MSNBC Busted AGAIN For Deceptively Editing Video To Make Conservatives Look Bad (Video)

What slimeballs. The projecting hypocrites at Obama’s media arm constantly do what they accuse others of doing.

Jim Treacher of the DC Trawler explained what happened:

Here’s footage that MSNBC has just released of Neil Heslin, whose son was murdered in Newtown, speaking at a public meeting on gun control. It’s presented with the headline, “Emotional father of Sandy Hook victim heckled by gun nuts”:

You can watch the MSNBC  video at the Caller. YouTube has many other examples of ObamaMedia wannabes posting  similarly  edited videos.  Here’s one of the sloppier ones.

Telegraph TV got into the act, as well.

Neil Heslin, whose six-year-old son Jesse was killed in the Sandy Hook massacre is heckled by gun activists as he begs for tighter firearms restrictions.

The unedited clip tells a completely different story – one that is actually of no use to the gun grabbing community.

Video via Say Anything

He wasn’t heckled AT ALL, as Treacher and everyone else on the planet who has seen the complete video, can see:

He asked the question and demanded an answer. There was complete silence. And only then, when he said that not one person could answer it — rather than remaining quiet out of respect for his feelings — did a few people answer it. You might not like their answer if you don’t like the Second Amendment, but that answer wasn’t unprompted. They were not heckling him.

How stupid do they think people are? Stupid enough to reelect Obama.

I guess I can see why they try this crap.

Previous MSNBC Hack Jobs:

MSNBC’s “Supermarket Scanner Moment”

How desperate are the ObaMedia to get their fubar candidate reelected?

How about this. They resurrect a tired old meme about rich Republican candidates being “out of touch” with the average American because the modern supermarket electronic technology befuddle and “amaze” them. Andrea Mitchell wants us all to remember poppy Bush’s “supermarket scanners moment”…Now all these years later, we find that Mitt too, is “confused and frightened” by modern technology because these “out of touch” Republicans are just like SNL’s Caveman Lawyer or something.

But MSNBC “selectively edited” the tape to make it look like Romney was bringing up Wawa’s touchtone ordering system for no other reason than to express surprise.

NBC Deliberately Skewed Travyvon Martin Story with Selective Editing

Reacting angrily to selective editing by NBC that suggested racial animus by George Zimmerman, NewsBusters publisher Brent Bozell complained to Fox News’s Sean Hannity last night that NBC News was engaged in an “all-out falsehood.” The story in question was a March 27 Ron Allen report on NBC’s ‘Today’ in which 911 audio was edited to make it sound like George Zimmerman said “he looks black” immediately after saying “this guy looks like he’s up to no good.”

In the actual 911 audio, Zimmerman only described Martin’s race after the dispatcher asked, “And this guy: is he white, black, or Hispanic?” “To edit that out is so distorting,” Hannity complained. “Sean, it’s not distorting, it’s advancing a falsehood, it’s worse,” Bozell corrected the Fox News anchor. [see video below page break]

MSNBC: ObamaCare Protesters ‘Racist,’ Including Black Gun-Owner

On Tuesday, MSNBC’s Contessa Brewer fretted over health care reform protesters legally carrying guns: “A man at a pro-health care reform rally…wore a semiautomatic assault rifle on his shoulder and a pistol on his hip….there are questions about whether this has racial overtones….white people showing up with guns.” Brewer failed to mention the man she described was black.

Following Brewer’s report, which occurred on the Morning Meeting program, host Dylan Ratigan and MSNBC pop culture analyst Toure discussed the supposed racism involved in the protests. Toure argued: “…there is tremendous anger in this country about government, the way government seems to be taking over the country, anger about a black person being president….we see these hate groups rising up and this is definitely part of that.” Ratigan agreed: “…then they get the variable of a black president on top of all these other things and that’s the move – the cherry on top, if you will, to the accumulated frustration for folks.”

Not only did Brewer, Ratigan, and Toure fail to point out the fact that the gun-toting protester that sparked the discussion was black, but the video footage shown of that protester was so edited, that it was impossible to see that he was black. The man appeared at a health care rally outside of President Obama’s speech to the Veterans of Foreign Wars in Phoenix, Arizona.

GOP Presidential candidate Rick Perry calls President Obama a black cloud over our economy. MSNBC’s Ed Schultz edits the clip to make it look like Perry is calling Obama a “black cloud.”
Folks, I just finished reading some of the Twitchy posts, and I highly recommend you do too, so you completely understand just what it is we’re dealing with.
It’s confounding how many libs are peddling obvious lies. The video was debunked this morning, yet some news outlets are continuing with the BS. Piers Morgan will interview the Sandyhook dad on his show, tonight. Time will tell if he plays along with the left-wing narrative, or do the honorable thing and tell the truth.
See, these progs come in two types – 1. the ringleading committed lefty hacks like Eric Boehlert and Piers Morgan who dupe people for a living and are proud of it because the ends justify the means. Every lie they tell takes us one step closer to their Socialist Utopia in their minds.  And 2. the mindless drones who follow them. They have been conditioned to think what their betters tell them to think, not to think things out on their own. The truth to them is like garlic to a vampire. It’s not easy accepting that you’re entire worldview is based on left-wing agitprop.
Twitchy is doing God’s work tracking the organized left’s antics and exposing their lies and hypocrisy on Twitter. Little by little, we’re chipping away at their effectiveness by shining the light of truth on their putrid BS.
Linked by Maggie’s Farm, and iOWNTHEWORLD,  thanks!

Rubio to Rush: “Without Real Enforcement Triggers We Are Not Going to Have a Bill”….(Audio)

Sen. Marco Rubio R-Fla. was given the opportunity to share  his ideas on immigration reform on the Rush Limbaugh, Tuesday afternoon.

Via Charlie Spiering of The Washington Examiner:

Rubio explained that he was involved in the conversation about immigration reform because it was important to spread the message of conservatism to Hispanic Americans.

“I am confident, that given a fair chance, I can convince most Americans – including Americans of Hispanic decent that limited government and free enterprise is better for them and better for their upward mobility than big government is,” Rubio said, reminding Limbaugh that most Hispanics were choosing the American dream over foreign dictators.

On enforcement triggers, Rubio stated that “the President has a choice to make”, today, and “that issue is a bright line for most of us that are involved in this effort.” He said that there are four Democrat Senators on board with the enforcement triggers, and  without those triggers they are not going to have a bill….

You can listen to the full interview at The Right Scoop.



OH Natl. Guard Reacts to 2nd Amendment “Domestic Terrorists” in Mock Disaster Drill

feds drill

Last Thursday, the Ohio National Guard 52nd Civil Support Unit was deployed to Portsmouth to run a mock disaster drill. The exercise, overseen by the Ohio Emergency Management Agency was to practice their response to the potential release of a chemical, biological or radiological weapon. Terror drills like this one are somewhat commonplace since 9/11/2001, but there is one telling and scary difference.
Via The Examiner:

WSAZ reported: “The make-believe scenario is timely. Two school employees who are disgruntled over the government’s interpretation of the Second Amendment, plot to use chemical, biological and radiological agents against members of the local community.”


Portsmouth Fire Chief Bill Raison told the Portsmouth Daily Times:

“I think sometimes we tend to think of terrorism as just international terrorism. What’s the likelihood that’s coming to Portsmouth, Ohio? Most people think it’s not very likely. But we forget that there’s a lot of domestic terrorism. There’s organizations and things that go on within the United States that can be every bit as devastating as the international terrorism is.”


Where would someone get such an idea?

Perhaps, from Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Janet Napolitano who has described gun owners and veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars as potential terrorists.

In April 2009, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) issued a report entitled “Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment.”

The report claimed that “rightwing extremism” is not limited to religious and racial hate groups but extends to “those that are mainly anti-government, rejecting federal authority in favor of state or local authority, or rejecting government authority entirely.”

“It may include groups and individuals that are dedicated to a single issue, such as opposition to abortion or immigration,” said the report.

That’s right…according to the Obama administration anyone who believes that babies should be protected are just as dangerous as al Queda.

Read the entire DHS report…

They would also get the idea from the “Small Wars Journal”, a respected site, that last year issued a report entitled,Full Spectrum Operations in the Homeland: A Vision of the Future;

It was written by retired Army Col. Kevin Benson of the Army’s University of Foreign Military and Cultural Studies at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., and Jennifer Weber, a Civil War expert at the University of Kansas. It posits an “extremist militia motivated by the goals of the ‘tea party’ movement” seizing control of Darlington, S.C., in 2016, “occupying City Hall, disbanding the city council and placing the mayor under house arrest.” The rebels set up checkpoints on Interstate 95 and Interstate 20 looking for illegal aliens. It’s a cartoonish and needlessly provocative scenario.

The article is a choppy patchwork of doctrinal jargon and liberal nightmare. The authors make a quasi-legal case for military action and then apply the Army’s Operating Concept 2016-2028 to the situation. They write bloodlessly that “once it is put into play, Americans will expect the military to execute without pause and as professionally as if it were acting overseas.” They claim that “the Army cannot disappoint the American people, especially in such a moment,” not pausing to consider that using such efficient, deadly force against U.S. citizens would create a monumental political backlash and severely erode government legitimacy.

And a West Point think tank, which recently issued a paper warning America about “far right” groups such as the “anti-federalist” movement, which supports “civil activism, individual freedoms and self-government.”

The report issued this week by the Combating Terrorism Center at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, N.Y., is titled “Challengers from the Sidelines: Understanding America’s Violent Far-Right.”

The center — part of the institution where men and women are molded into Army officers — posted the report Tuesday. It lumps limited government activists with three movements it identifies as “a racist/white supremacy movement, an anti-federalist movement and a fundamentalist movement.”

The West Point center typically focuses reports on al Qaeda and other Islamic extremists attempting to gain power in Asia, the Middle East and Africa through violence.

But its latest study turns inward and paints a broad brush of people it considers “far right.”

Combine this with an unsubstantiated but alarming report that Obama is using a new “litmus test” for his military leaders, and we’ve got trouble.

“The new litmus test of leadership in the military is if they will fire on US citizens or not.”


Fausta: BlackHawks over Brickell UPDATED: What the heck is going on?

Michael Berry: Raw Footage: Massive Military ‘Training Drill’ In Houston Frightens Residents

Linked by Doug Ross, thanks!

Krauthammer: Bipartisan Proposal is Instant Legalization for 11 Million Illegal Immigrants (Video)

Charles Krauthammer weighed in on the bipartisan immigration proposal that’s making waves in the Senate. Krauthammer has long been a supporter of legalization after enforcement of the border. “Americans would accept that,” he said, “and that’s what the proposal appears to do.”

“It says once you get enforcement, you’re going to have to go through a path to get a green card, then citizenship, but that’s highly misleading, because under this proposal, the day this bill is signed, you get instant legalization for 11 million illegal immigrants. It’s called provisional – that’s nonsense. No one is ever going to revoke this legalization.”

Video via Townhall Tipsheet.

Senator Marco Rubio, who’s causing major heartburn in even his most loyal supporters for pushing the proposal,  appeared on the ‘Hannity’ show, last night to discuss the bill.  Rubio agreed with Hannity that the borders need to be secured before any of the steps for a pathway to citizenship would be enacted.

Obama is coming to the rescue of nervous Republicans as it’s being reported that he’ll reject the terms of the Senate compromise and move it further to the left, giving Republicans wiggle room to oppose it. Apparently, he thinks this move is a winner for Obamacrats since everything he does is politically motivated.

But if immigration reform goes down in flames, he’ll be the one to blame.


Drew at AoSHQ: Yes, It Is Amnesty:

Take a look at how Marco Rubio, one of the key figures in the most recent amnesty push, phrases the argument.

We have de facto amnesty right now

No we don’t.

If we did, why are we going through this whole process in the first place? If we had de facto amnesty, we wouldn’t hear about how hard it is for illegal immigrants to live in the shadows. If we had de facto amnesty, we wouldn’t be deporting anyone. If we had de facto amnesty, there wouldn’t be a thriving black market for illicit work documents and identity theft.

Video: Rep. Marsha Blackburn Challenges Obama to a Skeet Shooting Match

On CNN’s “Erin Burnett Out Front”, Monday, Rep. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tennessee expressed doubt about Obama’s recent claim that he “does skeet shooting all the time”.

Via Weasel Zippers:

“If he is a skeet shooter, why have we not heard of this? Why have we not seen photos? Why hasn’t he referenced this at any point in time?” Blackburn asked.

“I tell you what I do think,” she later added. “I think he should invite me to Camp David, and I’ll go skeet shooting with him and I bet I’ll beat him.”

 It probably pained Mark Knoller to admit that he hasn’t seen any evidence of Obama shooting skeets. But there’s only so far an ObamaMedia sycophant should be expected to go.

Roland Martin immediately tried to nip the skepticism in the bud by comparing it to doubts people have about whether  Obama is an American or a Christian.  Martin says he doesn’t need proof that Obama is what he alleges he is and he doesn’t care. Spoken like a true media lapdog. “We’ll just go with whatever you tell us, Master….”

David Frum managed to miss the salient point of his assertion that violent crime has dropped monumentally in the past twenty years. “They (Americans) don’t need firearms”, he alleged, “because they are safer than ever before.”


Of course, the monumental drop in violent crime is due to the passage of conceal carry laws across the nation.

More Guns, Less Crime is a book by John Lott that says violent crime rates go down when states pass “shall issueconcealed carry laws. He presents the results of his statistical analysis of crime data for every county in the United States during 29 years from 1977 to 2005.


Twitchy: Photo stonewalling! Carney on Obama’s ‘all the time’ secret skeet shooting: ‘I don’t know how often’:

Zing! As Twitchy readers know, President Obama reportedly does some super secret skeet shooting. All the time, no less! Twitter users were looking for more answers, while also providing helpful tips to the Skeet Shooter in Chief.

The American Thinker: Dial 911 and Die:

Titled “Percent distribution of incidents where police came to the victim, by police response time and type of crime”:

Crimes of Violence:

  • Within 5 minutes 31.0%
  • Within 6 – 10 minutes 24.5%
  • Within 11 minutes – 1 hour 32.4%
  • Within 1 day – 6.5%
  • Longer than 1 day – 1.9%
  • Time of response not known – 3.6%
  • Not ascertained – 0.2% [2]

From American Police Beat website: the average of seven same-sized city police response to a High-Priority 911 call is a staggering 11 minutes, 11 seconds. [3]

Before I go further, note neither our national media nor our national crime fighter data takes into account if you are – (1) middle of a heavily populated metropolitan area, (2) in the perimeter urban areas, (3) in suburban areas or (4) you’re out there in rural areas.

Makes a difference. Makes a big blankety blank difference.

Liberals are all gung-ho about removing scary “assault weapons” from the hands of law-abiding citizens – they say that we shouldn’t have the “right” to purchase anything that has the potential to kill dozens of people at a time…..

…..and yet, they claim that we can’t take away their “right” to a lethal weapon that legally kills over 3,000 potential people a day in this country:

On Monday, in a morning meeting at the White House, President Obama spoke with law enforcement officials from across the country on the issue of gun-related violence.

While the gathering had the look of a free form and open discussion, it was quite clear that Obama was sending a message to those in attendance: I need you to support my push for gun control reform.

Of course, it was never directly stated.  It was only implied.

“The only way that we’re going to be able to do everything that needs to be done is with the cooperation of Congress,” Obama told the police chiefs in attendance, at least four of whom work in communities victimized by mass shootings: Newtown Police Chief Michael Kehoe, Oak Creek Police Chief John Edwards, Aurora Police Chief Daniel Oates, and Tucson Police Chief Robert Villasenor.

Twitchy: Oops! The New Republic tweets parody site ‘proof’ of Obama shooting skeet, quickly deletes:

If it’s too good to be true, The New Republic is on it!

President Barack “Bitter Clinger” Obama claimed he totally goes skeet shooting “all the time” at Camp David, but White House press secretary Jay Carney couldn’t say for sure whether photographic evidence exists. Luckily, we have the resourceful “real journalists” at The New Republic to boldly scour White House parody sites for “proof.”
