My Stuffed Nativity Scene



I got this one at a craft sale. I thought it would be a good hands on display for the kids, because, obviously, it can be handled without any concern of breakage. And the younger kiddies love to play with it. For some reason my five year old keeps putting the lamb in the manger on top of baby Jesus, (who’s upside down now, because he hasn’t been born, yet). The llama has been placed right in front of the manger. He moved the tree in front of the shepherd, blocking him. And oh, look…That camel needs to back off a little, too…the three kings didn’t get there until well after the baby was born…they’re supposed to be  traveling, still.

I’m forever having to rearrange their arrangements. Good times!

SCOTUS Delays Action On Donofrio Lawsuit

The latest via The Washington Times:

The Supreme Court held off Friday on deciding whether to grant a hearing in a long-shot lawsuit that would decide whether Barack Obama can constitutionally become president as a “natural born” U.S. citizen.

The Friday list of court orders that denies or grants hearings did not
mention the lawsuit, which says Mr. Obama should be disqualified from
the presidency because he purportedly acquired the same British
citizenship that his father had when he was born.

A spokesman for the court said the decision on whether to hear the
suit brought by retired New Jersey lawyer Leo Donofrio is likely to be
announced next week.

Hat tip: Atlas Shrugs


A former Obama supporter weighs in on the COLB controversy, here.