Speaking of Scott Brown…

William A. Jacobson of Legal Insurrection notes that MA State Senator, Scott Brown, who’s hoping to fill Teddy’s all important US Senate seat in a special election January 19, is “winning the online battle”.

In fact a Scott Brown in Australia has been the be the unwitting beneficiary of all the enthusiasm:

As the Boston Globe reports, in the past few days, as @ScottBrownMA has gained momentum through bloggers and twitterers and other social media, @ScottBrown has been inundated with people seek @ScottBrownMA.

Brown’s Facebook page has 8689 fans versus 6255 at Coakley‘s Facebook page. The BrownBrigade online network has 2517 members; I could find nothing similar for Coakley.

You can join the fray by following  @ScottBrownMA on Twitter, and becoming a fan of his Facebook page, linked above.

FYI: I listened in on a conference call with Brown, yesterday, and was surprised to learn that those rumors about the GOP leaving him in the cold were greatly exaggerated. In fact, “Don’t believe everything you read” is a direct quote from Brown. He wanted us to know that the GOP wasn’t stiffing him. But he is being greatly outspent by his well connected opponent, MA Atty Gen Martha Coakley, who has special interest, and  union $$$ backing her.

Scott Brown has something she doesn’t have, however…and that’s momentum.

You can donate to his campaign here, any time, but a “money bomb” is being planned for Jan. 11  for the last stretch of the campaign. You can go make a pledge, now, too.


Oh my… I just discovered this strictly by accident, I swear, but HUBBA HUBBA!

Long before he was a politician, the Republican candidate vying for Ted Kennedy’s U.S. Senate seat posed nude for the centerfold of Cosmo. Scott Brown won our “America’s Sexiest Man” contest and appeared in the June 1982 issue. In those days he was a 22-year-old law student at Boston College who was cramming for finals just days before stripping down for our photographer.

“Here at Cosmo we’ve had bachelors go on to be actors, models, and reality show stars, so we’re thrilled that one has gone on to become a politician,” says Kate White, Cosmo’s editor in chief. Obviously we know how to pick ’em. This particular bachelor has always had political ambitions and even admitted to being “a bit of a patriot” when we interviewed him.


Safe for work (I think…)pictures at link.

2 thoughts on “Speaking of Scott Brown…

  1. Pingback: Tweets that mention Speaking of Scott Brown… « Nice Deb -- Topsy.com

  2. Pingback: Well, Well, Scott Brown Wasn’t Stiffed By The Republican Party, After All « Nice Deb

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