Video: David Limbaugh Talks About “The Great Destroyer” on Hannity

Author David Limbaugh sat down with FNC’s Sean Hannity to discuss his newly released book “The Great Destroyer” which takes a critical look at President Obama’s Administration and his War on America.

Responding to Hannity’s question about what frightens him the most if Obama is reelected, he answered:

The things that he’s done even with a election pending, in six months or so are frightening, he’s still doubling down on his Keynesian spending on his debt, refusing to rein in the debt, refusing to give us a plan on entitlements, refusing to lead  the Senate to give us a budget after 1,100 or so days, I fear that he would do more administrative end-runs around Congress, more abuses of authority with his executive power and he would create even more debt — and we only have a 2-3 year window according to experts if you listen to what Paul Ryan says.

We’ve almost become numb to the daily outrages, he said, a point I’ve made a few times here at Nice Deb.

video via

At Townhall, Limbaugh writes:

“The Great Destroyer: Barack Obama’s War on the Republic,” picks up where my previous book “Crimes Against Liberty” left off, chronicling President Obama’s record since mid-2010, and it’s not pretty.

I firmly believe that Obama is heading this nation toward financial catastrophe, is greatly undermining our national defenses, the Constitution and the rule of law, is severely damaging our energy industry and our energy independence, is dangerously expanding government and smothering the private sector and small and large businesses, and is polarizing this nation in a way that we haven’t seen in many decades, along racial, gender and economic lines.

In wholesale breach of his 2008 campaign themes, he is zapping America of its optimism and hope, replacing those with despair and malaise. He is using his bully pulpit to turn the American dream on its head, demonizing success and glorifying government dependency.

Let’s hope and pray that enough Americans have tired of this ghastly charade of a Presidency enough to kick him to the curb, this November.


9 thoughts on “Video: David Limbaugh Talks About “The Great Destroyer” on Hannity

  1. Let us not forget that Boehner has aided and abetted Obama in escalating the debt during the past year+. Or that Boehner has aided and abetted Obama in obscuring the reality of Fast and Furious.
    Our government is supposed to have (requires) checks and balances. If we did, the damage Obama has done to the country would have been much less.


  2. All the establishment Republicans have aided and abetted Obama if not we would have Gingrich as the nominee. Romney is a liberal establishment Republican endorsed by those who want the status quo not the change needed to downsize federal power and protect religious freedom. I’m repulsed by their obvious need to ridicule and revile anyone who would change the status quo and school the American people and gain their support for the real changes needed.


  3. Pingback: (Rush…) The Great Destroyer by David Limbaugh… « CITIZEN.BLOGGER.1984+ GUNNY.G BLOG.EMAIL


    Nothing but Fear, smear and disinformation. If ever we needed a prime example of how the 2012 election is about the hatred of America’s first black President, Barack Obama, and not politics and issues that matter to most Americans, this certainly fits the bill.

    The Party of Hate (David Limbaugh, Uncle Tom Mychie Masshie, whatever the racist’s name is) is, like I said, pulling out all the stops. And it’s disgusting! I’ve noticed in the past. Supporters of Presidential nomintte usually persuade the public into voting for their man by talking about what good he would do. There is NOTHING like that for Mitt Romney. The racist right uses “Fear, Smear and Disinformation” or Character Assassination, as I have been calling it, for force people to vote for Mitt Romney.

    If you’ve been paying attention, the conservative base doesn’t like Romney that much. They call him “Obama Lite” meaning Romney is the same as Obama, except he is White and a Mormon (Not that there’s anything wrong with that)

    What IS wrong is the unfortunate fact that fear sells. But in the Age of Obama, it’s for like “Hate sells” from Rushie the racist’s brother, David Limbaugh writing a pathetic money-making lie about Obama, like every other conservative book writer. I’m desperate for money, but I’m not gonna lie about people I hate, but more importantly don’t know.

    Which brings me to Uncle Tom Mychal Massie. The hateful POS still has the galls to call for Obama’s impeachment, and just like him retarded racist commentators, for no reason other than they hate having a black man in the White House. This is an open and shut fact, that they stupidly deny while stupidly and ignorantly misread and misinterpreted the Laws of the land to use their obviously hateful racist tirade of Fear, Smear and Disinformation.

    Impeach Obama…FOR WHAT?!?!? He has not committed a crime. if you could provide examples of “high crimes and misdemeanors” that he has committed. Many other of my fellow supporters of the President asked this question and NEVER! NEVER! EVER! got an answer! just because you don’t like him

    For clear examples of impeachable offenses see Richard M. Nixon (Watergate break in and cover up) and Ronald Reagan (Iran Contra, subordinates went to trial but not Ron who pleaded ignorance).

    The facts are Obama is NOT impeached and has NOT done ANY impeachable offenses except one…being black in the White House.

    Evidence that Obama was born in Kenya…..None. He was born in Hawaii, USA!

    Evidence that Obama is a Muslim …… None. He is a Christian, which is more than I can say for the racist right

    Evidence that Obama is a Marxist ….None. Not a Communist or a Socialist.

    NO! and he’s not destroying America. He Got Bin Laden. (NOT KILLED) Got pirates. Killed more radical muslims than civilian killing Bush. Taking Iran to the mats. Withdrew from agreement when N Korea doubled back. Got us out of Iraq, honorable. Saved the country from financial ruin. Saved GM and Chrysler and a million American jobs. Got health coverage for 40 million Americans.
    The ‘Destroy Obama‘ game plan has been simple: Obstruct, disrespect and demonize the president — as un-American a.k.a “Not one of WHITE Us”.

    No president in the history of this country has suffered more dis-respect than Obama.

    When you call Obama un-American, a Communist” a Marxist, a Muslim, we all know you mean “ni&&er”!


  5. Questionman, you sound like a parody of a deranged, race obsessed left-wig drone – unable to think for yourself — reacting like a Pavlov’s dog to “dog whistles” that don’t exist outside of your own fevered imagination. It’s really sad.

    I’ve blogged here for five years now the evidence that Obama is a Marxist. He was raised by Communists, mentored by one, hung out with them as an adult, went to Socialist conferences, ran for State Senator on the Socialist “New Party ticket, and as President has rewarded communist/socialists with cabinet or “czar” positions. The evidence is manifest. Just do a little research instead of freaking out and screaming raaaaaacist at people who know more about it than you do.


  6. Pingback: Will Obama’s Personal Popularity Save Him From His Record? « CITIZEN.BLOGGER.1984+ GUNNY.G BLOG.EMAIL

  7. Pingback: ‘The Great Destroyer’: Obama ‘waging war’ on America « CITIZEN.BLOGGER.1984+ GUNNY.G BLOG.EMAIL

  8. Pingback: Obama’s Ludicrous Self- Portrait as a Budget Hawk – David Limbaugh – Townhall Conservative Columnists « Gds44's Blog

  9. Pingback: Is President Obama Intentionally ‘Destroying’ America? « RubinoWorld

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