Video: Obama Asked About Operation Fast and Furious At Presser – Says “My” Att. General Has Made Clear He would Not Have Ordered “Inappropriate” Steps By ATF

Why do I get an overwhelming case of the shivering douchechills every time I see this guy? Is it the constant self-referrals, the smarmy disingenuousness? the outright lies? The smugness? What? Something about him is just so damn cringey:

Here’s what I think.

He knew, and Holder knew, because the idea was to flood Mexico with arms from American gun stores so they could blame the ensuing havoc on our gun laws. That seems to be what was happening until the whistleblowers’ charges changed the narrative.

And now they’re saying “inappropriate steps” were taken, and they’re going to totally get to the bottom of it, now that they’re done stonewalling because some kind of fix is in.

No wonder I can’t stop shivering.

Hat tip: Brian B.


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Video: Eric Holder Faces Contempt Charges For Obstructing Justice In Operation Fast and Furious Probe

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Holder On The Hot-Seat For Project Gunrunner

Video: Issa Subpoenas ATF to Break Through Its Stonewalling on Project Gunrunner

“Operation Fast and Furious” Needs To Be A Bigger Story


3 thoughts on “Video: Obama Asked About Operation Fast and Furious At Presser – Says “My” Att. General Has Made Clear He would Not Have Ordered “Inappropriate” Steps By ATF

  1. Pingback: Video: Obama Asked About Operation Fast and Furious At Presser – Says “My” Att. General Has Made Clear He would Not Have Ordered “Inappropriate” Step By ATF (via Nice Deb) | YOU DECIDE

  2. Pingback: Finally, Fast and Furious Is On the Clock (via The Western Experience) « YourDaddy's Politics

  3. Pingback: Video: ATF Official in Mexico Says Heads of ATF and DOJ Knew About Fast and Furious « Nice Deb

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