Saturday Movie Matinee: Kerry Vacations Through Egyptian Coup

You should all know the story, by now. On July 3rd, while President Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood Regime in Egypt were in the process of being overthrown – (an action, the Obama administration was actively frowning upon) –  Sec of State John Kerry was seen on his yacht enjoying some pre-holiday R & R. A CBS reporter saw him, took a pic of the boat, and tweeted it out, much to the interest of Americans who think a Secretary of State should be a little more engaged in official State business while major world events are taking place. The State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki categorically denied that Kerry spent any time on his boat on Wednesday. By Friday, State  retracted their denial as CBS had refused to retract their story, and the reports and pictures had gone viral. (Hey, it ain’t the 2012 election, any more, Psaki – the lapdogs no longer *always* heel at the Regime’s command.) Kerry was then seen and photographed on his boat again on Friday.

As I asked, last week – at what point are the American people going to get sick and tired of the Regime’s constant,  ‘in your face’ lies?

Sick of this, yet, America? They only do it because they can.

Newsy:Secretary Of State John Kerry Was ‘Briefly On His Boat’ During Egypt Conflict:

Charlie Spiering: John Kerry rap: I’m on a boat:

Inspired by T-Pain and Andy Sandberg – Secretary of State John Kerry is enjoying life on his boat.

Here’s a blog round-up of stories on Yacht-gate:

The Conversation: State Dept Denial That John Kerry Was On His Boat Was Completely Innacurate

Townhall: Busted: Secretary of State John Kerry Was Boating While Egypt Fell Apart STATE DEPT: OOPS, WE LIED, KERRY WAS YACHTING DURING EGYPT COUP

Weasel Zippers: Where In The World Was John Kerry?… Update: State Dept Forced To Admit They Weren’t Telling Truth…Update: On The Boat Again Today, No Doubt, “Briefly”…Update: CBS Told State They Had Pic Of Kerry, Yet State Still Denied

Hot Air: State Department: Yeah, despite our denial, Kerry was on his yacht during Egypt upheaval

Twitchy: Shiver their timbers! State Dept.backtracks, admits Kerry ‘was …

Twitchy:  Hey, any guesses where John Kerry is ‘briefly’ today? [photo]

Twitchy: ‘Ketchup in the Rye’: Kerry’s failboat folly leads to hilarious #JohnKerryYachtNames hashtag

Twitchy: Kerry on: Twitter goes fishing for new #StateDeptMotto

Twitchy: Sarah Palin: John Kerry’s yacht cover-up worse than the ‘crime’


Krauthammer Liberals Who Now Support Surveillance Need To Apologize To Bush:

Obama’s Awkward, Luke-warm Attempt at Sounding Patriotic on the 4th of July…

Via Independent Journal Review:

President Obama stumbled through a “patriotic” speech on the Fourth of July, reading verbatim a text on America’s improbable experiment in “democracy” in a staccato and droll tone.

Surrounding him was a dour cast of stoic figures — save for First Lady Michelle Obama, who broke into “slow applause” mode when her husband called America “the greatest nation on earth” while a smattering of hand-clapping accompanied her.

See Also: Motus: Grab a Mop: We’ve Created Quite a Mess Here:

 The sequester cutbacks forced us to close the Big White to tours for school kids and people from flyover states. Butt thankfully we found enough money in the budget to host our annual Fourth of July party, concert and fireworks display in honor of Wee Won One’s 15th birthday party.
In order to avoid partisan criticism, we had to invite 1200 members of the military and their families to celebrate America’s 237th birthday along with WWO’s 15th.

Fortunately we have now perfected the art of doing our photo ops in 10 minutes or less.

Here’s GW Bush, who was heckled (No doubt by left-wing Obama supporters) throughout his 2008 4th of July speech in front of Monticello to immigrants who had recently become citizens, sounding warmer, and more heart-felt than Obama could ever dream of being. And his audience didn’t need to be prompted to applaud.

GW Bush again with a 4th of July speech he used as a 2004 campaign ad:

Pajamas Media: Afterburner with Bill Whittle: Dependence Day:

Bill Whittle thinks that the Freedom of Speech is in peril, and so is the Freedom of Religion. Hear why on this Afterburner as Whittle reminds you of the importance of our most important civil liberties, and how each is threatened by the expanding welfare state.

CBN: Pakistan Taliban Kills 10 Foreign Mountain Climbers:

PJTV:  TRIFECTA – Jihadists Execute Sisters and Mother for Dancing in the Rain:

EDL – Pat Condell – Our Crippling Fear of the Truth about Islam:


Weasel Zippers: Egypt: Christian Priest Gunned Down By Islamists…

Weasel Zippers: Nigerian Jihadists Massacre 30 During Attack On School, Students Burned Alive…

Kerry Picket, The Conversation: Morsi Supporters Throw Teens Off Building in Alexandria

Facebook: MUST WATCH MESSAGE TO OBAMA From an Egyptian

3 thoughts on “Saturday Movie Matinee: Kerry Vacations Through Egyptian Coup

  1. Pingback: Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire! | Aewl's Abode

  2. Hey at least they can say that the situation in Egypt with Morsi warranted a National Security Council Meeting in the Situation Room. That’s more than the CIA compound at Benghazi with some where between 90-100 Americans were holed up and came under attack got. Where four Americans were left high and dry waiting for support to come, who paid the ultimate price. . . . with their lives. Including the Presidents very own representative, Ambassador Christopher Stevens.

    Hanoi John was only doing what he knows best. . . . . “Swift Boating”! He has been practicing it for decades now, ever since ‘Nam. BOLO warning for his application for a Medal in the next week . . . . “The Egyptian Coup De’tat Service Medal While Swift Boating”.


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