Oh Yes Obama DID Want To Have Sex Education Taught To Kindergarteners

Here’s the ad that has Obama defenders crying foul:

It’s all true. Fact Check.org needs to do a little more fact checking. They could start by going to John McCain’s website which provides a link to the PDF of the sex ed program the Obama campaign sent  to MSNBC when asked about this issue last year.:

The SEICUS Guidelines For Children Between The Ages Of 5 And 8: http://www.siecus.org/_data/global/images/guidelines.pdf

Amy Proctor did a lot of work transcribing the content from the PDF to her site so I don’t want to grab too much, but here is a small part of what was being considered appropriate for 5 – 8 year olds, (level 1):

Topic 3: Reproduction

Level 1

  • Men and women have reproductive organs that enable them to have a child.
  • Men and women have specific cells in their bodies (sperm cells and egg cells) that enable them to reproduce.
  • Reproduction requires that a sperm and egg join.
  • Vaginal intercourse – when a penis is placed inside a vagina – is the most common way for a sperm and egg to join.
  • When a woman is pregnant, the fetus grows inside her body in her uterus.
  • A woman can be pregnant with more than one fetus at a time.
  • Babies usually come out of a woman’s body through an opening called a vagina.
  • Some babies are born by an operation called a Caesarian Section.
  • A woman’s breasts can provide milk for a baby.
  • Not all men and women have children.
  • People who cannot have children may choose to adopt.


Topic 1: Sexuality Throughout Life

Level 1

  • Most children are curious about their bodies.
  • Bodies can feel good when touched.

Topic 2: Masturbation

Level 1

  • Touching and rubbing one’s own genitals to feel good is called masturbation.
  • Some boys and girls masturbate and others do not.
  • Masturbation should be done in a private place.

So much more than “Good touch, bad touch”, as Obama has been claiming.

There’s more at Amy Proctor’s. She says the curriculum gets even worse for the older grades.

Here’s Obama bragging about his vote in front of Planned Parenthood, mocking his former rival Alan Keyes, July 17, 2007:

“It’s the right thing to do”.

Yes, it’s true that parents were given the option to have their children pulled from class, but many parents are fairly trusting of the schools, and yes, the bill from the IL General Assembly, includes the caveat that an “age appropriate” curriculum would be imposed.

Apparently, many people find the above curriculum “age appropriate” for kindergarteners.

I don’t.

Luckily, the bill was killed in the IL Senate.

See also:

Sweetness and Light

The Obama Report

Byron York

Hat tip: Gateway Pundit


For people who need more visuals: Obama supported Sex Ed For Kindergarteners, The Video:

11 thoughts on “Oh Yes Obama DID Want To Have Sex Education Taught To Kindergarteners

  1. Wow. Sex is LAST thing I want our educators to teach our children. Sex education is primarily the responsibility and privilege of the family and parents. Michael and I started letting our kids know all about sex at a very young age, when they could see and touch themselves during the wonderfully curious toddler stage. We didn’t want that awkward conversation with preteens that we remembered our folks had with us. We wanted to keep it simple and natural so that we wouldn’t feel uncomfortable being honest with our children as they grew and developed into individuals. We acquired great resources both from our Lutheran publishing company (a series of about a half-dozen age-appropriate books that introduced the subject from a gift-of-God perspective FIRST) to a couple of great secular books that we read to them occasionally. We left the books for them to look at and read on their bookshelves right next to books by Dr. Seuss and Sesame Street and near their toy boxes. Our conversations with our now-adult children have confirmed that we did it right.


    I understand that schools may sense a need to educate our preteens and teens in order to protect themselves, but “fear and control issues” are not the first places to start when it comes to sharing the good news that sex is a gift from God to be used according to His will and plan.

    IMO sex education is first and foremost religious education. Public schools, which have become more and more anti-religious and anti-Christian, and scream “separation of Church and State” not fully understanding the term and instead using it to suit their own agendas, have NO business introducing their godless spin on this message to our little ones. Yuck.


  2. Okay, where’s the connection between Obama’s bill and the SIECUS curriculum? I don’t find it.

    I’m a McCain voter but there’s got to be some evidence of a connection here.


  3. The Obama Campaign Issues Document Citing Sex-Education Curriculum For Kindergarteners From The SIECUS And Oregon Department Of Education. “In addition, he issued a document showing that the Oregon Department of Education has guidelines for sex education for children in grades K-3 (which includes understanding the difference between a good touch and a bad touch), and that the Sexuality Information And Education Council of the United States [SIECUS] has curriculum for those in kindergarten.” (“Obama And Sex Ed For Kids,” NBC News’ “First Read,” firstread.msnbc.msn.com, Accessed 7/19/07)


  4. Here’s the connection between SIECUS and Obama:


    Obama spokesman Bill Burton tells First Read: “You can teach a kid about what’s appropriate and not appropriate to protect them from predators out there.” In addition, he issued a document showing that the Oregon Department of Education has guidelines for sex education for children in grades K-3 (which includes understanding the difference between a good touch and a bad touch), and that the Sexuality Information And Education Council of the United States has curriculum for those in kindergarten.


  5. Pingback: Anvil drop

  6. If you don’t like Obama (its obvious that you don’t) –Good for you. Why waste your time bashing him, instead of glorifying the “good works” the guy you voted for has done…If you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say it at all. That route of taunting accomplishes nothing but mindless wars.

    Were you a victim of being sexually abused as a child?? Look at the other side to this. Which is what Obama, along with others that supported this bill (which he was not the author), is trying to accomplish instead of twisting his words into your own evil thoughts. He’s made his peace after the political punches. Open you ears & prevent the problems of child sexual abuse. Help the situation don’t hurt it.


  7. …forgot to note:

    Be aware of who you’re really hurting. Young kids whom need to learn how to speak up.

    Nicedeb. You are not so nice.


  8. This post was written last Sept when they were running for office, and Obama was lying about his record. Does the truth matter at all to you, or are you all about feelings?

    As should have been clear…what Obama was advocating goes far beyond “good touch bad touch” which is already taught in the schools, and with which most reasonable people have no problem.

    And why on earth would I waste my time extolling the virtues of McCain, (who’s no prize, either) when Obama is the one who is in power?

    That doesn’t even make sense.


  9. Pingback: Why Does Obama Have A Known Pervert As His “Safe Schools” Czar? « Nice Deb

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