Video: ACORN’s Scott Levenson Finally Meets His Match

Acorn’s wacky Scott Levenson meets Fox News’ wacky talk show host Glenn Beck.

The result is hi-larious:

Allahpundit made me LOL:

I understand why they continue to book him — angering the host is great for ratings — but why, given his astounding Edwards-esque unctuousness, does ACORN continue to send him as their rep? It’s practically an exercise in self-sabotage. I’m sitting here numb with horror at the possibility that he might be the most likable guy they have.

Love this classic Levenson photoshop from the 2008 election:


On a more serious note, Levenson’s oft repeated claim that ACORN has only been caught engaging in voter registration fraud, (not voter fraud, you sillybilly!) is a smokescreen for the fact that election boards, beleaguered with thousands of fraudulent registrations from ACORN, are not able to  catch them all,  so a certain percentage of fraudulent registrations do end up on the rolls, and it’s almost impossible to catch the actual voter fraud when it occurs.


See Hot Air for part 2 where Beck recounts  what happened during the commercial break.

31 thoughts on “Video: ACORN’s Scott Levenson Finally Meets His Match

  1. See, this is where Glenn actually shows more patience then me. I’m sick to death of these crapweasels not only not answering the question, but disembling to the point where they keep trying to change the topic. I’d say once “Hey, this is MY show. I ask the questions. You are here to answer the question asked, not to talk about whatever pops into your pointly little head. Second warning would be a cut to commercial, and on the third strike, I’d cut to a comercial and have Guido and Lefty give him the bums rush.


  2. But Scotty is the master of the filibuster. He will talk over his interviewer’s questions when they start getting too tough. See, it’s designed so Beck can’t get a word in edgewise.


  3. You are correct, Deb – talking over people is the dame plan for these cretins. They all do it, all the time. It’s their personal form of censorship, without calling it such.

    BTW, “unctuous” is the perfect word to describe this moron. You could also apply it equally to most of the leftards in this administration.


  4. BTW, “unctuous” is the perfect word to describe this moron. You could also apply it equally to most of the leftards in this administration.

    But it is most perfect for our dear Scotty.


  5. And that was before their 3 billion windfalls from the Stimulus, Omnibus, and G.I.V.E. Act bills.

    Scott Levenson has every reason to be smug.


  6. Scott Levenson.
    That is how the representatives of the left train their “spokepersons” (?): Deny, twist, confuse, talk-over, deride, use sarcasm, and (when everything else fails) attack and accuse the enemy of racism!
    For two years now we have been exposed to these tactics through the longest “primaries” ever! And now that they won, are we to expect any better from that crowd?
    14 States were victims of voter registration fraud, meaning: who knows how many votes ARE NOT valid in those States elections, even if it is too late to prove exactly how many. But, according to Mr. oily Levenson, it is not ACORN to blame. They are innocent! It was a case of a a few “bad” employees… poorly trained, and unsupervised, if not ordered to commit the fraud!
    And paid with our tax dollars!!!
    What a game!
    Rio Vista, CA


  7. Not only is the Spokesman paid with OUR tax monies, he is a former Union Organizer and will also be the lead spokesperson for the 2010 CENSUS… That population poll taken every 10 years to establish Congressional districts in your home town/county/districts/State… Are you guys getting a connection here??

    Oh! have I mentioned that it was the Teamster’s Union and ACORN that collectively bused their membership out to Connecticut to protest at the Homes of the AIG executives. I’m so glad my children do have to see fascism at work in their front yards…

    Where you agree or disagree w/ AIG “employees” getting bonuses what right does a non for profit ACORN have @taxpayers expense protesting American citizen’s? What right?

    And yes ACORN used the “race card” there as well… seems to be a common thread among progressives who can’t think beyond their own ignorance.

    God Bless America… She needs your help!!!


  8. Pingback: Video:Glenn Beck Expounds More On Scott Levenson « Nice Deb

  9. “That is how the representatives of the left train their “spokepersons” (?): Deny, twist, confuse, talk-over, deride, use sarcasm, and (when everything else fails) attack and accuse the enemy of racism!”

    They don’t have to train them, Fernando – they’re LAWYERS – it comes naturally.


  10. Levenson is one of the biggest slimy #$%& piece of @#$%& I have ever seen. What a totally worthless @#$%& piece of @#$%& garbage. What a @#$%& joke of a @#$%& filthy slime bucket @#$%&-up! This @#$%& garbage is a spokesperson? What a @#$%& garbage. Even a liberal moron should be able to see what a slimebucket ape this mother#$%& truly is.

    (Edited by Nice Deb to meet with blog’s PG 13 standards).


  11. The only corrupt person in this video is Glenn Beck – an immoral shamster who thinks nothing of perpertrating falsehoods (as do most of the talking heads employed by my compatriot Rupert Murdoch). If you morons think that what you are saying constitutes serious argument, you are seriously mistaken. By the way where is your coverage of the recently exposed Republican registration fraud?


  12. Mal, your discernment skilz are seriously underdeveloped. Any cases of Rep. voter fraud are small isolated cases, whereas Dem voter fraud is common and rampant.


  13. Nicedeb, your spelling skills are seriously underdeveloped let alone your critical thinking skills. The Republican voter registration fraud I refer relates to thousands of Californian votes – and I never said that there has been no similar fraud on the part of members of the Democratic Party. Your crass promotion of the moronic rants of an ideologue show that you shouldn’t be taken seriously.


  14. Mal, are you really so slow that you think *skilz* was unintentionally misspelled?

    I’m beginning to understand why you’re such an avowed an ACORN supporter.


  15. Okay, last post from me – I do understand that you intentionally spelled skilz wrongly – you wanna spell like some 14 year old texter that’s your business. As said above I’m no longer interested in arguing with desperate Republican shut-ins.


  16. Okay, you understood that, but made a comment that I couldn’t spell, anyway…I think we can all make an assessment as to how much you value honesty, now, can’t we? Which is why you can defend the glaringly dishonest and slimy Scott Levenson.


  17. >>I do understand that you intentionally spelled skilz wrongly – you wanna spell like some 14 year old texter that’s your business

    Mal, are you unclear on the meaning of the word irony or are you just reinforcing the obvious, you’re a dope.

    >>Okay, last post from me

    You keep saying that. I don’t think it means what you think it means.


  18. Hard to say, Deb. Most of them are incapable of original thought so they all sound the same. In any case, he’ll be back. They always come back. They are under the impression that if they just call people racist enough times they win any argument no matter how lame their premise. And these are the same mental titans who called Condi Rice a house n*gger for 8 years.

    Not the sharpest tools in the shed.


  19. jackstraw – neither myself nor anyone I know would use the terms you have here about Condi Rice. Hell last year she was invited to the home of our foreign minister Stephen Smith – and he’s a Labor Party politician in Australia (a socialist in your eyes). Also don’t see anything remotely original on this site – in your posts or any others. And as for not being very sharp well the feelings mutual, mate. I reckon you’re as thick as two planks! Nothing I’ve seen on this site convinces me that it isn’t racist – too many silly photoshopped pictures re Obama, and too many wild-eyed net conspiracies. So I am sorry to have come back but your post needed a response. Seeya.


  20. Oh a PS – slimey tactics, NiceDeb? I haven’t used any tactics here that you don’t use. I realise that I may have upset you be calling you racist but your site is littered with abusive descriptions of people you don’t like. Pot calling the kettle black, I think!


  21. Oh really? You’ve accused me of using slimey tactics and of being Scott Levenson – you don’t lie, misguide or use epithets to chill speech? Sure you don’t!


  22. Thank you for making my point for me.

    I snarked that you might BE Scott Levenson and you take that as a serious accusation? Of course you don’t… that’s what I mean by dishonest…

    Calling someone a ‘racist’ with absolutely nothing to back it up is what I mean by slimy.


  23. Pingback: Grass Roots Citizens Group Uncovers Rampant Voter Fraud in Houston « Nice Deb

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