Mark Levin Teams Up With Former Adversary Glenn Beck To Fight ObamaCare (Video)

These two guys didn’t always get along – in fact there was actually quite a bit of animosity between them. But it’s all water under the bridge, now. They both want  to save the republic, and they seem to have come to the conclusion that united we  stand – divided we fall.

Via The Blaze:

Glenn Beck and Mark Levin are two of the most-listened to radio hosts in the country, yet they have never actually had a conversation — that is, until Levin appeared on Beck’s radio program on Thursday.

The two couldn’t speak highly enough of one another’s work at combating out-of-control government, focusing primarily on the solutions proposed in Levin’s most recent #1 bestseller: “The Liberty Amendments: Restoring the American Republic.”

“We live what I call a post-constitutional period,” Levin began.  “You’re well familiar with Woodrow Wilson and the Progressive movement — we have to accept the fact that they won…and this utopian statism and constitutional Republicanism cannot coexist.  And they don’t coexist. And the circle of liberty around every individual is shrinking and shrinking and shrinking.”



In case you missed it, here’s Levin’s epic anti-ObamaCare rant from yesterday’s show:

Video: Ted Cruz Vows Filibuster To Defund Obamacare

At a press conference Thursday, Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) said he will use the filibuster and every procedural tool available to him to stop the Affordable Care Act.

Cruz announced that he was willing to pursue a filibuster to stop the the Senate from stripping the House’s defunding proposal from the continuing resolution, hoping to assure his allies in the House who had adopted his hardline stance against the health care law.

“I am prepared to use any and all procedural methods to stop Obamacare from being funded,” he told the AP’s Ken Thomas on Thursday. But he also noted later that his efforts probably won’t be enough to stop the law. ”I think it is likely that it will take another election for a full repeal,” he said.

Video: Rep. Gowdy Slams Adm. Mullen For Not Questioning Hillary Clinton Or Barack Obama For ARB Report on Benghazi

“How could you look at everything when you don’t even bother to interview the person who is ultimately responsible for what happens at the State Dept?” Gowdy asked the head of the Accountability Review Board, Admiral Mullen at today’s Oversight hearing.

Mullen replied that they “found no evidence that she was involved in the decision making, and no need therefore” —

But Gowdy interrupted saying that she was responsible for the decision making (per a 1998 ARB recommendation regarding Sec. of State responsibilities)…

He asked Mullen if he interviewed the president about whether he made any calls to our allies in the region to ask for help since our people were under attack. Mullen answered in the negative.

He also asked about the “heads up” Mullen gave to the  State Dept. about Charlene Lamb testifying.

Mullen answered that he didn’t think the State Dept. would be represented well by having her testify.

“But the facts pick the witnesses”, Gowdy countered.

MORE from the hearing:

Father Of Benghazi Victim: We Have No Justice, Very Few Truthful Answers About Benghazi:

Benghazi Victim’s Mother: Obama, Clinton And Biden Told Me Benghazi Was Caused By A Video:


You gotta be kidding me…

All But Two Democrats Exit Benghazi Hearings Before Testimony From Families of Benghazi Victims

Video: Barbara Boxer Objects To Ted Cruz’s Resolution For Select Cmte on Benghazi Because Obama Killed Bin Laden

Yesterday on the Senate floor, Senator Cruz called on Congress to form a Joint Select Committee to investigate the failures leading up to, during and after the Benghazi attacks on 9/11/2012.  When he asked for unanimous consent for the resolution, Senator Boxer objected on the grounds that President Gutsy got Bin Laden and he won’t rest until he catches the Benghazi bad guys, either.

Gee, how many vacations, fundraising excursions, White House parties, and golf trips has he had since 9/11/2012? For crying out loud, the “me” time started the very next day. Give it a rest, Babs.

“I want to say to my friends that I share their dismay that we haven’t caught the perpetrators, but I want to remind them that the president who caught Osama Bin Laden who killed so many of our people was President Obama and when he says he’s going to do something, he won’t rest until he does it. Now Sec Clinton immediately set up an Accountability Review Board, and that Accountability Review Board was non parti-san, ” Boxer declared. (By the way, the ARB was eviscerated in the House, today, for being a partisan sham.)

Via Weasel Zippers – her comments come toward the end at the 8:30 mark:

Rep Jordan Eviscerates Admiral Mullen in #Benghazi Hearing for Giving State Dept Official Heads-Up About Testimony

There were fireworks on the Hill this morning at the House Oversight Committee hearing, “Reviews of the Benghazi attacks and Unanswered Questions.

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) managed to elicit an admission from Admiral Mullen that while conducting his “independent” review of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks on U.S. facilities in Benghazi, he gave a “heads up” to then Sec of State Hillary Clinton’s Chief of Staff, Cheryl Mills about the potentially problematic testimony of Charlene Lamb, who he acknowledged, “wouldn’t represent the department well.”

Here’s is Chairman Issa’s opening statement at the hearing:

Video: Obamacare, Deconstructed

A damn good video about the spawning of Obama’s “signature achievement” by a group called, Conservatism Is Calling – the lies, deceit, false promises, astroturf pro-Obama Doctors in white lab coats – It’s all in there.

Relive the nightmare….


The Conversation: Cruz: ‘Mike Lee And I Are Gonna Fight With Every Breath In Our Body’ To Stop Obamacare (Video)