Video: Obama Condemns the “Crashing of the English Embassy” Urges Iranian Government “To Hold Those Accountable To Task”

I’ve been hearing about Obama’s latest dumb gaffe, all day, and was going to let it go – because he sort of caught himself, and tried to correct it with “Embassy of the UK”, (which was also wrong.) I mean, we all misspeak at times, right?

But then I was reminded that the media still wants to paint this guy as having a “professorial disposition” – almost overqualified for the job of President –  the smartest guy in the room –  unlike those Republican yahoos who can barely write their own names, or are “phony, pseudo- intellectuals.”

I was reminded of  how Obama is already breaking fund-raising records and has a compliant MSM willing to push any narrative he wants against his Republican opponents and how 2012 is going to be the dirtiest  presidential election year in United States history, and I thought, “oh, what the hell.”

The Daily Mail’s Simon Tomlinson writes:

A frenzied mob of militant Iranian students ransacked the main embassy in Tehran and a smaller diplomatic compound in the city.

They lobbed petrol bombs, stole classified documents, torched the Union flag and even tore up a portrait of the Queen.

The rioters also chanted ‘Death to England’ and threw rocks. One man held up a Union flag with a skull and cross bones on it.

In an interview yesterday, Mr Obama said: ‘All of us are deeply disturbed by the, err, crashing of, err, the English Embassy, err, the embassy of the United Kingdom.’

By calling it the ’embassy of the United Kingdom’, he got it wrong a second time.

It appears there has never been an English Embassy, although there have been English ambassadors centuries ago.

Back in 1479, John Shirwood became the first permanent English ambassador when he took up residence in Rome.

Nile Gardiner, a blogger on The Foundry who led the criticism, said: ‘In case the President is unaware, England forms part of Great Britain, which also includes Scotland and Wales, though not Northern Ireland, which is part of the United Kingdom.

‘One can only imagine the kind of howls of derision that would greet any presidential contender if that kind of basic error were made before, say, the editorial board of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

‘It would be nice if the leader of the free world bothered to look at a map once in a while.’

A YouTube commenter asked, I wonder if anyone at the “English embassy” speaks “Austrian?”

Obama’s statement that “that kind of behavior is not acceptable” is similar to the  Iranian Foreign Ministry’s language which also called the incursions “unacceptable”.  Interesting, considering it’s generally understood that the storming of the British embassy was done under the  nose of the Iranian security apparatus so it must have been tacitly sanctioned, at least by some of the country’s leadership. So his statement  “urging the Iranian government to hold those accountable to task” is kinda absurd.

You want to hear Krauthammer’s take? He called it an  “unbelievably embarrassing statement”, focusing on the “pathetically weak” second half of it:

Hat tip: Weasel Zippers

Video: ATF Whistleblowers Claim DOJ Retaliation

ATF whistleblowers told Fox News, this morning, that since testifying on Capitol Hill, it’s been all downhill for them. Meanwhile, the executives who oversaw Fast and Furious were either promoted or transferred. Only one person, US Atty in AZ, Dennis Burke has resigned:

Anthony Martin reported on more chicanery that’s been  uncovered in ATF retaliation against whistleblowers earlier this month:

In a letter to Attorney-General Eric Holder yesterday, Congressman Darrell Issa and Senator Charles Grassley asked for information on media leaks that were aimed at discrediting the testimony of a key ATF whistleblower–Agent John Dodson. The leak violates the Privacy Act which protects the personal information employers gather on employees, and points to more chicanery on the part of ATF management in retaliating against agents who went public with the agency’s illegal activity.

According to the letter, an employee of the DOJ was forced to resign due to the leak. Issa and Grassley are requesting information on that employee and if other employees had access to a shared computer drive that may have led to the leaked information.


In addition, Dodson allegedly has already been the recipient of retaliatory action earlier this year. Back in July St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner Kurt Hofmann provided evidence that Dodson was the victim of a smear campaign by his superiors.

And then there is this report submitted by this writer on October 25 indicating a widespread, orchestrated program of retaliation against whistleblowers implemented by ATF supervisors. One agent’s family was placed in lethal danger when his house was set on fire in the middle of the night while his wife and children slept inside. Supervisors had good reason to believe that Hell’s Angels had set the fire in response to the agent’s undercover work that resulted in several arrests. But ATF management never investigated the fire, nor did they do anything about numerous threats the agent received from Hell’s Angels.

The latest revelation concerning the continued attempt to smear agent Dodson by releasing private information protected by the Privacy Act only highlights the fact that retaliatory behavior on the part of ATF management is continuing despite warnings from Issa and Grassley that it be stopped

Chairman of the House Oversight Committee Darrell Issa, introduced new legislation a few weeks ago to reinforce provisions of the 1989 Whistleblower Protection Act.
The reinforcement, known at the Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act, is badly needed in light of Fast and Furious as retaliation against whistleblowers exposing corruption within the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF falls under the jurisdiction of the Justice Department) runs rampant.The legislation is bipartisan and is co-sponsored by Ranking Member of the House Oversight Committee Elijah Cummings.

Issa sent a letter to ATF Deputy Director William Hoover in June warning whistleblowers should not be retaliated against for exposing mismanagement and unscrupulous behavior within the agency or within the Department of Justice.

I write to request your assurance that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) will not retaliate against witnesses who have provided information to this Committee. I make this request in light of the fact that on June 15, 2011, in a hearing before the Committee entitled “operation Fast and Furious: Reckless Decisions, Tragic Outcomes,” three veteran ATF special agents gave testimony highly critical of the ATF. They should not face reprisals of any kind for their testimony. No other ATF employees who cooperate with Congress should face retaliation either.

The Committee relies on whistleblowers to conduct unvarnished and thorough oversight. Witnesses who choose to cooperate with the Committee must be confident that they can provide information without fear of punishment.

You can read about the Jay Dobyns’ case, possibly the worst case of ATF whistleblower retaliation, here. Also, you can read about retaliation against Fast and Furious whistleblower Vince Cefalu here.

See also:

Fox News: ‘Fast and Furious’ Whistleblowers Struggle Six Months After Testifying Against ATF Program:

Six months ago, several agents with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives stood before Congress to testify about the details of a U.S. government program that armed Mexico’s largest drug cartel with thousands of assault rifles.

The administration denied it at the time and questioned the agents’ integrity. The men were nervous and scared. They said they feared for their careers, their reputation and their families.

“Any attempt to retaliate against them for their testimony today would be unfair, unwise and unlawful,” Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, warned the Department of Justice.

He and Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., began an investigation to determine who authorized “Operation Fast and Furious” and aimed to hold accountable those responsible for a plan that helped known criminals run guns across the border in violation of U.S. and international law.

And while President Obama has said the operation was a mistake and that “people who screwed up will be held accountable,” the record so far does not bear that out. Those in charge of the botched operation have been reassigned or promoted, their pensions intact.

They knew exactly what they were doing – and they should not only be fired – but be indicted for the murders their gunwalking policies facilitated.
But many of those who blew the whistle face isolation, retaliation and transfer.

Case in point, he said, is field agent John Dodson. Dodson uprooted his family from Virginia in 2010 to join a new elite anti-gun trafficking group in Phoenix, known as Group 7. Dodson quickly witnessed what was wrong and loudly voiced his objections to Voth and Newell.

Management reassigned Dodson to weekend duty and the wire room, a relatively boring job monitoring telephone traffic and subordinate to junior agents. Soon thereafter, Dodson was temporarily assigned to another group for an additional menial assignment, until ultimately sent to an FBI Task Force, completely away from the ATF, even turning off his ATF building access pass.

Dodson continued to challenge Voth, saying the operation was killing people in Mexico and suggested it was only a matter of time before a “border agent or sheriff’s deputy” would be killed by one of the guns they let go.

“If you’re going to make an omelet, you’ve got to scramble some eggs,” Voth replied, according to a congressional report.

Voth moved Dodson out of Group 7 shortly before Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was shot by weapons traced to Fast and Furious. Newell, Gillette and Voth began to cover up their tracks. According to an e-mail 24 hours after Terry was shot, Voth wrote:

“We are charging Avila (Jaime Avila bought the alleged murder weapons) with a stand-alone June 2010 firearms purchase. This way we do not divulge our current case (Fast and Furious) or the Border Patrol shooting case.”

“Great job,” Newell replied.

Dodson first complained internally to the ATF Office of Chief Counsel and Ethics Section, OIG, Office of Special Counsel, and Office of Professional Responsibility. They were unresponsive. Dodson was then contacted by congressional investigators, who began their own investigation.

Because of Dodson, the Terry family hopes to hear the truth about what happened to their son and the American public learned that senior Obama administration officials did nothing to stop guns from reaching an insurgency south of the border.

And what did Dodson get for telling the truth? In Phoenix he was isolated, marginalized and referred to as a “nut job,” “wing-nut” and “disgruntled,” according to sources.

In Washington, ATF command ordered that “Contact with Dodson was detrimental to any ATF career.”

Newell’s Attorney told Fox News that all of this was because “Dodson didn’t want to work weekends.”

Un. be. lievable. In Holder’s ATF, you’re a right-wing nut job  if you think handing over thousands of guns to Mexican drug lords to kill people with is a bad idea.

There are not words in the dictionary strong enough to convey the  scorn I have for lying, commie, rats like Newell et al.

Newtmentum!: New Rasmussen National Poll Has Gingrich Beating Obama 45% to 43%

A new poll just released by Rasmussen, has new Republican front-runner, Newt Gingrich leading Obama in a national poll  by two points:

The Newt Gingrich surge has moved him to the top of the polls in Iowa, big gains in New Hampshire and now a two-point edge over President Obama in a hypothetical general election match-up.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey of Likely Voters finds Gingrich attracting 45% of the vote while President Obama earns support from 43%. Six percent (6%) prefer some other candidate, and six percent (6%) are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

The poll was conducted on the 27th, a day before Cain’s latest bimbo erupted. 

Ben Domenech’s analysis of Republican options going forward in the wake of Herman Cain’s implosion is spot on:

Under the first scenario, Newt Gingrich thrives. He laps up Cain’s supporters, who favor him overwhelmingly and distrust Romney to an incredible degree. Caveat that it’s PPP, but these numbers are jarring.  Gingrich’s favorability is 73/21; Romney’s is 33/55. Overall, “Gingrich’s net favorability is 73 points better with Cain supporters than Romney’s.” This is borne out by just about every other poll out there.  And Erick Erickson was asking his Atlanta area Cain-backing listeners and found that three out of four shifting to Gingrich. This could, as Matt Lewis notes, be a huge factor in coalescing anti-Romney support.   Has anyone else noticed that Romney’s numbers have steadily dropped this month?  He’s actually averaging closer to 20% now than 25 – the last poll to have him at 25 was in the first week of November. Newt’s moving into a stronger position in New Hampshire now, unlike the other candidates who haven’t taken hold there.  He’s approaching 40 percent in South Carolina.  Romney’s inner circle knows this is dangerous, and it’s why they’re investing so heavily in Iowa now.  Rather than building a coalition, he’s looking more and more like a candidate with a very firm ceiling, and that means he needs an early knockout blow.

Under this scenario, if Gingrich wins Iowa and runs a strong second in New Hampshire, he will absolutely become the Not Mitt, and probably the nominee. The most amazing comeback in the modern era is fulfilled; Bill Clinton laughs; Dave Carney retires to fish in New Hampshire. The GOP base, disgusted with a field they view as unprepared to be president and unserious about policy, goes to the old guy they’d love to see tell Obama to get his shinebox in the debates. Popular sticker at the 2012 convention: “F— it: NEWT.”

Exactly what happened in my case. Read the rest of his post at  The Transom. Like I said – spot on.


RS McCain not counting out Cain, yet, takes into account the credibility of his accusers:

Despite all of the obituaries for the Cain campaign, then, what do we know about the three accusers whose names are public?

Everybody keeps saying there’s an awful lot of smoke for there to be no fire, but each of these women has something in her background that tends to taint her credibility. A month into this, and we have no actual proof that Cain did anything wrong.

Weasel Zippers: Allen West: It’s Time For Cain To “Move On”…

(The Hill) — Rep. Allen West (R-Fla.) said Wednesday he would advise Herman Cain to let voters “move on” from the distraction of his campaign.

Cain told his campaign this week it is time to “reassess” in light of the resurfacing of old sexual harassment allegations and new accusations this week that he carried on a 13-year affair.