Pirro Tears Into Rolling Stone For Boston Bomber Glamour-Boy Cover (Video)

Judge Jeanine Pirro took aim at the Rolling Stone on her show, tonight, slamming them for their obscene and inexcusable glamorization of Boston bomber,  Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, who also received a severe tongue lashing from the Fox host.

Apparently, the New York Times tried to argue that the writer was just describing how a normal American kid could go wrong.

But Pirro said she  read the article twice, and came away “with no explanation as to why he went wrong”.

“Maybe he’s a terrorist because he wants to be a terrorist. Because he chose to be a terrorist…Or maybe he was raised by good ‘ol Jihadi mom to be a terrorist….or maybe he’s just plain evil, like the devil!” Pirro exclaimed.

When it comes down to it, “I really don’t give a damn,” she said, and then she proceeded to explain why.

She concluded, “Dzhokhar…you’re not the one in pain, you’re not a rock star – you’re not a cover boy…you’re a damn terrorist, the spawn of Satan who should go directly to hell, sooner rather than later!”

Via Mass Tea Party

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