Video: The Giuliani/Huffington Slugfest On Morning Joe

Everybody’s talking about this segment from Morning Joe, this morning. Mediaite calls it “crack for the political junkie”, RS McCain wonders why Arianna is defending Charlie Crist (pssst: because he’s the weaker Republican candidate), Business Insider called it, “Today’s media brawl”, and Noel Sheppard at Newsbusters said Rudy Giuliani and Joe Scarborough humiliated Arianna Huffington.

See what you think:

Looks like she came out swinging, figuring the boys wouldn’t hit back. She figured wrong.


Oh My: Obama Couldn’t Name Any White Sox Players When Asked

After claiming to be a “Southside kid”, Obama failed to name even a single player from the White Sox. Of course, he grew up in Indonesia and Hawaii, so American baseball was probably barely on his radar screen while he was growing up:

Obama to Dibble on why he wore a White Sox fan to throw out the first pitch in Washington: “I’m a Southside kid, I gotta make sure (White Sox owner) Jerry Reinsdorf doesn’t get to angry with me.

Dibble: “Having played with the White Sox for a short time, I know how the Cubs fans and White Sox fans go back and forth. Who was one of your favorite White Sox players growing up?

Obama: “You know uh ….. I … I thought that … uh …. you know … the truth is a lot of the Cubs I like too! But, uh … I did not become a Sox fan until I moved to Chicago. Because I uh …. I was growing up in Hawaii so I ended up actually being an Oakland A’s fan.

Obvious follow up question: “Oh….so who were your favorite Oakland A’s players growing up?”  But Dibble probably figured sports fans had cringed enough, already.

One of the commenters at this sports site, quipped, “Holy crap, he couldn’t even pull shoeless joe out of his ass?”

Obama also continued his habit of mispronouncing Comiskey Park. At least he didn’t say Cominskey Field, this time.

In case you’re wondering why I’m still sniping about Obama’s baseball faux pas, which is frankly pretty petty of me in light of the fact that there are much more important things to talk about….well,  just take look at these recent depressing headlines:

Jennifer Rubin: Obama’s Incomprehensible Nuclear Posture Review

Gabe at AoSHQ: Obama Was Not Briefed on Nuclear-Defense Plans Until “Some Months” In Office

Robert Costa at the Corner: Giuliani: An ‘Inept’ President’s ‘Left-Wing Dream’

The American Thinker: Obama’s List

Michelle Malkin: S.F.’s housing mob and the death of property rights

What can I say? I’ve got a Spring cold, and I’m just not in the mood to deal with Obama and his disastrous “left wing-dreams” today.

Linked by Michelle Malkin in Buzzworthy, thanks!

BTW: Michelle also couldn’t resist being a little petty: Can you imagine if Sarah Palin said “Cominskey Park” and flubbed softball White Sox question?


Video: Obama’s First Pitch At Nationals Game “High and Wide”
