Another Campus Hoax: American Fascist Awareness Week

FrontPage Magazine reported today on some fliers that are making the rounds on at least ten campuses, advertising a counter-protest to the upcoming Islamofascist Awareness Week.

Although several far lefty/commie groups are listed at the bottom of the flier as the organizers of the event, it appears to be a near perfect spoof of Adam Kokesh’s ‘hilarious’ satirical flier from last week.

Here’s the text of this latest flier (Note the date of the ‘protest’):

Who Hates Americans? We Do.

Your typical American is:

Ø A racist. A sexist. A homophobe.

Ø An Islamo-phobe.

Ø Is willing to invade other countries for oil and pleasure.

Ø Is easily manipulated by Rush Limbaugh and Jews.

Ø Is the cause of global warming.

Join Us For American Fascism Awareness Day

Place: Washington (Slaveholder) Monument

Date: November 31, 2007

Time: 12PM-2:00 PM


Dennis Kucinich, Ron Paul, congressmen
Adam Kokesh, Iraq War veteran
Chris Hedges, journalist
Cindy Sheehan, Harry Karry, peace activists
Michael Moore, Sean Penn, film-makers



Peace and Social Justice Crusade, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Code Pink, Muslim Students Association, American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, Students for Justice in Palestine, Revolutionary Communist Party, International A.N.S.W.E.R.,,,,,

Compare to:

My guess is that it’s the work of some wily conservatives who are testing the tolerance levels of Campus administrators who thus far have taken no disciplinary action against the liberal hoaxsters.

Not that hundreds of lefty weirdos won’t try to show up, anyway.

17 thoughts on “Another Campus Hoax: American Fascist Awareness Week

  1. Pingback: More Liberal “Satire” « eddiebear

  2. Good thing there is no November 31, 2007 on the calendar. This is fake, and you delusional neocons need to stop slandering people. Like Ron Paul would be invited to speak at a Revolutionary Communist Party event! Give me a break, you neocrazies.


  3. {chuckle.}

    Wow, that was almost like a real, honest-to-goodness looney paulbot! Okay, who’s the joker?

    Wait, he’s real? CONGRATS! Deb, You got your first Paulbot!

    You ARE somebody!


  4. Of course he didn’t read your post. All he needs to see is “Ron Paul” and the drool starts and the mindless typing begins, until his mommy calls him for bedtime.


  5. Another Campus Hoax: American Fascist Awareness Week

    Your title says it all, unfortunately other sites are omitting the hoax part. People are too naive/gullible to do any research or even realize there is no November 31.


  6. Pingback: GWU Crapweasels Get Wrist Slap For Smearing YAF « Nice Deb

  7. veteransforpaul,

    The Ron Paul folks actually do march with the RCP. It’s the RCP front group “World Can’t Wait”. They did it here in Philly October 27th and they attended last Saturday’s Ron Paul Rally at Independence Hall.

    The guys with the orange shirts and especially the orange ribbons around their arms at the elbow, they’re RCP. Again, calling themseleves WCW, but still RCP.


  8. The organizers and editors or whoever else had a part in this, is soo sadly ignorant to the real facts and they justify their ignorance by supplying false information and misleading simple minded people into believing the same as the sad people of this group. You may be in university but you sure have no real life experience or knowledge. I hope one day all of you wake up to see the truth, but unfortunately I highly doubt that will ever happen.


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