Video: Pilot Tells Neil Cavuto Missing Flight “Could Be a 9/11 Style Hijacking 12 Years Later” UPDATE: Malaysian officials say it was hijacked

We’ve passed the point where the idea that something happened to the plane other than it crashed into the ocean, is no longer a wacky conspiracy theory. Although there are plenty of conspiracy theories, some are looking less wacky by the minute.

Via Ace of Spades HQ, this is starting to look alarming….

This has stopped being a morbid curiosity and become something more menacing.

Two sources said an unidentified aircraft that investigators believe was Flight MH370 was following a route between navigational waypoints – indicating it was being flown by someone with aviation training – when it was last plotted on military radar off the country’s northwest coast….

A third source familiar with the investigation said inquiries were focusing increasingly on the theory that someone who knew how to fly a plane deliberately diverted the flight…

The Andsmans are a chain of hundreds of islands off the coast of India. Most are uninhabited.

Fox’s Neil Cavuto had a commercial pilot on as a guest to share his insights on what might have happened to the missing plane.

“Here’s the scenario”, he said offering his opinion on what might have  happened. “Two people, or any individual passengers bent on getting into that cockpit, took control of the cockpit, took control of the flight, disabled the transponders, maneuvered that aircraft to a lower altitude, and took a direct flight path. Remember, this is not all over the sky – this took a direct course and established a flight path  as though people knew where they wanted to go…Noting that his theory could  involve a collusive pilot, he concluded, “if this theory holds up, this could be a 9/11 style hijacking 12 years later where they’re more trained and more sophisticated than they were back then.” He said that this theory is the one that is holding up to scrutiny.

Meanwhile, POTUS continues on his publicity tour plugging He appeared on the Ryan Seacrest Show, this morning where he Defended His Mom Jeans: ‘Generally I Look Very Sharp In Jeans.’

Just so you know, we’re in the very best of hands.


Via NBC Los Angeles AP now reporting Malaysian officials say it was hijacked.

A week after a Malaysia Airlines jet mysteriously went missing on its flight to Beijing, a Malaysian government source involved in the investigation anonymously told the Associated Press that investigators have concluded the plane had been hijacked. That source also told the AP that no motive had been established and it wasn’t clear where the plane was taken.


The Hayride: Here’s What Scares Me About That Malaysian Airlines 777…

The Blaze: Rush Limbaugh Has a Theory on What Happened to the Missing Malaysian Plane

3 thoughts on “Video: Pilot Tells Neil Cavuto Missing Flight “Could Be a 9/11 Style Hijacking 12 Years Later” UPDATE: Malaysian officials say it was hijacked

  1. Pingback: 9/11-style terror Plot by Islamic jihadists Emerges in connection with disappearance of Malaysian airliner | Nice Deb

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