Senator Gregg Says Obama’s Budget Will Bankrupt Country

Senator Judd Gregg of NH, appearing on CNN this morning said Obama’s massive budget proposal will bankrupt the country:

Partial transcript via Gateway Pundit:

“Your listeners have to understand how staggering the numbers are. We’re talking about a deficit in the trillion-dollar range for as far as the eye can see. We’re talking about deficits which are 4% to 5% of GDP – which is not sustainable under any form of government. We’re talking about a public debt – this is a debt that people own of the federal government – that will be around 80% of GDP. Historically, it’s been around 40% of GDP in the out years. The practical implication of this is bankruptcy for the United States. There’s no other way around it.”

The  CBO projected last week that Obama’s budget would produce a dismal 9.3 trillion in deficits over the next decade.

But Obama insisted on Friday that his agenda is still on track.

“What we will not cut are investments that will lead to real growth and prosperity over the long term,” Obama said. “That’s why our budget makes a historic commitment to comprehensive health care reform. That’s why it enhances America’s competitiveness by reducing our dependence on foreign oil and building a clean energy economy.”

Obama’s $3.6 trillion budget for the 2010 fiscal year beginning Oct. 1 contains ambitious programs to overhaul the U.S. health care system and initiate new “cap-and-trade” rules to combat global warming.

That’s an example of what pundits mean when they say Obama “can’t get the words to match the situation”.

60 Minutes reporter Steve Kroft incredulously asked Obama if he was “punch drunk”  during their interview, as they were discussing the very dire state of the economy,and he kept giggling inappropriately.

What in the world is going on with him?


Powerline lists a few of the earmarks Dems think are worth risking financial ruin for.

For instance: Removing tattoos from gang members (California): $200,000.

Just awesome.

6 thoughts on “Senator Gregg Says Obama’s Budget Will Bankrupt Country

  1. Pingback: Video: 60 Minutes Interviewer Asks Obama; “Are You Punch Drunk”? « Nice Deb

  2. No, he is not punch-drunk. he is giddy at the thought of social change. It is no secret academics and those involved with community organization want to create social equality not by raising everyone higher, but by bringing down the wealthy. For many of them, they have a chip on their shoulder. They view wealth as evil–and this includes anyone making comfortable in the eyes of the poorest. They think by bringing down the rich, they will even the playing field so all can get ahead. The problem is, the top 3% of wealth earners shoulder 90% of the taxes (depending on the state/city) so by destroying them you destroy the economy. At that point everyone is equal and must rely upon the government. It’s one way to bring about social equality and change. While everyone will be provided for (minimal), freedom to choose is gone and the freedom to learn from the consequences of your mistakes to make your self better is also removed. For this reason socialism never produces great nations because the fact is pain and discomfort is really weakness leaving the body or society.

    Or, Yes, if punch drunk means you have been hit more than you can rationally take so you laugh as your last-resort defense mechanism. This is a man that is in over his head. Remember, Obama has never run a business, has no prior executive experience, spent most of his life in academia and then as a community organizer where the prevailing philosophy is business has destroyed the life of those in poverty. In short he is in over his head, he is the quintessential political virgin, the 46 year-old political virgin


  3. No, Obama is not a political virgin. He is a dedicated communist, at the laest a socialist, with a Third World mentality, in line with his upbringing, with all the attendent venom toward the U.S. His goal appears to be to destroy a country he does not understand and replace with what he and his comrades want. With AIG, his “share the wealth” philosophy seems to be coming to fruition (whether you think AIG is wrong or not). Thank God the people are waking up at last.


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