Thousands Gather For Kansas City Tax Day Tea Party At Community America Ballpark

The main tea party event for the Kansas City area,  Tax Day, 2010, was  the Community America Ballpark in KCK,  from 3:00-9:00pm. It was sponsored by KC Political Chips, and MC’ed by KMBZ’s Darla Jaye. KCTV reported “thousands” of tea partiers, so I’m going with that until I hear a more specific number.

The place was teeming with tea partiers, who were treated to a well organized, and very enjoyable event. Speakers included, Kris Kobach, who’s running for KS Sec. of State,  710 conservative DJ, Chris Stigall, and Obama’s dear, second cousin once removed, Dr. Milton Wolf, who really, really doesn’t like Obamacare.

Here are some pix of the crowd, and some of my favorite signs:

Darla Jaye broadcasting for KMBZ before the program started.


People are so creative!

Towards the end of the program, Darla Jaye asked for all of the veterans to come on to the field. I was amazed by how many were in the crowd. By the time I started videotaping, (with my phone – because my camera was out of batteries), a large number had already filed out of the field:

When video of the speeches appear on YouTube, I’m posting them, because there were some good ones.

Okay, here’s some amateur video of Kris Kobach’s speech:


14 thoughts on “Thousands Gather For Kansas City Tax Day Tea Party At Community America Ballpark

  1. Pingback: Crash The Tea Party Efforts Flop « Nice Deb

  2. Pingback: Sorry So Quiet « Obi’s Sister

  3. Pingback: INFILTRATION FAIL: Left-wing Tea Party Fakers Foiled… Photos of Soros-Paid Statist Crashers « Frugal Café Blog Zone

  4. Pingback: All American Blogger » The 2010 Tax Day Tea Party Linkapalooza

  5. Great photos.

    I see you got me in your video. I began to go onto the field, as I served in the Navy for five years, but then I chose to stay where I was.

    When I compare the service with Korean and Vietnam vets with what I did, I don’t belong on the same field as those guys.

    And, as any service member from any era will tell you, I had about enough of lines while I was in. 🙂


  6. Pingback: Kansas City Tea Party 15 April 2010 « The Republican Heretic

  7. Pingback: Tax Day Tea Parties « The Republican Heretic

  8. These are some great pictures! You must have been right next to me at the KMBZ booth, because I have some pictures of the same people out there.

    I got a few pics of the sad, sad crasher. In case you are interested, his sign read:
    I know who obama is. puppet
    barrack and the muslims terrorist
    he kill them he kill U.S.
    get out ‘D-words!'”


  9. Pingback: Leftist Infiltration & Arrest… The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly at the Sacramento Tax Day Tea Party (video) « Frugal Café Blog Zone

  10. Pingback: Thousands at Phoenix, AZ Tax Day Tea Party « Frugal Café Blog Zone

  11. Pingback: POTUS Hubris: Krauthammer Disgusted, Hammers Obama’s Arrogant Dismissal of Tea Parties & His Phony Tax Cuts (video) « Frugal Café Blog Zone

  12. Hello Nice Deb, this is a huge moment in our history. Wanted to know if I can use some of your Tea Party pics for a short film I am considering — we have no budget:) The Tea Party is, without question, a formidable fixture of the American political dynamic and you can’t talk about our politics without talking about the movement. Please email me confirming whether or not I can use the pics.

    Thank you


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