Video: Christiane Amanpour’s Interview With Herman Cain Full Of Lame Gotchas

Every question ABC’s Christiane Amanpour asked Herman Cain this morning on This Week was designed to hurt him, or one of the other Republican candidates. She spent the first two minutes trying to make him apologize for not speaking up when  one or two Florida Straw Poll audience members booed a question posed by a gay serviceman. The left-wing media continues to frame the question wrong. They didn’t boo the serviceman when he said he was gay, like big meanies. They booed later, after his question was posed. Cain handles the question as well as can be expected.

By the way: Anybody want to see hell freeze over? It will happen the day an MSMer blames Obama for  his own audiences’ behavior.

Then she moved on to Perry’s “Niggerhead” controversy that erupted this weekend. Apparently a hunting camp that the Perry family used in the ’80’s and 90’s contained a rock that said, “Niggerhead”.  Perry said his parents painted over the rock  in the early ’80s when he mentioned it to them, but reportedly the word was still visible under the white paint until very recently.   ABC got the obligatory, “That is very insensitive” remark from Cain. It is insensitive if the word is still visible to the family and nobody did anything about it. Another nail in Rick Perry’s coffin, and you got Cain to play along – well done, Ms. Amanpour.

By the way: Did anyone in the MSM ever look deeply into the radical associations and organizations Obama belonged to in the ’80s and ’90s? Did they make political hay out of Obama’s association with Weather Underground leader, Bill Ayers, for instance? Did  -they ask other candidates about Obama’s friendship with the “small c” former domestic terrorist in order to keep the story alive? No? They just swallowed Obama’s “Fight the Smears” talking points, “Ayers is someone who did “detestable” things when he was eight years old, and crossed paths with him occasionally in Chicago. Huh.  That was a lie, and the American people had a right to know the truth back in 2008.

She then harangued him for saying “African Americans have been brainwashed into voting Democrat” because that’s just so so inflammatory! 95% of black people vote for the party of the KKK and it’s inflammatory to say that they’ve been brainwashed into voting that way. Whatever….NEXT –  According to some idiots who haven’t done the math, Cain’s 999 plan will disproportionately hurt the poor. (I’d bet they’re the same Keynesian brainiacs who think Obama’s economic policies are brilliant, but I digress…) Cain straightens her out. Do not mess with mathematician, Cain.

On to fears about Sharia Law eventually being infused into American law, framed of course, as a paranoid, crazy delusion. Cain doesn’t back down from his concern.

Eh – Just watch this annoying woman go:


RE the WaPo’s racist stone story, via Hot Air:

Here is the statement from Perry’s camp in its entirety:

“A number of claims made in the story are incorrect, inconsistent, and anonymous, including the implication that Rick Perry brought groups to the lease when the word on the rock was still visible. The one consistent fact in the story is that the word on a rock was painted over and obscured many years ago.

“Gov. Perry and his family never owned, controlled or managed the property referenced in the Washington Post story. The 42,000-acre ranch is owned by the Hendricks Home for Children, a West Texas charity.

“Perry’s father painted over offensive language on a rock soon after leasing the 1,000-acre parcel in the early 1980s.  When Gov. Perry was party to the hunting lease from 1997 to 2007, the property was described as northern pasture.  He has not been to the property since 2006.

“In 1991, the Texas Legislature passed a bill to rename old, offensive place names.”

If so, this is journalistic malpractice, and the Washington Post owes Governor Perry a big apology.

Herman Cain may owe Perry an Apology, too, for allowing himself to get talked into condemning something that wasn’t proven.

Linked by BizzyBlog, thanks!


8 thoughts on “Video: Christiane Amanpour’s Interview With Herman Cain Full Of Lame Gotchas

  1. I had to read the entire post, ND, before you got to the crux of the whole thing: “…this annoying woman…”

    She is an incredibly annoying person, without a shred of ethics in her being and totally committed to a statist administration. She epitomizes Goldberg’s “slobbering love affair” media.

    BTW, I’m glad you didn’t refer to her as a “lady.” That would have really gotten me going.


  2. Sorry, I was just going to post the stupid video, but I couldn’t resist. Every. single. question.- hostile.

    I think there are certain venues that Republicans candidates for high office should feel very comfortable taking a pass on. Sitting down with that wench is one of them. There are going to be a number of “journolisters” who will attempt to do a Katy Couric on whomever our candidate is. They’ll come to the interview from a totally hostile position, with one goal in mind – to try to paint the candidate as either A. stupid B A right wing extremist or C. a racist. They see themselves as Obama’s first line of defense.

    I wouldn’t hold it against them one bit if they said, thanks but no thanks to an interview with someone like Charles Gibson, or Amanpour.. I think most Americans wouldn’t hold it against them, either, after what happened in 2008, and since.


  3. I was starting to really like Cain. I signed up for his site 12 months ago, the day he said he was going to run. Today he played the race card like every other liberal out there. I will never support him. I’ve been seeing this same sentiment all day across so many conservative sites. Cain lost my respect big time. It was not just the lady who tricked him, he doubled down on saying it was Perry’s family that did not take the name off the rock, never mind that was the areas name, never mind no one in the post would say there name or connect it to Perry, never mind it was a race baiting writer for Wash Post, Cain still tried to use the race card as a club over Perry’s head. I’m done with the Romney’s Cains of the world. Cain has been running for Romney, never saying anything bad about him. Cain supported tarp, and bank bailouts, but suddenly wants to call Cristie a liberal. Cain in is the wrong party for that stuff.


  4. I’m going to cut Mr. Cain some slack, here. We should remember that he grew up in the deep South at a time when racial epithets were common place. This story probably brought back unpleasant memories. What had been reported up until he went on the air was that the rock had been lightly painted over but the racial epithet was still visible for all to see. It sounds like Cain didn’t have command of all of the facts before he jumped to his conclusion, (neither did I). Now the Perry camp’s countering story makes the WaPo story look like nothing but the cheap,crass hit piece with only a few threads of truth holding it together.

    Let’s see if Cain doubles down, today, or he changes his position based on the new information that has emerged.


  5. Pingback: BizzyBlog

  6. Pingback: CBS has Cain and Romney Tied in 1st Place « Jlue’s Weblog

  7. Herman Cain can learn how to handle the libs “gotcha” journalism that they love to use to destroy Republican candidates, but Barack Obama and the libs can never learn how to create a real job. Thanks Christiane Amanpour for your help in raising so much money for Herman Cain.


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