Geithner: Obama’s Been “Working His Heart Out” – “Absolutely Not” Responsible For Downgrade

Poor Obama’s been getting gray hairs over fixing this mess, and he says he’s only halfway through. I know – the day he was nominated to be the Democratic candidate for President in 2008, was supposed to mark the moment “the rising of the oceans began to slow, and the planet began to heal”. I’m not sure about the oceans, but I’m pretty sure the planet is a lot sicker now, than when he took office.

And it’s everybody else’s fault, you see – especially the Tea Party’s, and GW Bush’s.

Uh huh…

Keith Koffler of White House Dossier reads the NYTs so you don’t have to:

IS THIS ADMINISTRATION IN LA LA LAND? As the market drops over 600 points, the Obama administration is AWOL and worse.

First of all, where’s Geithner been all day? If the man who is supposed to be reassuring markets said anything, I haven’t seen it. Instead, he announced Sunday that he’s staying on the job, and gave an interview the same day with John Harwood of the New York Times in which he said the administration bears no responsibility for the S&P downgrade.

Harwood: Do you feel that you or the administration’s policies are in any way responsible for this downgrade?

GEITHNER: Absolutely not. You’ve seen the president work incredibly hard and make really amazing progress trying to heal the damage caused by this terrible crisis. And you saw him work his heart out to try and bring both parties together to reach agreement on a long-term fiscal deal. Made some progress, didn’t solve it all, but a very good down payment.

Well, I’m touched that the president is working his heart out. But failing to accept any responsibility for this cannot be good news for the markets. It’s good politics, but it suggests little willingness to change course.


If you thought that brown-nosing was bad, wait til you see The Daily Beast’s Charles Fried:  Obama Is Too Good For Us. 

Barack Obama is not a skillful strategist like Bill Clinton. He is not a gifted rhetorician like Ronald Reagan. Nor is he a bold and inspiring leader like Abraham Lincoln. And he can’t seem to shake himself loose from the strings that attach him to the trial lawyers, to big labor, and, surprisingly, to the standard banker-economists who got us into the mess we are in now. But he is an honest man. He is intelligent, analytical, and knowledgeable. And he tries hard to think through the dilemmas which confront us and to tell us clearly and straightforwardly what he wants to do and why he wants to do it.

Can you say, “useful idiot”?

I don’t know about you, but I threw up in my mouth at the “he is an honest man” part. No need to read any further, really. I believe I’ve seen enough, thank you! At least he admits Dear Reader is no Reagan. That’s something, I guess.

Saracuda tackled the administration’s lies on her FaceBook page, Monday:

“Many commonsense Americans like myself saw this day coming. In fact, in June 2010, Rick Santelli articulated the view of independent Tea Party patriots everywhere when he shouted on CNBC, ‘I want the government to stop spending! Stop spending! Stop spending! Stop spending! STOP SPENDING!’ So, how shamelessly cynical and dishonest must one be to blame this inevitable downgrade on the very people who have been shouting all along ‘stop spending’? Blaming the Tea Party for our credit downgrade is akin to Nero blaming the Christians for burning Rome. Tea Party Americans weren’t the ones ‘fiddling’ while our country’s fiscal house was going up in smoke. In fact, we commonsense fiscal conservatives were the ones grabbing for the extinguishers while politically correct politicians and their cronies buried their heads in what soon became this bonfire…

And the Magnificent Sir Charles of K dropped the hammer once again on the “weak, plaintive, small” president –  dispensing of all of Obama’s nonsense in one fell swoop:


Oh, dear God….

There can only be one winner of the Obama Lickspittle Olympics, and Granny Jan has found her huckleberry:

Warning: Do not watch on  full stomach:


6 thoughts on “Geithner: Obama’s Been “Working His Heart Out” – “Absolutely Not” Responsible For Downgrade

  1. Obhammud is many things, but “honest” is not one of them.

    Nor is “intelligent.” Or “analytical.” Or “knowledgeable.”

    Or many other things, like “hardworking” or “straightforward.”

    But least of all, he is not honest.


  2. Incurable, I know. I keep hoping for Obama to ‘get it’, to understand that the core problem is the spending, that real entitlement reform is the only way out of this fiscal mess, that the rich don’t have enough money to solve this problem.

    The reason I hope he ‘gets it’ is that I think only he can bring the enough of the left along with the necessary fiscal reforms. I’d love to believe that the practical part of the electorate can can steamroll the romanticists, but it seems like a loooong shot to me.

    So I’m preparing for an extended period of difficult economic times.

    PS Deb, it was good to get acquainted with you at the Smart Girl Summit in St Louis.


  3. Likewise Vince.

    And forget about Obama ever “getting it.” The far left ideology he was weaned on is all he knows. He is completely implacable. We’re buckling down for hard times, here, too.


  4. Pingback: Obama: Not Honest, Not Smart « Nice Deb

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