Video: Michelle Malkin Discusses “Safe School Czar” Kevin Jennings On Hannity

The media has been AWOL on this story. Fox News has finally stepped up….will others follow?

Michelle Malkin is right that the touchy subject matter makes this topic difficult to discuss on television, and that’s why it’s so insidious. Radical gay activists  have relied on a timid and  browbeaten populous in order to push their agenda. But this must stop.

Every day, Media Matters comes out with slickly worded, but weak defenses of Kevin Jennings, and GLSEN, calling the  reports about Jennings and GLSEN “anti-gay smears”. Nobody wants to be thought of as a “hatemonger”, but people need to buck up. The uncomfortable truth is:  there are people out there who want to steal your children’s innocence. They want to pollute their minds at a young age. They want to indoctrinate them into their chosen lifestyle. Kevin Jennings is one of those people.   Every parent who has a child in the American public school system should be screaming from the rooftops for this man to be fired from his job as Safe School Czar. The fact that he was chosen for this position is an insult and an offense to every decent American, including gays who don’t think subjecting schoolchildren to explicit pornographic materials etc,  in the name of “tolerance” and “safety” is a good thing.

Kevin Jennings must go, and Obama owes the American people an explanation and apology for his  extreme (even for him) lapse in judgment in this affront to common sense and common decency.


A website devoted to his firing has been set up called, Expel Jennings.

Expel Jennings Facebook page, here.

You can contact your representatives in Washington, here.

You can sign a petition to the President to have Jennings fired, here.


The latest from Gateway Pundit:

Fistgate VI: Obama’s Safe Schools Czar’s Teen Conference Literature Pushed Anal S*x in Parks With Strangers


More On Kevin Jennings, Obama’s Safe School Czar – It Gets Worse

The Official Media Matters Response To Obama’s Safe School Czar’s Porno Reading List For Kids Scandal

An Open Letter To Obama From A Mother, Re Safe School Czar Kevin Jennings

Deesgusting!:Obama’s “Safe Schools Czar” Kevin Jennings Promoting Child Porn In Classroom Through GLSEN Reading List

Zombie Takes Media Matters To Task On “Safe School Czar” Kevin Jennings

Why Does Obama Have A Known *Pervert Gay Activist (I changed my mind again)PERVERT For His “Safe Schools” Czar?


3 thoughts on “Video: Michelle Malkin Discusses “Safe School Czar” Kevin Jennings On Hannity

  1. if we the people, cannot protect our selves, our children, our liberties, our freedoms, our property, and our Constitution, then we no longer deserve to be called Americans nor patriots nor do we deserve any pity for losing everything that once made us blessed.

    blessings can be given and taken away.

    history has been correct. evil, unbridled evil, has been the undoing of all societies of all times – without exception.

    the inability to see evil for what it is, begins with a lie. why do you think all “liars” were cast into the lake of fire according to biblical eschatology?

    lets hope FOX steels their resolve. they seem very weak on “global warming” so lets hope they grow a backbone to battle these militant degenerates.


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