Video: Revealing The Truth About The Democrat Party

Swiped from The Other McCain, a good video for a Sunday perusal.

The YouTube title is; The Democratic Progressive Party Sees “Blacks” as “Useful Idiots”

Of course, none of this is news to conservative blacks. They know the truth and are in a constant state of frustration at the “useful idiocy” by which they’re surrounded.

Last month in Kansas City, the KC Metro Republican Women’s Club held a panel of black conservative women who offered their ideas on how to break through the disinformation, and dependency mindset to convince blacks that their true home is the Republican party.

Left to right: Granketha Major, Shannon Stone Sim, Beverly Randles

Beverly Randles is an accomplished attorney and owner of Randles Consulting. She’s also the wife
of gubernatorial candidate for Governor of Missouri, Bill Randles.
Shannon Stone Sims currently serves as the Public Information Officer for the Kansas Securities
Commissioner’s Office. She is a Missouri resident and active in both Missouri and Kansas politics.

Granketha Major is a radio personality on the Conservative Minority Program on the Darla Jaye Show

They recommended, among other things, that Republicans start being active in neighborhood community organizations that are traditionally run by Democrats. Identify the things we have in common – many blacks are pro-life, for instance. Many are for school choice. Also, education is key – how many blacks really know the history of the Republican Party – the party of Lincoln, and MLK – the party that freed the slaves? Do they know the racist history of the Democrat party, the true political home of the KKK? Very few do, it would seem.

If I remember right, the three devout women reckoned that much of the solution came down to prayer.

Linked by Doug Ross in Larwyn’s Links.

3 thoughts on “Video: Revealing The Truth About The Democrat Party

  1. Pingback: Great Video On Democrat Party History : The Other McCain

  2. Pingback: The Truth About The Democrat Party | Flopping Aces

  3. When there is a concerted effort by one group of people to keep the truth from another group, especially if the first group is in charge of educating the children of the second, disinformation will abound.

    In this case, the left very purposely took over the education system so it would be in charge of what was taught, and the disinformation spread has been mind-boggling, all the way from the actual history of the Crusades and the reasons for them, to what is happening in our country today and the long-term effects of introducing socialist programs.

    And it doesn’t help that the left is helped so greatly by its useful idiots in the LSM.


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