House Judiciary Committee Hearing, Today: Holder on the Hotseat, Again

This morning at 9:30 a.m., the House Judiciary Committee is holding a hearing to question Attorney General Eric Holder on Operation Fast and Furious.

You can watch it live on CSPAN, here, the House Judiciary video webcast, here.

Issa set the stage for today’s hearing with a clear message to Holder: “Lead, follow or get out of the way.”

“When you’re attorney general, you don’t get to follow,” Issa added during an appearance on the Fox News Channel on Wednesday morning. “So [Holder needs to] lead or resign.”

On Tuesday, Issa announced that his committee had obtained evidence proving that senior Department of Justice officials approved the tactics used in Fast and Furious.

In a letter to Holder, Issa specifically said his committee has “obtained copies of six wiretap applications in support of seven wire intercepts utilized during Fast and Furious.” Those documents, he said, “show that immense detail about questionable investigative tactics was available to the senior officials who reviewed and authorized them.”

Issa explained that the documents prove that Holder and other Justice Department officials in the Obama administration provided false statements to Congress.

It’s sounds to me like these documents are about as close to a smoking gun Issa’s going to get in his investigation.

The DOJ’s #2 man, James Cole also made a false statement to congress – par for the course, apparently, for these folks:

Issa also told Holder in that letter that Deputy Attorney General James Cole — the DOJ’s No. 2 in command — made a false statement to Congress as recently as May 2012. “In a May 15, 2012 letter, the deputy attorney general reiterated the department’s position that the ‘inappropriate tactics used in Fast and Furious … were not initiated of authorized by department leadership in Washington.’”

“We now know that statement is false,” Issa said.

One hopes that eventually Democrats will find it impossible to continue circling the wagons around this manifestly corrupt Attorney General.
I expect to see  fireworks at this hearing.


3 thoughts on “House Judiciary Committee Hearing, Today: Holder on the Hotseat, Again

  1. Contempt of Congress and impeachment from office. The first for the DOJ officials who aren’t political appointees and the second for all of the politicals, starting at the top with Attorney-General Holder.


  2. It should be remembered that Andrew Breitbart, through Rep. Steve King, brought his meticulously researched investigative work on the Pigford scandal to Darrell Issa. He got the brush off. Issa wanted no part of it.


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