Saturday Movie Matinee: Sarah Palin Blasts Obama And The GOP Establishment

Twitchy: Sarah Palin DESTROYS Obama and his ‘Phony Scandals’ Speech on Fox News – 7/26/2013:

Former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin told Greta Van Susteren Friday that “elites” in the Republican Party banned her from mentioning Barack Obama’s decades-long association with the radical Rev. Jeremiah Wright during the 2008 campaign for fear of a media backlash. Also off the table was any talk about Weather Underground bomber Bill Ayers, in whose living room Obama launched his political career.

Via White House Dossier: Weiner Confronted by the Real Carlos Danger:

A funny compilation of Weiner reactions.

Flashback: Hating Breitbart Anthony Weiner Excerpt:

Filthy Filner Apologizes for being a serial groper who has sought professional help. 

This one’s notable because it’s been out there for two weeks – while the MSM was ignoring this “local” scandal.

Now that the Dems in California have finally voted to condemn Filner and have asked him to resign – it’s safe to report on him, now – as Ace predicted, on Twitter..

The media will deign to report on this if/when the Democratic Party cuts him loose… but they will not report that a serial groper…..

is currently being SUPPORTED by the Democrats. That would undermine the narrative they’ve cooked up with the DNC.

The story will read, “Democrats bravely take stance against one of their own.”

Via iOWNTHEWORLD: Anti-Hillary Clinton group releases first video:

Why are cities in Texas thriving while Detroit is going bankrupt? Find out as Trifecta tells you how unions and liberalism set the stage for the nation’s largest municipal bankruptcy.

TRIFECTA – Detroit Bankruptcy: How Liberalism & Unions Bankrupted the Motor City (Part 2):

Trifecta continues its examination of the Detroit bankruptcy. Why did New York City rise from the ashes of fiscal mismanagement, while a city like Detroit got thrust into bankruptcy? Find out.

PJTV: Rolling Stone Hits a New Low by Glorifying the Boston Bomber:

And now for something completely different:

Man reunites with Gorilla he raised as his son  VIDEO:

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