KC 2011 4th of July Tea Party

Pic from the 2010 KC “Proud to be an American” Tea Party

I’m a little late getting this notice up. Just found out about this 4th of July Tea Party which is being held on the Plaza, and being sponsored by In God We Trust PAC:

We are having our 12th Tea Party on July 4th J.C. Nichols Fountain.  Come CELEBRATE our nations heritage, HONOR those who have gone before us to protect our freedom and EDUCATE ourselves to pass the torch of blessing to our children and grand children.  Wear patriotic gear and we’ll see you at the fountain on the 4th!


Time: July 4, 2011 from 12pm to 2pm
Location: J.C. Nichols Fountain 47th and Main Street
Street: 4701 Main Street
City/Town: Kansas City Mo 6411

Website or Map: http://www.ingodwetrustpac.com

3 thoughts on “KC 2011 4th of July Tea Party

  1. I’m checking my hunch about liberal 4th of July celebrations.

    There’s one in Berkeley (CA), but it’s strictly “fun, food and fireworks”; not a single flag anywhere on the page. Only one mention of certain colors:

    “… Let’s hear it for the red, white, and blue…but keep it green, too.”
    [Don’t litter, “If you can, bring your own dishes — Frisbees double as plates!”]


  2. Pingback: Happy 4th of July « Nice Deb

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