Flight 93 Memorial Blogburst #51 (UPDATED)

“The terrorist memorializing features all point to each other”

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Crescent video, Part 2, set to everybody’s favorite gunslinger music:

If you have a fast connection, there is a high quality viewing option at the lower right of the viewing screen here.

Part 1 focused on the blatant Islamic symbolism in the Flight 93 memorial, and on Tom Burnett’s efforts to stop this desecration of his son’s grave. Part 2 is about the terrorist memorializing features.

On first examination, the Islamic symbol shapes in the Flight 93 memorial are found to be slightly imprecise:

The giant crescent does not point quite exactly at Mecca.

The Sacred Ground Plaza that sits roughly in the position of the star on a crescent and star flag does not sit exactly in the position of an Islamic star.

But additional features turn these imprecise Islamic shapes into precise Islamic symbol shapes:

Inside the Sacred Ground Plaza sits a separate section of Memorial Wall, inscribed with the 9/11 date, that IS placed in the exact position of an Islamic star.

Remove the symbolically “broken off” parts of the crescent of Embrace (now called a broken circle) and the remaining crescent structure–what symbolically remains standing in the wake of 9/11–points EXACTLY at Mecca.

To find these additional features, just follow the terrorist brick road: the 44 inscribed translucent memorial blocks on the flight path (matching the number of passengers, crew, AND TERRORISTS).

No need to have seen Part 1 before seeing Part 2. All of the parts of this video series will stand on their own, with only a small amount of overlap. There is a brief review of the Mecca orientation, because that is what leads to the discovery of the 44 blocks, but the blocks then lead to this whole further array of terrorist memorializing features.

If there is a group that you want to show this to–conservative campus group, church group, poker group, or just a little half-time patriotism–ask Alec Rawls about getting the video in full resolution, or in television viewing format.

UPDATE (January 11): For you libtards who don’t understand what this is about, and think it’s some kind of joke:

Here it is in plain language, (from AJ Strata in a letter to the Memorial’s organizers) so maybe even your puny little brains can understand why this memorial must be scrapped:

If this design survives there will always be whispered rumors this monument is an Islamic symbol. Even if not true in your minds, it will become true in myth and rumor. It may get so bad it becomes a rallying point for our enemies. These are factors that must be considered.

Right now it is more true than anything else about the monument, it has Islamic symbolism in it.  And with good evidence not hysterical visions. Those who can’t figure out how navigation on a globe ends up aligning the crescent with Mecca demonstrate over and over again why this alignment is nearly impossible by accident or amateurish intent. It takes a special mathematical knowledge to realize which way is Mecca. It is not something anyone can just do on a whim and a globe.

So we will have a monument where the mythology of its Islamic hidden message will long survive – a testament to the foolishness of not changing course when first alerted to the problems. But let me also remind you of who you honor, and how you pale in comparison to them right now. This will be especially hard to hear for those family members of the victims, but you sully their sacrifice with your stubbornness.

To truly honor them, to truly experience what they did, you must take some incredibly precious to you and throw it away for the good of others and the good of this country. To even be in the same league as those you honor, you must throw this lame crescent away and start new.  Then, and only then, will you be even marginally close to them in character. They threw their lives away for this country, you can surely throw this design away.  At least you will be alive and with your family after such a ’sacrifice’.  But moreover, you will be a lot closer to those you lost and honor in the annals of humankind. Is this a monument to sacrifice or ego?

Why don’t you actually read the posts, investigate this further. You may actually find it as morally reprehensible as we do.

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Yes, but can I dance to it?

20 thoughts on “Flight 93 Memorial Blogburst #51 (UPDATED)

  1. Deb, I cannot tell you how vital what you do is to the support of America. However, as is so often the case, you stop so short of the level needed to get our points across to the liberal media and America in general. Just to put things in perspective, Anne Coulter is restrained in my opinion. We are at war with liberal ideas. You need to ratchet up the rhetoric and get the volume way way up. The biggest mistake conservatives made in 2006 and 2008 elections was to be entirely too cooperative and entirely too restrained. Please, for the love of this great country, get really agitated and start demanding that conservatives across this country raise the volume, do whatever it takes to take back our country, including locking up every Muslim and banning Islam from this country. We need to make the Bible our Constitution and rid the country of anyone who doesn’t support our Christian Wars.


  2. Why do the Mobys bother anymore? Isn’t the election over? Has there ever been a case where they weren’t spotted right away?

    I guess futility and irrelevance appeal to the liberal psyche.


  3. Why, it’s so clear! The proposed Flight 93 Memorial is a secret Islamic sign, just upside down and backwards! It’s like reverse masking in rock ‘n’ roll songs, the stuff that 80s hair bands used to make their fans commit suicide! It’s why I still think the Walrus was Paul. If they get away with this, half of America is going to be secretly perverted to Mahometanism. Old Sammy must be laughing his head off in his cave somewhere at this. Thank God — and I don’t mean A**ah — that you’re fighting back on this!


  4. Yes, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a comment that was at once as biting and insightful as Bukko’s. He has a genuine gift, and we should all be grateful that he chose to share it with us here.


  5. Thank you for recognising my genius! That puts you right up there with my mum. Nobody else in the world, unfortunately, just you all and momsy. I feel so good that I think I’ll eat another sachet of Vegemite-flavoured chips…


  6. This really is exactly like the backwards-masking people – sure, you can see it if you look, but you could really see anything if you looked – the Proctor and Gamble logo, a yin-yang, whatever you like. This makes you look crazy and/or dumb.


  7. sure, you can see it if you look, but you could really see anything if you looked

    Not really. Like what? The Islamic symbols here are rather obvious.

    Only to snarky people in the reality-based community.

    Haha. Bukko said “snarky” AND “reality-based community”. What’s it like to be stuck in 2005?


  8. Pingback: Piranha! » Unintentional Humour No. 5

  9. I came here thinking you had found something earth-shattering or mindblowing that some secret cabal had disgustingly placed in an important reminder of a terrorist act.

    What l have found is that you are one stage below the tinfoilhat wearing loons who sent each other those “Obama-is-a-secret-muslim/christian-black-radical-non-american-commie-socialist-antisemetic-terroristloving-antiamerican-troophating-mostextremeliberalvotingrecordever” emails.

    What could have been something useful has just turned into something blogged by someone with far too many cats.


  10. I came here thinking you had found something earth-shattering or mindblowing that some secret cabal had disgustingly placed in an important reminder of a terrorist act.

    Uh…no, you came here following an ignorant nutroots link in order to insult me.

    If you can explain how the crescent aligns almost exactly with Mecca, when such a thing has a very small chance of happening by accident, let me know. Muslims often carry special compasses with them to know which way to face Mecca when they pray. They won’t need to at the Flight 93 memorial.

    But I want to thank Jesus General and Rumproast for helping to get this info out there. The more people who see it, the better.


  11. I came here thinking you had found something earth-shattering or mindblowing that some secret cabal had disgustingly placed in an important reminder of a terrorist act.

    I came here thinking you had something relevant or interesting to say. Perhaps if you kept up with the news, we might both have avoided disappointment. The controversy is now over a year and a half old, this is the 51st in a series of updates on the subject, and it was not written by NiceDeb – it is reposted by the participants of the “Stop the Memorial Blogburst,” a group which includes NiceDeb.


  12. Actually the controversy has been going on since 2005, when the plans were originally revealed. The Islamic symbolism is stark, and easy to verify:



    Nassar Rabbat, who graduated UCLA in 1984 and was a classmate of Robert Murdoch, has come to Murdock’s defense, and “scoffed at the idea of any Islamic symbolism”.

    Both Murdock and Rabbat have masters degrees from UCLA 1984, both did their masters work on Middle Eastern subjects.



  13. Wow. Do you realize you are fucking crazy? Was there a single link on there that didn’t link to another nujob website? Fucking lunatics.

    This should stand as a testament about the dangers of inbreeding, home-schooling, illiteracy, and all of the other multitudinous problems of the American South.


  14. The MSM isn’t doing its due diligence on this story, hence the need for a blogburst in the right wing blogosphere. Did you actually analyze anything that is being reported, here? Or is your whole point to be insulting and dismissive?


  15. Was there a single link on there that didn’t link to another nujob website?

    You’re kind of a moron, aren’t you. As previously stated, NiceDeb is not an original investigator on this subject – she’s part of the BlogBurst. So your question is crystallized idiocy: of course she links to other bloggers, because she is part of the distribution network for their material.

    If you bother to follow all the links, you’ll find the original source material. But I wouldn’t suggest that you try, because you apparently weren’t able to absorb the material here.


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