh, that is if the Dems. haven’t purged the records yet? (If so, check it out on Snopes}
    It all started with passage of the COMMUNITY REINVESTMENT ACT (CRA) OF 1977, one of those sweet sounding “Social Engineering” ploys which are a hallmark of the Democrats. This of course came to pass under “dunb-dumb Carter and his Democrat Congress. Fortunately, as with most things Carter had his hands in, it lacked teeth and got little movement until Slick Willie came into office several years later, where upon the Law got a real shot in the arm. In addition to direct contact with lending institutions the Clinton Adm., enlisted the aid of it’s Shock Troops. “The infamous outfit known as ACORN”. This name should sound familiar since, some of its sleaze actions were called to our attention by Fox News during the past elections.
    ACORN does many things under the umbrella of “Community Organizing”, another familiar name remember? They agitate for higher minimum wages, attempt to thwart school reform, try to unionize welfare workers ( i.e. welfare workers who are obligated to work exchange for benefits) and organize voter registration efforts (always for the Democrats of course). Because their work is always on the side righteousness and justice??, they aren’t especially fastidious about their methods. In 2006 for example, ACORN registered 1800 new voters in Washington. Problem being, with exception of six, all the names submitted were fake. The secretary of state called it the worst case of election fraud in the states history.

    ACORN explained that this was an “isolated” incident, yet similar stories have been reported in Missouri, Michigan, Ohio, and Colorado — all swing states, by the way. ACORN members have been prosecuted for voter fraud in a number of states. (See http://www.rottenacorn.com.) Their philosophy seems to be that everyone deserves the right to vote, whether legal or illegal, living or dead.

    ACORN recognized very early the opportunity presented by the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) of 1977. As Stanley Kurtz has reported, ACORN proudly touted “affirmative action” lending and pressured banks to make sub-prime loans. Madeline Talbott, a Chicago ACORN leader, boasted of “dragging banks kicking and screaming” into dubious loans. And, as Sol Stern reported in City Journal, ACORN also found a remunerative niche as an “advisor” to banks seeking regulatory approval. “Thus we have J.P. Morgan & Co., the legatee of the man who once symbolized for many all that was supposedly evil about American capitalism, suddenly donating hundreds of thousands of dollars to ACORN.” Is this a great country or what? As conservative community activist Robert Woodson put it, “The same corporations that pay ransoms to Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton pay ransom to ACORN.”

    ACORN attracted Barrack Obama in his youthful community organizing days. Madeline Talbott hired him to train her staff — the very people who would later descend on Chicago’s banks as CRA shakedown artists. The Democratic nominee later funneled money to the group through the Woods Fund, on whose board he sat, and through the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, ditto. Obama was not just sympathetic — he was an ACORN fellow traveler.
    Acorn is currently under Federal Investigation for voter fraud and the dirt-bag Dems. are about to rewarding them with a potential of five billion of your tax dollars earmarked of Community Services in the so called stimulus package.
    Now, I know this info, simple makes DD swell with pride but, may be it will wake up a few real Americans.


  42. Nicedeb, you are correct. I was mistaken when I used the word “philanderer.” Given Rush’s republican family values as reflected by his three ex-wives, and by the fact Rush said this about John Edwards’ affair, “Edwards might be attracted to a woman whose mouth did something other than talk”, I wrongly assumed he condoned or practiced cheating. Perhaps I should’ve described him as a “sexist”, or a at minimum, a “hypocrite”?


  43. Tsk tsk tsk! You are so right. Conservatives are not allowed to have divorces. How dare he. Family values, indeed! I am shocked! Shocked, I tell you!


  44. “You are not worth my time if you refuse to help yourselves. Just remember this: The GOP as a viable political party is finished. Live with it by getting on board or accepting the results.”

    I’m sure Boy Derek here would love to see us “get on board” with Nobama… even if it means re-education.



  45. Pingback: DNC Billboard FAIL « Nice Deb

  46. Pingback: The Nobama Blog » Blog Archive » Top 10 Reasons Rush Limbaugh Should be President

  47. Pingback: New Low: DNC Urges Supporters To Battle Sarah Palin On Facebook « Nice Deb

  48. Pingback: Tingles Begs Republican Pols To Go On Hardball And Denounce Rush Limbaugh « Nice Deb

  49. Pingback: DNC To Make “Major Announcement” Wedneday « Nice Deb

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