Video: Glenn Beck’s Explosive Interview With Charles Woods, Father of Slain Seal

The Blaze has a video and report up about the interview Glenn Beck did with the father of slain Navy Seal, Tyrone Woods.

This is truly eye popping stuff.

The father of one of the former Navy SEALs killed in the terrorist attack on the U.S. mission in Benghazi, Libya says President Barack Obama wouldn’t even look him in the eye and Vice President Joe Biden was disrespectful during the ceremony when his son’s body returned to America. He also says the White House’s story on the attack doesn’t pass the smell test.

Charles Woods, father of Tyrone Woods, called into “The Glenn Beck Program” on TheBlazeTV Thursday and recounted his interactions with the president, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Biden at the ceremony for the Libya victims at Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland. He told host Glenn Beck that what they told him, coupled with new reports that indicate the Obama administration knew very good and well, almost immediately, that a terrorist attack was occurring in Benghazi, make him certain that the American people are not getting the whole truth.

Vice President Biden, as he has become known to do, reportedly made a wildly inappropriate comment to the father who had just lost his hero son.

Woods said Biden came over to his family and asked in a “loud and boisterous” voice, “Did your son always have balls the size of cue balls?”

“Are these the words of someone who is sorry?” said Woods.

Are they even the words of someone who has any sense of decency or decorum?

That’s not even the worst of it.

Woods also described his brief encounter with the emotionless, limp fish “Commander in Chief” during the ceremony for the Libya victims.

“When he finally came over to where we were, I could tell that he was rather conflicted, a person who was not at peace with himself,” Woods said. “Shaking hands with him, quite frankly, was like shaking hands with a dead fish. His face was pointed towards me but he would not look me in the eye, his eyes were over my shoulder.”

“I could tell that he was not sorry,” he added. “He had no remorse.”

And Hillary’s comments were really the most egregious of all – because she promised Woods that the United States of America would exact vengeance on the guilty party who……created the YouTube video (?!)

After apologizing for his loss, Woods said Clinton told him that the U.S. would “make sure that the person who made that film is arrested and prosecuted.

They all need to be impeached.

The Blaze has the transcript of the statement Woods read on the air.


Poor Richard’s News: Fallen SEAL’s father: We need to find out who it was that gave the command “Don’t go rescue them”

Earlier in the day, Woods called into the Lars Larson Show and revealed many of the same startling details about the Obama administration’s response to the Benghazi terrorist attack.

Hat tip:  Brian B

Linked by Michelle Malkin, thanks!

18 thoughts on “Video: Glenn Beck’s Explosive Interview With Charles Woods, Father of Slain Seal

  1. The pathetic and amoral president of the United States has no regard for decency and decorum. Thanks for getting this story out.


  2. Pingback: Father of Slain SEAL in Benghazi: Who Decided Not to Save My Son? « The Foxhole

  3. Pingback: Glenn Beck Interviews Charles Woods – Father of Navy Seal Killed in Benghazi Attack | ZION'S TRUMPET

  4. I wonder how long Boehner will be able to delay any congressional hearing on this. Will President Romney be able to motivate him or will it be President Ryan?


  5. Pingback: Father of Slain SEAL: Who Made the Decision Not to Save My Son? « RubinoWorld

  6. Pingback: Larwyn’s Linx: Benghazi-Gate Boils Over: Evidence that Obama himself denied security | Preppers Universe

  7. As time goes by and more and more details emerge on this despicable incident the more I get infuriated over it.

    Yesterday Leon Panetta and Genral Dempsey held a news conference and said that the reason no one was sent in was that they didn’t know and couldn’t figure out what was happening on the ground in Benghanzi. We all now know that this isn’t true, just as when the SEALs hit the compound to take out bin laden, Agencies of the Government was watching it in real time. The testimony of Ms Lamb told us that the State Department was monitoring it in real time and most assuredly would’ve notified dozens of Agencies of the situation. The State Department, The National Military Command, The National Security Council, The FBI, The CIA are only a few who would’ve been notified and made aware of the situation.

    General Dempsey needs to be Courts Martialed on this and other civilian leaders need to be held accountable. This is a disgrace! When Panetta and Dempsey claimed that troops aren’t committed into a situation until they have information. . . .that is flat out BS. This was a “rescue mission”, Americans lives were at stake, the Consulate was under attack, and classified material was at risk, it was a very well known al-queda area. This should’ve been priority number ONE!

    This was not inserting the military into a bake sale or a meals on wheels situation, it was a rescue mission to save lives. To follow their reasoning Fireman or Police would never be sent into a emergency situation, but somehow the Military waits until the know what is going on before committing personnel. This was my career, I’m sickened and infuriated by this entire episode and the hits just keep on coming.


  8. Pingback: THE BLAZE by JASON HOWERTON « How Did We Get Here

  9. Pingback: Father of Slain SEAL: Who Made the Decision Not to Save My Son? « pundit from another planet

  10. Pingback: Fox News: CIA Operators requested help in Libya, were denied | The Thinking Americanist

  11. Pingback: Obama, Biden, and Clinton: A Real Class Act! – Patriot Warrior

  12. Pingback: Biden “Did Your Son Always Have Balls The Size Of Cue Balls?” « saneromeo

  13. Pingback: Joe Biden’s Tasteless Gaffe To Dead Navy SEAL’s Father – Red Alexandria

  14. Pingback: Appalling! Biden Asks Father Of Dead SEAL, “Did Your Son Always Have Balls The Size Of Cue Balls?” « RubinoWorld

  15. Pingback: Saturday Afternoon – Another Mini Version – Laundry Time , An Ol' Broad's Ramblings

  16. Pingback: Father Of Murdered Navy Seal in Benghazi, Recounts Days After Attack – Judge Jeanine Pirro « THE SURF REPORT

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