Brit Hume: “The President Seems Prepared To Let The Public Suffer Almost As Much As Possible As Long As He Can Blame Somebody Else”

FOX News senior political analyst Brit Hume has been making this crucial and very disturbing point for over a week: Obama is prepared to let Americans suffer needlessly as long as he can blame the GOP and and score propaganda points for Democrats.

Appearing on The O’Reilly Factor, last night, he called  Obama’s lack of leadership during the fights over the sequestration cuts,  “very unusual” which is putting it mildly.

Video via Charlie Spiering of the DC Examiner: Brit Hume: President Obama needs to ‘put his big boy pants on’:

Over at Big Journalism, John Nolte sayss that Obama’s blame game has backfired:

Thirty-eight percent of Americans place more blame on the Republicans in Congress for the failure, while 33 percent blame President Obama and the Democrats in Congress more. Nineteen percent volunteer that they blame both sides.

When you add up those numbers, you discover that 52% of Americans blame Obama for sequester, while 57% blame the GOP. In other words, all that campaigning and water-carrying by the media did next to nothing to help Obama. More than half the country blames Obama, and he’s only polling a measly 5% better than the GOP.

That’s what you call a backfire.

I would frankly need to see more Americans blaming  Obama than Republicans before I would call it a backfire, but given the fact that most of the MSM aided and abetted Obama in his hyper, weeks long, sequester blame game campaign, I would  agree that it was a narrative fail. It was certainly not everything the Regime had hoped for, thanks to a few brave journalists – Bob Woodward – first and foremost among them, who dared to speak the truth.

Meanwhile, Obama’s enablers apparently consider themselves Marvel comics superheroes when they rush to their boyfriend’s defense every time he’s criticized….

John Sexton at The Conversation introduces us to  The Progressive Left’s Marvel Team-Up Act:

Over the weekend, Bill Keller had the temerity to assign some blame for the sequester to President Obama. Within a day, the left’s commentariat had settled the issue in Obama’s favor, each linking to the other and repeating the claim that Keller was all wrong. Over at the Huffington Post, Jason Linkins summarized this group effort as a “Marvel team-up”:

It takes a Marvel team-up of three different reporters, from three different news organizations, to perform this elementary act of real-keeping. Meanwhile, Bill Keller can, in one column, undo the work of Harwood, his New York Times colleague.

Linkins actually mentions four reporters at three different news organizations, though three of the four–Klein, Sargent and Chait–are progressives who can reliably be counted on to side with the President. As far as a takedowns go, “Three Like-Minded Progressives Defend Obama” isn’t exactly red letter stuff, even if you throw in a tweet from a NY times reporter.

My response to that, here.



The Conversation: USDA Email: Don’t Contradict Us on Sequester’s Impact


The Conversation: Gohmert: No Federal Funds to Transport Obama to/from Golf Courses Until WH Tours Resume



4 thoughts on “Brit Hume: “The President Seems Prepared To Let The Public Suffer Almost As Much As Possible As Long As He Can Blame Somebody Else”

  1. Thank goodness for journalists like Bob Woodward who won’t allow Obama or his cohorts intimidate them into shutting up. It’s outrageous that he’s been accused of embellishing the “regret” aide story. The bottom line is the sequester was his majesty’s idea and he doesn’t think twice about throwing us all under the bus so he can continue to throw his blame game tantrum against the Republicans. More Americans need to see this administration for the well oiled propaganda machine that it is.


  2. Pingback: House Investigators Obtain ICE Document Showing Regime Plans To Release 5,000 Illegal Immigrant Detainees | Nice Deb

  3. “The President Seems Prepared To Let The Public Suffer Almost As Much As Possible As Long As He Can Blame Somebody Else”. Talk about a bulls eye. Brit scored a full court swisher.


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