Charles Krauthammer at The NRI Summit (Video)

The National Review Institute held a conference in Washington DC, this weekend, where policy wonks and writers focused on the challenges facing conservatives.

Charles Krauthammer’s full hour of speaking and answering questions can be viewed at CSPAN. I enjoyed National Review editor, Rich Lowry’s introduction of the great man, especially his description of the nightly ritual  he shares with so many of us –  “I plan my life around 6:40 Eastern time to be in front of the TV to watch you on the Special Report panel.”

Here’s a short snippet from the question/answer period.  When asked who his favorite liberal columnist was, he answered, “David Brooks”  prompting chuckles from the audience.

He also talked at length about what he called the “open lawlessness” of the Obama administration, saying he was encouraged by the First Circuit’s ruling that threw out the  NRLB appointments.

More from the NRI Summit, this weekend:

The Corner: Ted Cruz’s Advice to GOP Lawmakers:

Texas senator Ted Cruz addressed the NRI Summit earlier today. Wearing a business suit and black cowboy boots, he had the podium removed from the stage so he could roam freely, and spoke without notes. In his remarks, Cruz offered guidance for his fellow GOP lawmakers. On his way out, I asked him to pass along some of that advice for National Review Online readers who couldn’t be here today, and about the role that the NRSC, of which he–along with Ohio senator Rob Portman– serves as vice chair, will play in the 2014 election.

The Daily Caller: Krauthammer: ‘Neoconservative’ is epithet used to disparage Jewish conservatives [VIDEO]

Hat tip: RD Brewer at AoSHQ.

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