Frank Gaffney: Is North Korea Planning to Launch EMP Attack? (Video)

Frank Gaffney of The Center for Security Policy appeared on CNBC’s Kudlow Report, last night, to discuss North Korea.

Amid heightened tensions on the Korean peninsula, the North Korean government told foreign governments to leave South Korean territory for their safety. Today, Kim Jong Un’s government may launch missiles in a provocative test. Gaffney points out that Obama’s actions and rhetoric toward American nuclear disarmament is dangerous, and has contributed to North Korea’s aggressiveness. In addition, what’s the possibility of North Korea’s use of Electromagnetic Pulse attack?

Gaffney noted that one of the things he was most concerned about was the missile the Norks launched back in December that put a small satellite up into space and has a track that’s going to put it over the United States over the next week. This satellite, Gaffney worried, could be an EMP weapon, acquired from Russia, that they could decide to detonate over the United States’ electrical grid.

2 thoughts on “Frank Gaffney: Is North Korea Planning to Launch EMP Attack? (Video)

  1. Pingback: America In Danger: Nation Unprepared For An EMP Attack

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