Video: Earning It – No Budget No Pay Passes in House

The House passed No Budget, No Pay legislation with bi-partisan support, Wednesday. The bill will require the House and Senate each to pass a budget, and members’ pay will be withheld if they fail – a measure unfortunately deemed necessary because the Democrat controlled Senate has refused to pass a budget for the past four years while the debt sky-rocketed.

John Boehner explained the bill on the House floor:

Moe Lane reported:

….the House GOP forced enough Democrats to vote for it to allow for, simultaneously: the coveted ‘bipartisan’ label; AND to allow the hardline House Republican deficit hawks the luxury of voting their conscience on a ‘clean’ debt ceiling raise, no matter how high. The Democrats really, really wanted to make this a party-line vote, but when push came to shove they didn’t quite dare to try to force their marginal-district House Members into line. In other words: tactically speaking, the GOP won this one, fair and square.Incidentally, this morning I was in on a conference call with Policy Committee Chair James Lankford of Oklahoma regarding this bill. His major points, from my perspective:

House Republicans produced a new video “Earning It” about the Senate Democrats failure to do their jobs and pass a budget:

Video: Rep. Duncan to Hillary: “I’ll tell you what difference it makes…”

Oh boy…I missed this line of questioning by Rep. Duncan (R-SC) to Secretary Clinton during her testimony on Benghazi, this afternoon. He called her out for her disgraceful “what difference at this point, does it make” remark, saying it makes a difference to Americans who think they were misled for political reasons.

He also lambasted her for allowing the consulate to become a death trap – what he called, “national security malpractice.”

“What does taking responsibility mean,” he asked? “You still have your job.”

He also asked her to provide, in the interest of “transparency”, the call logs, and the instant messages during the attack between the post and the operation center.

But course  the Accountability Review Board took care of all of those concerns, according to Clinton.

Hard hitting stuff:


Twitchy: Boom! Rep. Duncan to Hillary: ‘I’ll tell you what difference it makes,’ consulate became ‘a death trap’; Libs flip

Linked by Doug Ross, thanks!

2/23/2013 A Day of Resistance – Be There or Be Square

Tea Party

Via RightWingNews, an indication that some patriotic Americans are not going to take “the transformation of America” from a free and independent society to a failed, collectivist dystopia without a fight.

While Barack Obama is calling for Americans to give up their freedom, their rights, and their guns, we’re calling for Americans to resist. We’re calling on Tea Partiers, moderate Republicans, Libertarians and even moderate Democrats to stand up one month from today, on the 23rd of February and say, “No more!” Right Wing News is joining Dustin Stockton, Western Representation PAC and The Tea in calling for rallies all across the nation next month on the 23rd. It’ll be a Day of Resistance where gun owners and patriots can peacefully gather and show Barack Obama, the media, and the knockkneed Republicans in Congress that we may have lost a battle last November, but we haven’t lost the war. Don’t meekly give up your 2nd Amendment rights when you can stand with us and RESIST!

PS: Over the next few weeks, look for rallies to be announced, big name conservatives to help spread this idea and Tea Partiers all across the country to step up to the challenge. If you need help getting a rally set up in your local area or would like some help getting speakers, reach out to Dustin Stockton at

Summary of Hillary’s Senate Testimony on Benghazi: “What Difference Does It Make?” (Video)

Barring some excellent questioning from Senators McCain, Paul, and a couple of others, Hillary’s appearance before  the Senate Foreign Relations Committee about U.S. diplomatic security in Libya was a snoozefest. Unless, of course you’re actually stimulated by the spectacle of one of the major players in the worst attack on America since 9/11/01 receiving a slobbering tongue bath by US Senators – both Republicans and Democrats. Although she was asked a few tough questions, none were answered adequately, so why bother with these hearings at all if they’re going to let her get away with it –  or as Hillary so eloquently put it in answer to why the Regime got everything so wrong in the wake of the attack – “What difference does it make?”

Video via Gateway Pundit

Clinton will answer questions this afternoon at the House Foreign Affairs Committee, where hopefully, the Congressmen will keep long-winded grandstanding to a minimum, giving them more time to focus on getting answers to important questions.

Bonus video: Hillary gets choked up:

She put her arms around the mothers and fathers, the sisters and brothers, sons and daughters and the wives left alone to raise their children…*SOB*

Uh Huh.

One of those fathers,  Charles Woods, the father of slain Seal, Tyrone Woods, had this to say, last Fall, if you remember:

Woods explained, “I do appreciate her taking the time from her schedule to meet with the four families. While we were in the pod over there with our family she came over shook my hand and I reached out and hugged her shoulder. Her countenance was not good. And she made the statement to me that first of all she was sorry and then she said ‘We will make sure the person who made that film is arrested and prosecuted.’ ”

Clinton was referring to a controversial YouTube film that the Obama administration claimed inspired the “spontaneous protests” that led to the attacks.

“And when she said that I could tell that she was not telling me the truth. She’s more intelligent than I am, and she had to also know she was not telling me the truth.”

After describing his encounters with the members of the Obama administration, Woods expressed frustration with the lack of transparency on what really happened in Libya.

“I’m totally transparent in my life. I have nothing to hide. Why are they not transparent?” he said.

All these months later, we’re still no closer to the truth. But then –  what difference at this point, does it make?


Obama and his Press Secretary Blaming the Video for the Benghazi Attack:


Ben Howe, Red State: VIDEO: A Quick Reminder on Benghazi

Twitchy: Hysterical Hillary: ‘What difference does it make’ why 4 Americans are dead?

Tammy Bruce!: Hillary’s Bizarre and Outrageous Benghazi ‘Testimony’:

“What difference, at this point, does it make?” Truly unreal. We all know to expect the absurd from these people, but just when you think they’ve hit bottom, they dig even deeper. What does it matter anymore? Lying to the American people. Lying to the families when the bodies arrived home. A guy who put a video clip on the internet was paraded around as though he were the culprit and still sits in solitary confinement. Most evidence lost. No one truly responsible arrested. A terrorist we know is responsible sits unmolested drinking smoothies in Benghazi. The one man we had arrested in Tunisia has been released.

Four dead Americans including a dead ambassador and she asks, What difference does it make?

Visit link for video of Rand Paul telling her if he were President, he’d have fired her.

The Other McCain: Liberal Blogger: ‘How Dare You Smear Hillary by Quoting Her Accurately!’

Quoting what a Democrat says is a tactic! An Andrew Breitbart/James O’Keefe tactic! A mainstream GOP tactic!

The point seems to be: Anything that is bad for Democrats is wrong. These unfair “tactics” include (a) direct quotes, (b) facts and (c) math.

Don’t you get it, Stacy? We took her out of context. If you listen to it in context… yeah…….iiiiiiit makes no difference at all, but still. Breitbart!

Linked by Michelle Malkin, thanks!