Middle School Boy Arrested For Wearing NRA Shirt Returns to School in Same Shirt (Video)

After serving his one-day suspension, the West Virginia eighth grader was back in school, yesterday, wearing the very same NRA tee-shirt that got him in trouble.

Kid’s got pluck.

In a move The Daily Caller can only characterize as courageous, 14-year-old Jared Marcum returned to Logan Middle School in Logan County, West Va., wearing exactly the same shirt, which depicts a hunting rifle with the statement “protect your right.”

According to Fox News, other students across the rural county showed their support for Marcum by wearing similar shirts to school.

“There’s a lot of people wearing this same exact shirt, showing great, great support and I really appreciate it,” Marcum said in the morning outside the schoolhouse door, according to local NCB affiliate WBOY-TV.

Jared’s outraged father told 13 News, “I don’t see how anybody would have an issue with a hunting rifle and NRA put on a T-shirt, especially when policy doesn’t forbid it.”

The school district’s dress code prohibits profanity, violence, discriminatory messages, but as noted in this report, gun images are not on the list.

5 thoughts on “Middle School Boy Arrested For Wearing NRA Shirt Returns to School in Same Shirt (Video)

  1. Good for him!
    I saw a clip from a local reporter on this. The reporter requested a interview from school officials and couldn’t get one. She then asked for the written “school policy” on dress code, and she was given one. The policy banned any profanity, racists statements and crude sayings.. . . . nothing about the NRA or guns.

    cha-ching – cha-ching! [the sound of money]


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