Weird: Obama Top 10 List Disappears From Letterman Website

I’m not sure this is even worth mentioning.

I’d think nothing of it…except McCain’s top 10 list from the day before is still there.

If you remember the list was “The 10 Ten Signs Obama is Overconfident About The Presidential Campaign”:

10. Proposed bill to change Oklahoma to “Oklobama”
9. Offered Bush $20 for the “Mission Accomplished” banner
8. Asked guy at Staples, “Which chair will work best in an oval-shaped office?”
7. The affair with Barbara Walters
6. Having head measured for Mount Rushmore
5. Guy sits around eating soup all day
4. He’s voting for Nader
3. Offered McCain a job in gift shop at Obama presidential library
2. Announced his running mate will be Andy Dick
1. Been cruising for chicks with John Edwards

The fact that Letterman had addressed what many perceive as Obama’s ginormous ego indicated that the concept had finally entered into public consciousness. Which doesn’t bode well for Obama.

WND contacted a representative of “The Late Show with David Letterman,” who denied any knowledge of the missing Obama “Top Ten” list.

“I don’t know why it’s gone,” he said. “I have no idea why, to be honest with you.”

The clip of Letterman reading off the list is still available on YouTube where most people would see it, anyway. If the YouTube videos disappear, I’ll be calling shenanigans.


Aha. Newsbusters has an explanation.

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