Saturday Movie Matinee

Herman Cain, in case you haven’t  heard, has beaten the vague, anonymous, not necessarily sexual harassment rap in what has turned out to be a one week fakestorm. The lib media gave it their best, throwing every vague innuendo they could muster at the wall to see what would stick, but the wall stands tall and unblemished among the huge piles of slime that surround it. His poll numbers are soaring.

If that doesn’t give the left vapors, nothing will. Except maybe this (lol): Cain: ‘I Am The Koch Brothers’ Brother From Another Mother’:

For a fun companion video which demonstrates the unhinged, spittle spewing, twisted knots libs tie themselves into at the very name, “Koch”, see Newsbusters: Schultz Guest: Koch Brothers ‘Purchased’ Cain So They Could ‘Kill More People’ With Toxins:

How vile is Mike Papantonio?  For the second time in three days the trial lawyer-cum-radio host has actually made Ed Schultz look relatively reasonable.

Interviewed by Schultz on his MSNBC show this evening, Papantonio claimed that the Koch brothers had “purchased” Herman Cain in order to be able to “kill more people”with toxins.

Via Breitbart TV: Howard Stern comes to Cain’s defense: “I think it’s a smear job”:

An inspiring, motivational speech from another presidential contender, Newt Gingrich:
PJTV’s Scott Ott delivers the news: Politico-gate – Hear All the Vague, Non-Specific Allegations Against Herman Cain, Politico and More:

Triumph The Insult Dog’s Brilliant Report From #OccupyWallStreet:

Via Weasel Zippers,  Bill O’Reilly blasts “the worst Mayor in the country”: Oakland Mayor Quan Praises Occupy Oakland Protesters After Riots Cost City $1 Million:

Uncut tour of OccupyWallstreet via Breitbart TV:

This 50 minute video shows the uncut tour at the #OccupyWallStreet compound. For the past week we have featured excerpts of this tour at


Via RCP,  Congressman Allen West weighs in on the Herman Cain controversy:

Via The Right Scoop, Mark Levin Keynote at Defending the Dream Conference: